Page 12 - MIN TTC 9 NOV 2015
P. 12

                                                                                                              Monday 9 November 2015

Loyal Families Honored at the Marriott Surf Club

PALM BEACH - Recently         consecutive years.        Aruba very much because      the Surf Club is like being  Tourism Authority together
the Aruba Tourism Author-     The honorees were Mr.     of the friendly people, the  home for them.               with Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt
ity had the great plea-       Jonathan and Mrs. Lau-    climate, beaches, restau-    The certificates were pre-   and General Manager
sure of honoring two very     ren Rabinowitz and their  rants, relaxation and being  sented by Mr. Ernest Giel    Joop Bangma representing
nice families whom are        children Samantha and     on Aruba and staying at      representing the Aruba       the Marriott Surf Club.q
loyal and friendly visitors   Benjamin Rabinowitz of
of Aruba, at the Marriott     Metuchen, New Jersey,
Surf Club as Distinguished    and Mrs. Shari Feinstein
visitors. The symbolic hon-   and her sons Andrew
orary titles are presented    and Matthew Feinstein of
in the name of the Minis-     Montville, New Jersey.
ter of Tourism as a token     Both families are loyal
of appreciation to guests     members of the Marriott
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19  Surf Club and they love
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