Page 15 - FLIP ATA 181214
P. 15
Thursday 18 December 2014
At the Aruba Ritz-Carlton Hotel;
Hanukkah Celebrations Begin with Official Lighting of the Menorah
PALM BEACH – Jews are
celebrating the eight-day
festival of Hanukkah with
traditions that commemo-
rate ancient miracles and
symbolize triumph over
oppression. The holiday
began after sundown this
week Tuesday with fami-
lies gathering to light the
first nightly candle of cer-
emonial lamps and to ex-
change gifts.
The official lightning of the
Menorah on Aruba was
celebrated Tuesday night
in the luxurious lobby of the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The cer-
emony was led by Rabbi
Ahron Blasberg, residing
on the island, and the first
candle was officially lit at
6:30pm by Mr. Sam Bradin, emony, sang along and
who himself is a Holocaust took the time to be togeth-
survivor. er for this special celebra-
Many families, both local tion. Hanukkah, also known
and visitors from abroad, as the festival of lights,
attended this beautiful cer- commemorates the Jewish
uprising in the second cen- in Jerusalem, one vial of
tury B.C. against the Greek- oil, enough for one day,
Syrian kingdom — which burned for eight.
tried to force its culture on Oily foods like fried potato
Jews and desecrated the pancakes or doughnuts
Jewish Temple in Jerusa- are eaten in commemo-
lem. The holiday lasts eight ration. In Israel, some dis-
days because, according play the lamps in special
to tradition, when the Jews windproof glass boxes
rededicated the Temple outside.q
Thursday 18 December 2014
At the Aruba Ritz-Carlton Hotel;
Hanukkah Celebrations Begin with Official Lighting of the Menorah
PALM BEACH – Jews are
celebrating the eight-day
festival of Hanukkah with
traditions that commemo-
rate ancient miracles and
symbolize triumph over
oppression. The holiday
began after sundown this
week Tuesday with fami-
lies gathering to light the
first nightly candle of cer-
emonial lamps and to ex-
change gifts.
The official lightning of the
Menorah on Aruba was
celebrated Tuesday night
in the luxurious lobby of the
Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The cer-
emony was led by Rabbi
Ahron Blasberg, residing
on the island, and the first
candle was officially lit at
6:30pm by Mr. Sam Bradin, emony, sang along and
who himself is a Holocaust took the time to be togeth-
survivor. er for this special celebra-
Many families, both local tion. Hanukkah, also known
and visitors from abroad, as the festival of lights,
attended this beautiful cer- commemorates the Jewish
uprising in the second cen- in Jerusalem, one vial of
tury B.C. against the Greek- oil, enough for one day,
Syrian kingdom — which burned for eight.
tried to force its culture on Oily foods like fried potato
Jews and desecrated the pancakes or doughnuts
Jewish Temple in Jerusa- are eaten in commemo-
lem. The holiday lasts eight ration. In Israel, some dis-
days because, according play the lamps in special
to tradition, when the Jews windproof glass boxes
rededicated the Temple outside.q