Page 20 - MIN VOS 30 SEPT 2015
P. 20
LOCALWednesday 30 September
First Graduate With Honors From OGM Program at the University of Aruba
ORANJESTAD - On Friday program Organization, of the different views that
August 21, Ms. Kimberly Governance and Man- management and em-
van Loon graduated with agement (OGM). Ms. Van ployees experienced.
honors from the Bachelor Loon proudly presented The main findings of the re-
her thesis in front of the search showed that verti-
graduation committee cal communication is gen- dress colleagues and how particular the Department
and a mixed audience of erally perceived as more employees communicate
family, students and lectur- challenging than horizontal with each other. of Organization, Gover-
ers of the University of Aru- communication. Reasons The student re-worked
ba in the Aula. for this have to do with bu- theories of organizational nance and Management
During her presentation reaucracy, ineffective use communication into tai-
Ms. Van Loon explained of communication instru- lored recommendations is very proud of this excel-
the importance of employ- ments and differences in for the organization under
ees’ perceptions on inter- culture of the employees. study. The added value lent graduate and wishes
nal communication within Horizontal communica- of the recommendations
a healthcare institution in tion is generally perceived in the research is that the her success with her pro-
Aruba. This significant, in- positively, with the excep- suggestions for improve-
teresting and challenging tion of certain challenges ment of internal com- fessional career and fu-
topic gave an in-depth predominantly regarding munication stem directly
view of the internal com- culture such as linguistics, from the employees in the ture endeavors.
munication and especially mannerism like how to ad- organization, and are also
connected to different
theories. For more information on
The University of Aruba, in
the OGM program visit the
website of the University
of Aruba at http://www. the
Facebook Page of OGM