Page 6 - MIN ON 9 NOV 2015
P. 6

                                                                                                                  Monday 9 November 2015

Queen Leads Britain in Annual Service Honoring War Dead 

SYLVIA HUI                     in subsequent conflicts, in-    Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, 2nd right, and the Duke of Edinburgh, right, stand with the Nether-
Associated Press               cluding World War II, Iraq      lands’ King Willem-Alexander and his wife Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, left, in the Foreign &
LONDON (AP) — Across           and Afghanistan.                Commonwealth Office, central London, prior to attending the Cenotaph Remembrance Service,
Britain, people paused for     The queen laid the first        Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015, in tribute for members of the armed forces who have died in major conflicts.
a moment’s silent reflec-      wreath of red poppies — a
tion Sunday to remember        potent symbol of WWI and                                                                                                            (Jonathan Brady/PA via AP)
the country’s war dead as      remembrance throughout
Queen Elizabeth II led an      the Commonwealth and
annual service in the capi-    many other countries — at
tal.                           the foot of the monument.
The monarch was joined         She was followed by King
by other royals, senior poli-  Willem-Alexander of the
ticians, and hundreds of       Netherlands, who was in-
veterans and well-wishers      vited to the event by the
who filled the streets of      queen this year to mark
Whitehall for the solemn       the 70th anniversary of the
ceremony, held every No-       liberation of his country fol-
vember at the Cenotaph         lowing the end of WWII.
war memorial.                  Prince Philip, the queen’s
A hush fell over central       husband — and Princes
London as Big Ben struck 11    William, Harry and Andrew,
a.m., with all those attend-   who have all served in the
ing — as well as millions      armed forces — all paid
up and down the country        their respects.
— observing two minutes’       Afterward, veterans pa-
silence. The service takes     raded down the streets as
place every year on the        military bands played.
11th hour on the nearest       This year, organizers say
Sunday to the anniversary      the service was slightly
of the end of World War I      shorter than in previous
on Nov. 11, 1918.              years so that elderly veter-
The day now also pays          ans do not have to stand
tribute to all those fallen    for as long.q

German coalition sends conflicting
signals on Syrian asylum initiative

GEIR MOULSON                   cism, he shelved the idea
Associated Press               hours later.
BERLIN (AP) — Senior mem-      Merkel’s chief of staff, Pe-
bers of German Chancellor      ter Altmaier, made clear
Angela Merkel’s coalition      he wasn’t informed that
sent conflicting signals on    the initiative had been
Sunday over a shelved ini-     launched.
tiative by the interior min-   It remains unclear why the
ister to give many Syrians     conservative de Maiziere’s
restricted asylum, setting     ministry made an appar-
off a new round of govern-     ent solo decision which
ment squabbling.               angered members of Vice
Interior Minister Thomas de    Chancellor Sigmar Gabri-
Maiziere appeared to sur-      el’s center-left Social Dem-
prise the coalition when he    ocrats.
said Friday that many Syr-     The minister’s announce-
ians should get “subsidiary    ment came only a day
protection,” which comes       after Merkel’s coalition
with only a one-year re-       ended a damaging, week-
newable residence permit       slong argument over how
and wouldn’t allow them        to speed up processing of
to bring relatives to Germa-   migrants with poor asylum
ny for two years. Amid criti-  prospects.q
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