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                Thursday 1 december 2022
                                                                      Holiday survival tips from 5 financial pros

                                                                      By KIMBERLY PALMER
                                                                      of NerdWallet
                                                                      For  Ryan  Decker,  surviving
                                                                      the  holiday  shopping  sea-
                                                                      son  is  all  about  planning
                                                                      ahead. In fact, if he sees a
                                                                      gift for one of his two young
                                                                      sons  in  March,  he’ll  go
                                                                      ahead and buy it, instead
                                                                      of rushing through his shop-
                                                                      ping list in December.
                                                                      “It  very  much  eases  the
                                                                      burden,”  he  says,  making
                                                                      his  December  bills  more   In this Nov. 30, 2020 file photo, a shopper walks by a holiday
                                                                      manageable        because    window display in New York.
                                                                      he  spreads  holiday  costs                                          Associated Press
                                                                      throughout the year.         debt,  Whelan  says.  “One   to give coupons for in-kind
                                                                      Decker,  a  certified  finan-  of the ways we can use our   gifts instead of things. Kids
                                                                      cial  planner  and  director  limited  resources  to  maxi-  can give a card for walking
                                                                      of the Center for Financial  mize  our  happiness  is  to   the  dog  or  other  chores,
                                                                      Literacy  at  North  Central  pay  now,  rather  than  get   cooking dinner for the fam-
                                                                      College  in  Naperville,  Illi-  socked  with  a  credit  card   ily, even if it’s just pasta or
                                                                      nois, says that without that  bill  in  February,  which  un-  babysitting. It trains kids to
                                                                      kind of advance planning,  dermines our financial and     think  about  other  people
                                                                      the  costs  this  time  of  year  emotional well-being.”  rather  than  just  buy  their
                                                                      can  quickly  overwhelm  GIVE (AND RECEIVE) MORE          way out of a gift.”
                                                                      budgets.  “Inflation  is  eat-  CREATIVE GIFTS            THINK  BEYOND  THE  HOLI-
                                                                      ing  away  at  our  purchase  Jerry   Graham,   Atlanta-  DAY SEASON
                                                                      power, so once you throw  based  co-founder  of  the      The  holiday  season  is  the
                                                                      in the holiday season, it’s a  website,   perfect  time  to  make  fi-
                                                                      very stressful time.”        mentioned  to  his  brother   nancial  plans  for  the  up-
                                                                      Financial  educators  like  that  he’d  prefer  a  hand-  coming  year,  says  Bruce
                                                                      Decker are often busy dur-   made  gift  this  year.  “He   McClary,   spokesperson
                                                                      ing  the  holiday  shopping  is  so  talented  at  art  and   for  the  National  Founda-
                                                                      season,  sharing  tips  with  woodworking,  I  told  him  I   tion  for  Credit  Counseling.
                                                                      their audiences about how  would  appreciate  a  cut-     “Right now, I’m putting to-
                                                                      to  avoid  debt  and  save  ting  board  or  something.   gether a rough outline of fi-
                                                                      money while still being fes-  A  DIY  gift  is  more  memo-  nancial goals and priorities
                                                                      tive. We asked five of them  rable and comes from the     for 2023,” he says. Focusing
                                                                      how  they  personally  navi-  heart,”  he  says.  It  can  of-  on  things  like  travel  plans
                                                                      gate  the  season  with  their  ten save money, too, and   or  savings  goals  helps  put
                                                                      finances intact.             Graham  knows  his  brother   holiday  expenses  in  per-
                                                                      MAKE A LIST AND STICK TO  is  on  a  budget.  Similarly,   spective.  “You  can  tune
                                                                      IT                           Felipe Arevalo, community    out a lot of the advertising
                                                                      “I  know  I’m  going  to  be  outreach  coordinator  for   and  emails  related  to  the
                                                                      setting a budget so I don’t  the  San  Diego  Financial   sales,” he says, and instead
                                                                      suffer  after  the  holidays,”  Literacy  Center,  collects   zero in on what’s most im-
                                                                      says Christine Whelan, clini-  family  photos  throughout   portant to you.
                                                                      cal  professor  of  consumer  the  year,  then,  as  soon  as   One  of  the  biggest  ob-
                                                                      science  at  the  University  he sees a promo code pop    stacles to achieving finan-
                                                                      of  Wisconsin-Madison.  She  up,  creates  a  photo  cal-  cial goals is debt, which is
                                                                      makes  a  list  of  those  she  endar for family members.   easy to accrue during the
                                                                      needs  to  buy  gifts  for  and  Not only does it save mon-  holiday season. In fact, the
                                                                      assigns a spending cap for  ey,  but  it  also  helps  family   2022 Holiday Shopping Re-
                                                                      each person’s gift.          members stay in touch and    port from NerdWallet found
                                                                      Part of that strategy means  see  how  his  sons,  ages  4   that almost one-third of last
                                                                      limiting  purchases  to  what  and 9, are growing.        year’s  holiday  shoppers
                                                                      she  can  comfortably  af-   The  DIY  strategy  also  ap-  who used a credit card to
                                                                      ford out of savings instead  plies  to  kids.  Says  Whelan:   buy gifts (31%) are still pay-
                                                                      of  turning  to  credit  card  “I’m  encouraging  my  kids   ing off their credit card bal-
                                                                                                                                Given  the  current  eco-
                                                                                                                                nomic  climate  and  rising
                                                                                                                                interest   rates,   McClary
                                                                                                                                says,  “It’s  probably  a  bet-
                                                                                                                                ter idea than ever to avoid
                                                                                                                                relying  on  loans  and  lines
                                                                                                                                of credit to get through the
                                                                                                                                holiday season, and to be
                                                                                                                                as  resourceful  as  possible
                                                                                                                                about how you spend the
                                                                                                                                money you have.” q
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