Page 4 - KPA 17 SEPT 2015
P. 4

                                                                                                                  Thursday 17 September

Assad says his priority is ‘defeating terrorism’ in Syria 

ZEINA KARAM                    its fifth year, repeating only  Syrian President Bashar Assad speaks during an interview in Damascus, Syria. Speaking in an
Associated Press               that some mistakes have
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian Presi-    been made.                      interview with Russian media, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015, Assad said the refugee crisis now hitting
dent Bashar Assad said         Moscow has been a
in an interview aired          staunch supporter of Assad      Europe is a direct result of the West’s support of “terrorists” in Syria.  (AP Photo/SANA)
Wednesday that his priority    throughout the crisis. Rus-
is “defeating terrorism” in    sian President Vladimir Pu-     “Nothing’s changed about      to stabilize the situation in                an “impartial” broker of
Syria and urged all political  tin has said it is impossible   the fact that we don’t        Syria, much less go against                  dialogue between Syrian
and armed factions in the      to defeat the Islamic State     want to see the Assad re-     ISIL.”                                       groups. He urged the for-
country to unite in the fight  group without cooperat-         gime getting any support,”    In the interview, Assad                      mation of a united front
against terrorist groups.      ing with Damascus. He has       State Department spokes-      did not directly address                     against the Islamic State
In an interview with Rus-      urged other nations to fol-     man John Kirby said.          the Russian moves, only                      group, saying the priority of
sian media, Assad also said    low Russia’s example and        “There can’t be a role (for)  praising Moscow as an                        every single Syrian citizen is
there can be no political      offer military support to       the Assad regime in efforts   “independent state” and                      to be secure.q
solution for his country’s     Assad’s government.
crisis until terrorism is de-  In recent days, Moscow
feated. He singled out the     has sent about a half-doz-
Islamic State group, which     en battle tanks and other
has captured about a third     weaponry — along with
of Syrian territory along      military advisers, techni-
with large swaths of land in   cians, security guards and
neighboring Iraq, as well as   portable housing units —
al-Qaida’s branch in Syria,    to Syria with the appar-
the Nusra Front, and “some     ent goal of setting up an
others,” without specifying.   air base near the coastal
The government in Da-          town of Latakia, an Assad
mascus has long labelled       stronghold.
all armed groups fighting      U.S. officials have said Mos-
Assad’s forces as “terror-     cow is simply trying to prop
ists.” Assad made no refer-    up Assad and have reject-
ence to the extreme vio-       ed his participation in the
lence his forces have used     global war on the Islamic
on civilian areas during the   State group, also known by
country’s civil war, now in    its acronyms ISIL or ISIS.

Lebanon police clash with protesters again over trash crisis 

ZEINA KARAM                    testers had brought eggs        ered outside government       el-Solh Square, which has                    Heaps of garbage accu-
Associated Press               to pelt politicians’ convoys    offices, demanding the        become the epicenter in                      mulated in Beirut’s streets
BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanese         while others tried to block     release of those detained     the standoff between the                     after authorities closed the
police beat back protest-      the street.                     and chanting against the      government and the pro-                      capital’s main landfill on
ers with clubs and sticks      Baton-wielding riot po-         government. “We, the          testers.                                     July 17 and failed to pro-
and arrested dozens of         lice soon clashed with the      people, are the red line,”    “We will stay here until the                 vide an alternative.
people in downtown Beirut      protesters, at one point        they shouted.                 last detainee is released,”                  The protests quickly moved
on Wednesday as a sec-         dragging two of them on         Some threw trash-filled       said Arabi al-Andari, who                    beyond just the trash in
ond session of dialogue        the ground and violently        bags at the barbed wire       was released and came to                     the streets to target an en-
among politicians got un-      beating both. Some pro-         that has been erected         join the protesters again.                   tire political class that has
derway, the latest confron-    testers shouted at the po-      around the offices, while     A crisis over uncollected                    dominated the country
tations this city has seen     lice: “Shabiha,” Arabic for     others burned trash in pro-   trash in the Lebanese capi-                  and undermined its growth
over the country’s summer      thugs. Ambulances rushed        test.                         tal has ignited the largest                  since the civil war ended
trash crisis.                  to the scene and took the       Later, the official National  protests in the country in                   in 1990. Lebanon has a
The small group of activ-      wounded away. The main          News Agency said the          years and has emerged                        sectarian power-sharing
ists had gathered near the     group behind the protests,      prosecutors ordered the       as a festering symbol of                     system that often leads to
parliament building, where     “You Stink,” said 40 people     release of all those de-      the government’s paralysis                   incessant bickering and
the meeting was taking         were arrested.                  tained. But the protesters    and failure to provide ba-                   cronyism among the coun-
place. Some of the pro-        By evening, dozens gath-        remained in Beirut’s Riad     sic services.                                try’s politicians.q
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