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Monday 8 January 2018
It’s Carnival! Events Dates
January 2018
-January 06 – Torch Parade in Oranjestad – 8:00 PM
-January 14 – Balloon Parade in San Nicolas – 2:00 PM
-January 19 – Children & Youth Queen Election – Entertainment Center – 7:00 PM
-January 20 – Tumba Contest – Aruba Entertainment center – 8:00 PM
-January 21 – Children Calypso & Road March Contest – Carnival Village – 6:00 PM
-January 22 – Pre Finals Caiso & Soca Monarch – Carnival Village – 7:00 PM
-January 26 – Carnival Queen & Mrs. Carnival Election – in Oranjestad – 7:00 PM
-January 27 – Children’s Parade in Noord – 2:00 PM
-January 27 – Final Caiso & Soca Monarch – Carnival Village – 7:00 PM
-January 28 – Transfer of command – Government Main Office – 10:00 AM
-January 28 – Grand Children’s Carnival Parade in Oranjestad – 2:00 PM
February 2018
-February 01 – Hebbe Hebbe Fest – Parking lot Post Office Oranjestad – 8:00 PM
-February 03 – Jouvert Morning & Pyjama Party in San Nicolas – 4:00 am
ORANJESTAD - The streets white-sanded beaches -February 03 – Aruba’s Grand Lighting Parade in Oranjestad – 8:00 PM
of Oranjestad were filled and perfect climate, but -February 04 – Grand Children’s Parade in San Nicolas – 2:00 PM
with lights last Saturday there is one time in the -February 04 – Burning of Momito at Carnival Village in San Nicolas – 7:30 PM
night. The official opening year that Aruba draws -February 08 – Lighting Parade in San Nicolas – 8:00 PM
of the carnival season took thousands of visitors: car- -February 10 – Grand Carnival Parade in San Nicolas – 12:00 AM
off with the Torch Parade. nival. If you have never -February 11 – 64th Grand Carnival Parade in Oranjestad – 12:00 AM
9 carnival groups partici- been here before, come in -February 11 – Burning of King Momo (ending of Grand Parade) 7:30 PM
pated, each with their own carnival season as your ex-
theme in outfit. The Torch perience will be amazing.
Parade is an easy going Sensational musical events, creativity and break away are being carefully inspect-
parade where the cos- queen elections and differ- from the daily buzz of life. ed before they are allowed
tumes are mostly decorat- ent parades are all part of Dancing to the rhythm of to participate as well as the
ed T-shirts in certain colors. this spectacular phenom- local music while enjoying vehicles that pull them. Af-
But…. This is just a warming enon. Carnival is part of the ambiance of the public ter each parade the streets
up for the most colorful, Aruba’s history and cultural are some of the ingredients are being cleaned and
creative, inspiring parades heritage; actually it is the of this festival. road blocks are being tak-
that are to come. largest cultural festival on Oranjestad and San Nico- en away so next day nor-
the island. For the islanders las are the stages for this mal traffic flow occurs. The
The island is known for its it is a way to express their display of unique designed several organizations and
costumes, amazing ambi- institutions work together
ence and upbeat, local with the official carnival or-
music. The festival is for ev- ganization SMAC.
erybody accessible and
safe to visit. Behind the History
screens there is an enor- In the 1920’s the first carni-
mous organization that val events were organized
makes sure that this festival by social clubs that started
runs smoothly. The police, private costume and mas-
inspection department, querade parties. This year
Red Cross volunteers, gar- we celebrate Aruba’s 64th
bage service and many carnival, which means that
others work day and night the first grand parade took
to make sure that carnival place in 1955. Since then
is a success. All the trailers Aruba’s carnival has grown
big and is now able to
stand shoulder to shoulder
with the most renowned
Carnival celebrations
around the world. Aruba
Today has put the coming
carnival events for you in a
For more information you
can visit Facebook page
SMAC, the official carnival