Page 23 - ttc nov 4,2015
P. 23
LOCALWednesday 4 November
November 6, 7 and 8:
Local and International Bands Ready for Aruba Reggae Festival
SAN NICOLAS - This year was not only singing but be make a guest appear-
the festival will take place also entertaining as an MC ances on stage as an MC
at the Carnival Village and and a DJ. at the Aruba Reggae Fes-
will host a variety of local In his career as a MC he tival and meeting the art-
and international artist such has presented the BVI Mu- ist that will perform there,
as Protoje and Jah 9 as well sic Fest for 7 consecutive As he believes in unity,in
as 8 local bands. years, 12 years the St. Kitts St. Croix he works together
During the festival there will Festival and more than 300 to promote the music with
be a few guest appearanc- shows and festivals in the and for all local & Interna-
es one of Miri an artist from USA, St. Martin, Anguilla, St. tional artist such as Midnite,
the British Virgin Islands. She Kitts, St. John, St. Thomas, and Chronixx who are from
is one of the two female Tortola and Virgin Gorda. St. Croix as well.
artists in the Caribbean This week during weekly Buy your ticket early; do not
who wrote, composed and hosting of the TV Show “En- miss this spectacular show
produced her own albums. tertainment report” and on 6,7,and 8 of November
She is a well-known Soca Radio show “WAXJ-103.5 2015 for more information
artist in the Caribbean who da Reef he mentioned visit
due to her loves for reggae that is looking forward to arubareggaefest q
music for a while now also
produces reggae music.
Miri comes from a musical
family that together forms
the band “Final Faze”
In her professional career
as artist she and her band
has performed togeth-
er with Third World, Steel
Pulse, Stevie Wonder, Mor-
gan Heritage, Freddy Mc.
Gregor, Khago, Problem
Child, Bunji Garlin, Caple-
ton and Romain Virgo and
multiple others .
This month her solo artist
songs “In my Life” and “All
we need” came out which
she will sing during the festi-
val as well.
Miri is as she explained “Su-
per excited” to perform at
the Aruba Reggae Festival
in Aruba. The second guest
appearance will be MC
“Bogle” from St. Kitts resid-
ing in St. Croix, USVI. He is
known in the Caribbean for
his unique way of entertain-
ing the public.
He started as a singer at a
young age and soon found
out that he was multi tal-
ented and that his passion