Page 22 - MIN TTC 31 JULY 2015
P. 22

                                                                                                                                                                      Friday 31 July 2015

RBC’s Art Rules Aruba Hosts an Open House for Sponsors and Partners

ORANJESTAD -- Art Rules      Over the course of the       60 international artists and
Aruba unfolding at the       last six years, the program  teachers from around
Rietveld Art academy         has seen more than 700       the world to the Island to
on Wilhelminastreet, now     young aspiring artists, all  teach art in several dis-
in its second week, re-      local teenagers between      ciplines. Starting with 6
ceived sponsors, partners    the ages of 13 and 26,       disciplines five years ago,
and supporters for a cour-   who possess a passion for    Art Rules Aruba has since
tesy visit, showcasing the   the Arts and the will to     grown and evolved into a
artistic accomplishments     develop personal talents.    Masters’ Edition for 2015.
of the students enrolled     Since 2010, Art Rules Aru-
in educational programs      ba has brought more than        Continued on Page 16
such as: Creative Writing,
Creative Media, Dance,
Theater, Music & Perfor-
mance, DJ and Culinary
Arts. The Open House was
sponsored by Starbucks
coffee, providing the free-
of-charge refreshments.
RBC Royal Bank’s Art
Rules Aruba Kicked off this
year’s Masters’ Edition on
Monday, July 20th, wel-
coming more than one
hundred local students,
determined to pursue a
professional art educa-
tion, and a consequent
career in the arts!
In 2010, The Pancake Gal-
lery Foundation, with twin
sisters Ira and Ayra Kip at
the helm, started offering
the educational Art pro-
gram during the summer
months. That same pro-
gram, is now celebrating
its 6th anniversary here
and its second anniversary
on the neighboring island
of Curacao.
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