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Friday From
January 31, 2020 aspiring
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper Page 13
UN agency declares global
emergency over virus from China
By M. CHENG/J. KEATEN cases of the new virus in late De-
Associated Press cember.
GENEVA (AP) — The World To date, China has reported
Health Organization declared more than 7,800 cases including
the outbreak sparked by a new 170 deaths.
virus in China that has been ex- Experts say there is significant
ported to more than a dozen evidence the virus is spread-
countries as a global emergen- ing among people in China
cy Thursday after the number of and have noted with concern
cases spiked more than tenfold instances in other countries —
in a week. including the United States,
The U.N. health agency defines France, Japan, Germany, Can-
an international emergency as ada and Vietnam — where
an "extraordinary event" that there have also been isolated
constitutes a risk to other coun- cases of human-to-human trans-
tries and requires a coordinated mission. Funeral workers disinfect themselves after handling a virus victim in Wuhan in central
international response. China's Hubei Province, Thursday, Jan. 30, 2020.
China first informed WHO about Continued on Page 6 Associated Press