Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Friday 2 december 2022
Aruba waiting on Venezuelan
authorities for a meeting regarding
reopening of border
ORANJESTAD – The reopen- ing with different officials meet in Curaçao, but they
ing of the border between and organizations in The haven’t given a reply yet.”
Aruba and Venezuela stays Hague. As Foreign Rela- The last update on this
in the local news because tions for Aruba are a mat- topic came on the 3rd of
during the last few months, ter of the Kingdom of the October, when the prime
negotiations between both Netherlands handled from minister explained: “Aruba because of this”, the prime Curaçao or Bonaire as the
countries are not progress- The Hague, our reporter wants to reopen the bor- minister said. prime minister pointed out,
ing. However, prime min- asked if she had an update der with Venezuela, but but Aruba was not ready to
ister of Aruba, Mrs. Evelyn regarding the reopening of this needs to happen un- Between May and June of accept this as there were
Wever-Croes told our re- the border with the neigh- der very well-defined con- that year, the border was no agreements nor condi-
porter that the Aruban gov- boring country. The prime ditions.” During an inter- reopened in good agree- tions under which to agree
ernment is still waiting. minister said: “The topic of view with the local press, ment between Aruba and to open the border. From
Venezuela keeps progress- the prime minister pointed Venezuela, but then, in that moment until now,
Seeing as the prime minis- ing. We have invited Ven- out that in 2018, Venezu- January 2019 once again Venezuelan authorities had
ter is currently on a working ezuela for a meeting to dis- elan president Mr. Nicolas president Maduro closed not sat down at the nego-
trip to the Netherlands, she cuss the reopening of the Maduro closed the border the border with the ABC tiation table to reopen the
said that they are meet- border. We invited them to between his country and islands – Aruba, Curaçao border under safe and re-
Aruba and Curaçao, ac- and Bonaire – because Cu- sponsible conditions. For
cusing Aruba of stealing raçao was acting as a hu- this reason, Aruba has in-
copper from Venezuela. At manitarian hub for help for vited Venezuelan authori-
that time, the border was Venezuela, and he consid- ties once again to sit at the
closed for approximately ered this a reason to close negotiation table in Cu-
five months, until the gov- the border with the Dutch raçao, to reach concrete
ernments of Aruba and of islands. “At that time, it was agreements to reopen the
Venezuela reached con- a hard hit, but we have border responsibly. This is
crete agreements under strength in resilience and because there are mixed
which conditions the bor- we found other alterna- feelings both in people
der could be reopened. tives”, Wever-Croes said. who live in Aruba and want
“Aruba doesn’t steal cop- to travel to Venezuela, as
per from anyone, and we In May 2019 the decision well as business owners who
do not accept that Aruba was made to reopen the want to import products at
will get a bad reputation border with Aruba, not with a more affordable price.q
International Day of Persons with Disabilities celebrated with SVGA
ORANJESTAD – Wednesday morn- Pasadia Briyo di Solo and Cas Sja-
ing in a festive atmosphere at the bururi prepared a beautiful show
China Club, the Foundation for where each represented a coun-
Mental Disabilities of Aruba (Stich- try through a show of dance and
ting voor Verstandelijk Gehandi- music.
capten Aruba, SVGA) celebrated
the International Day of Persons During the pleasant morning, sub-
with Disabilities together with min- stitute director of SVGA, Mrs. Elvira
ister of Education and Sport, Mr. Arias-Tromp gave a speech, as
Endy Croes. did the minister of Education and
Sport. The minister made an em-
This year’s theme was Together phasis on inclusion, giving opportu-
in the World. Clients of Cas Blen- nities to each person with disabili-
chi, Pasadia Bibito Pin, Centro ties to develop themselves and find
Man na Obra, Scol Dun’un Man, their own place in our community.
Mr. Croes thanked the commis- and appreciation to our people
sion that organized the event for with diasabilities.”q
the clients, and emphasized that
SVGA can count on the support of
the Wever-Croes Cabinet and par-
ticularly his ministries.
Finalizing, Croes congratulated the
clients, who punt on an excellent
performance, and expressed his
thankfulness to all teachers and
leaders working with love and pas-
sion. “Let us celebrate the Interna-
tional Day for Persons with Disabili-
ties and let us give support, love