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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 1 december 2022
            Tornadoes fueled by record highs wrecked homes around South

            By KIM CHANDLER                                                                                                     down,  but  they  just  don’t
            and JEFF MARTIN                                                                                                     stand  a  chance  against
            Associated Press                                                                                                    a  tornado,”  Hale  County
            WETUMPKA, Ala. (AP) — Tor-                                                                                          Emergency  Management
            nadoes  damaged  numer-                                                                                             Director  Russell  Weeden
            ous  homes,  destroyed  a                                                                                           told WBRC.
            fire  station,  briefly  trapped                                                                                    Two  other  people  were
            people  in  a  grocery  store                                                                                       injured  as  the  storm  tore
            and ripped the roof off an                                                                                          apart  homes  in  Caldwell
            apartment complex in Mis-                                                                                           Parish,  Louisiana,  Sheriff
            sissippi,  while  two  people                                                                                       Clay Bennett told KNOE-TV.
            died  as  a  tree  crunched                                                                                         The  weather  service  con-
            their  mobile  home  in  Ala-                                                                                       firmed  that  tornadoes  hit
            bama,     authorities   said                                                                                        the  ground  in  Mississippi.
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          Images  of  the  wreckage
            The    National   Weather                                                                                           in  Caledonia  showed  a
            Service  had  warned  that                                                                                          grocery  store  damaged,
            strong  twisters  capable  of                                                                                       a  fire  station  shredded
            carving  up  communities                                                                                            and  a  house  toppled,  but
            over  long  distances  were                                                                                         Lowndes County Emergen-
            possible  as  the  storm  front                                                                                     cy  Management  Agency
            moved     eastward    from                                                                                          Director  Cindy  Lawrence
            Texas. They were fueled by                                                                                          told  WTVA-TV  that  every-
            record  high  temperatures                                                                                          one  escaped  injury.  Hail
            and  threatened  a  stretch                                                                                         stones crashed against the
            of the United States where                                                                                          windows of City Hall in the
            more  than  25  million  peo-  People walk through an area of destroyed structures in Flatwood, Ala. on Wednesday, Nov. 30,   small town of Tchula, Missis-
            ple live.                    2022.                                                                                  sippi, where sirens blared as
            A total of 73 tornado warn-                                                                        Associated Press  the  mayor  and  other  resi-
            ings  and  120  severe  thun-  Others in the tight-knit com-  can’t  replace  a  person,”  the roof were missing from  dents took cover.
            derstorm  warnings  were  munity  narrowly  escaped  Bankston said, her voice still  an  apartment  complex,  “It  was  hitting  against  the
            issued  from  Tuesday  after-  with  their  lives:  Caroline  trembling.  Isaiah  Sankey,  displacing 15 families in the  window, and you could tell
            noon to Wednesday morn-      Bankston said she and Tim  who  represents  Flatwood  middle  of  the  night,  and  that  it  was  nice-sized  balls
            ing, said Matthew Elliott, a  Wiseman  were  watching  as  vice  chairman  of  the  power lines and trees were  of it,” Mayor Ann Polk said
            meteorologist at the Storm  the news and trying to fig-   Montgomery County Com-       “all  over  the  road,”  Eutaw  after the storm passed.
            Prediction  Center  in  Nor-  ure  out  where  the  twister  mission, expressed grief for  Police  Chief  Tommy  John-  High  winds  downed  pow-
            man, Oklahoma.               was  when  she  looked  out  the  lives  lost  and  vowed  son told WBRC-TV.           er  lines,  and  flooding  was
            Significant  tornado  dam-   the window and realized it  that installing storm shelters  A suspected tornado dam-   a  hazard  as  more  than  5
            age  was  evident  in  the  was  on  top  of  them.  They  will be a priority.         aged  numerous  homes  inches  (13  centimeters)  of
            Flatwood community north  ran to a safer corner as the  “When  we  do  rebuild,  we  during  the  night  in  Hale  rain fell within several hours
            of Montgomery, Alabama,  roof caved in, burying their  will  have  storm  shelters,”  County,  Alabama,  where  in some places. More than
            where  two  people  were  sofa in debris.                 Sankey said.                 the  emergency  director  50,000  customers  in  Missis-
            killed  as  a  tree  struck  their  “We  just  prayed,  prayed,  “We  have  got  to  prepare  said  more  than  a  third  of  sippi  and  Alabama  were
            home, said Christina Thorn-  prayed,    ‘Please    God  for  these  unforeseen  cir-   the people live in highly vul-  without electricity Wednes-
            ton,  director  of  the  Mont-  Please  take  care  of  us.  cumstances.”              nerable mobile homes.        day  morning,  according
            gomery  County  Emergen-     Please,’  and  he  did.  You  In the west Alabama town  “I  have  seen  some  really  to,  which
            cy Management Agency.        can  replace  stuff,  but  you  of Eutaw, large sections of  nice  mobile  homes  tied  tracks utility outages.q

            U.S. officials say 2 more places will test sewage for polio

                                                                      By MIKE STOBBE               officials say they have been  receiving wastewater sam-
                                                                      AP Medical Writer            talking  with  other  commu-  pling data for the corona-
                                                                      NEW YORK (AP) — Philadel-    nities  about  also  starting  virus from all 50 states. This
                                                                      phia and Oakland County,  polio  wastewater  testing.  year,  commercial  labora-
                                                                      Michigan,  are  joining  the  They are focused on cities  tories began testing waste-
                                                                      small  list  of  U.S.  localities  and counties with low polio  water for mpox, previously
                                                                      that are looking for signs of  vaccination coverage and  known as monkeypox.
                                                                      polio infections in sewage,  those  in  which  travelers  Next  year,  health  officials
                                                                      U.S.  health  officials  said  had  visited  the  New  York  in  Houston  and  Colora-
                                                                      Wednesday.                   communities  where  polio  do  plan  to  begin  testing
                                                                      The  Centers  for  Disease  was found.                    sewage  for  several  other
                                                                      Control  and  Prevention  Officials say identifying the  health  threats,  including
                                                                      said  the  communities  will  virus in sewage can help a  germs  with  antibiotic  resis-
                                                                      test for polio in sewage for  city  or  county  accelerate  tance,  influenza,  respirato-
                                                                      at least four months. Com-   and  target  vaccination  ry  syncytial  virus,  norovirus
                                                                      munities  in  New  York  state  campaigns.                and other bugs. If the pilot
            Ryan  Dupont,  Utah  State  University  Professor  of  Civil  &
            Environmental Engineering, collects sewage samples from the   began  testing  earlier  this  Health  officials  around the  goes well, the wider testing
            dorms  at  Utah  State  University  Wednesday,  Sept.  2,  2020,  in   year after a man was diag-  world have used wastewa-  will  be  rolled  out  to  other
            Logan, Utah, to test for COVID-19.                        nosed  with  paralytic  polio  ter to track COVID-19 out-  parts  of  the  country,  CDC
                                                     Associated Press   outside New York City.CDC  breaks. The CDC currently is  officials said.q
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