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A6   U.S. NEWS
              Thursday 11 January 2018
            Toyota-Mazda plant announced in Alabama                                                                             Holiday decor to a
                                                                                                                                chalet? Capitol tree

            By KIM CHANDLER              eted project, which will be  “Thank  you  for  choosing  ville  and  located  just  14   heads to Montana
            TOM KRISHER                  able  to  turn  out  300,000  Alabama.    “Thank  you  for  miles  (22  kilometers)  from
            Associated Press             vehicles  per  year  and  will  believing  in  the  potential  Toyota  Motor  Manufac-  By AMY HANSON
            MONTGOMERY,  Ala.  (AP)  produce  the  Toyota  Co-        of our people in the great  turing  of  Alabama,  which   Associated Press
            —    Japanese    automak-    rolla compact car for North  state  of  Alabama,”  Ivey  produces four-cylinder, V-6   HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The
            ers  Toyota  and  Mazda  on  America  and  a  new  small  said.  “Welcome  to  sweet  and V-8 engines for several   spruce  tree  destined  to
            Wednesday      announced  SUV from Mazda. Alabama  home Alabama.”                      Toyota models. Production    serve  as  the  U.S.  Capitol
            plans to build a huge $1.6  Gov. Kay Ivey and compa-      Akio  Toyoda,  president  of  is  expected  to  begin  by   Christmas  Tree  was  care-
            billion  joint-venture  auto  ny  executives  announced  Toyota Motors, said the an-   2021.  The  decision  to  pick   fully selected from a Mon-
            plant  in  Alabama  that  will  that  the  facility  is  coming  nouncement  is  something  Alabama is another exam-  tana  forest  and  hauled
            eventually  employ  about  to the Huntsville area in the  of  a  homecoming  for  the  ple of foreign-based auto-   across  the  country  in  a
            4,000 people. Several states  state’s  northern  area  not  company.  The  site  for  the  makers building U.S. facto-  special truck to preserve its
            had competed for the cov-    far from the Tennessee line.  new plant will be in Hunts-  ries in the South.q         freshness.
                                                                                                                                The  79-foot-tall  (24-meter-
            As companies give bonuses, pay gains still hazy                                                                     tall)  tree,  which  was  lit  up
                                                                                                                                last  month  during  a  cer-
                                                                                                                                emony  with  congressio-
            By CHRIS RUGABER                                                                                                    nal  members,  had  its  own
            JOSH BOAK                                                                                                           website  and  social  media
            AP Economics Writers                                                                                                presence.
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                                                          Now, some Montana com-
            American  Airlines  is  hand-                                                                                       panies  hope  to  keep  its
            ing  out  $1,000  bonuses  to                                                                                       fame  alive  by  trucking  it
            its employees. So are AT&T,                                                                                         back  home  so  it  can  be
            Bank  of  America  and  Na-                                                                                         used to help rebuild a his-
            tionwide  Insurance.  The                                                                                           toric chalet in Glacier Na-
            same for Comcast, JetBlue                                                                                           tional  Park  that  was  de-
            Airways and US Bancorp.                                                                                             stroyed  in  a  wildfire  last
            Such    announcements     ,                                                                                         summer.
            coming  from  dozens  of                                                                                            Some  critics  questioned
            companies, have followed                                                                                            the  amount  of  fuel  that
            the passage of the Republi-                                                                                         would  be  burned  to  haul
            can tax plan that President                                                                                         the  tree  back  across  the
            Donald  Trump  signed  into                                                                                         U.S.  when  Montana  has
            law  last  month.  The  plan                                                                                        plenty  of  trees,  while  oth-
            slashed  the  corporate  tax                                                                                        ers didn’t mind as long as
            rate from 35 percent to 21                                                                                          taxpayer money wasn’t in-
            percent.                                                                                                            volved.
            The companies say the bo-    A pair of American Airlines jets are parked on the airport apron at Miami International Airport in   The effort is certainly more
            nuses  they’ve  announced    Miami. Dozens of companies have announced they are giving their employees bonuses, following   sentimental  than  practi-
            are a way to share some of   the passage of the Republican tax plan that President Donald Trump signed into law in December.   cal,  but  no  public  money
            their bounty with their work-  American Airlines is handing out $1,000 bonuses to its employees.                    is being spent and no one
            ers.                                                                                         (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)  can  profit  from  the  tree’s
            The  bonuses  are  one-time  the  lower  corporate  tax  other  words,  better  to  get  ers  the  $4,000  average   use,  said  Bruce  Ward  with
            payouts,  not  the  perma-   rates will lead to worker pay  a direct cut than a spillover  income  gain  that  White   Choose   Outdoors,   the
            nent pay raises that Trump  raises. He expects compa-     from cuts to others.”        House  officials  said  would   Denver-based   nonprofit
            and  congressional  Repub-   nies  over  the  next  several  Beyond  the  worker  bo-  flow  eventually  from  lower   that  organized  the  effort
            licans  have  said  will  even-  years  to  use  some  of  their  nuses  that  have  been  an-  corporate taxes. AT&T, the   to bring the tree to Wash-
            tually  result  from  the  cor-  windfalls to invest in equip-  nounced,   typically   for  first company to announce   ington. Ward got in on the
            porate tax cuts. Over time,  ment  that  would  make  $1,000,  about  a  dozen  bonuses,  said  it  chose  the      idea  after  SmartLam,  a
            bonuses  are  far  less  valu-  workers  more  productive  banks  have  said  they  will  $1,000 bonus instead.     Montana  wood  products
            able  to  employees  than  and lead to higher wages.      raise their minimum wages.  American  Airlines,  which    company,  contacted  him
            wage increases.              Other     economists    re-  A  handful  of  mostly  small  also  employs  the  commu-  about  doing  something
            So  far,  most  companies  main  skeptical  that  work-   companies,        including  nication  union’s  members,   besides  letting  the  cel-
            haven’t  said  whether  any  ers  stand  to  receive  sharp  Washington  Federal  Bank,  similarly  decided  to  be-  ebrated  tree  end  up  as
            permanent  pay  increases  wage increases. They note  have  announced  pay  in-        stow  a  $1,000  bonus.  The   mulch for the Capitol lawn.
            are in the works. Economists  that the corporate tax cut  creases  for  most  of  their  union  said  it  appreciated   A  few  phone  calls  and
            caution that the corporate  will overwhelmingly benefit  workforces.                   the gesture but asserted in   goodwill  gestures  later,
            income tax cut’s effect on  shareholders  and  compa-     And  a  few,  including  Visa  a  statement  that  the  bo-  plans  call  for  the  tree  to
            average pay, if any, might  ny owners. That sentiment is  and Aflac , have said they  nus  “falls  short  of  the  per-  come  back  in  pieces.  It
            not  become  apparent  for  one reason stock market in-   will raise their contributions  manent  wage  increase    was   removed     Tuesday
            several years.               dexes are setting new highs  to  their  employees’  retire-  that  working  families  were   morning, officials said.
            “As  a  worker,  it’s  great  to  almost daily.           ment plans.                  promised.”                   F.H. Stoltz Land & Lumber in
            get  a  one-off  bonus,  but  “The bulk of the corporate  In addition, U.S. workers will  “Businesses  across  Amer-  Columbia Falls has agreed
            that  doesn’t  guarantee  tax  cuts  should  accrue  to  begin receiving more take-    ica  have  already  started   to  process  the  wood,  but
            anything for the next year,”  people  who  hold  stock  in  home  pay,  likely  by  next  to  raise  wages,  and  more   vice president and general
            said Stephen Stanley, chief  companies,”  said  Ethan  month,  as  lower  tax  rates  than  100  companies  have    manager  Chuck  Roady
            economist at Amherst Pier-   Harris,  chief  economist  at  for  individuals  under  the  already given bonuses and   noted that spruce is a soft-
            pont.  “You’d  rather  have  Bank  of  America  Merrill  Republican plan kick in.      other  benefits  to  hundreds   er  wood  and  more  suited
            the  raise,  because  next  Lynch.                        The Communications Work-     of thousands of workers as   for door or window frames
            year you’re working off the  “Workers    benefit   much  ers  of  America,  a  labor  a result of these massive tax   or  fireplace  mantles  than
            higher base.”                more  from  a  cut  in  taxes  union, asked CEOs of large  cuts,”  Trump  said  Monday   structural  use  in  the  new
            Eventually,  Stanley  thinks  on  ordinary  income.  In  corporations  to  give  work-  in Nashville. q             park chalet.q
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