Page 24 - AHATA
P. 24
Tuesday 17 april 2018
Aruba to Me
ORANJESTAD – Aruba Today likes
to welcome readers to participate
in our newspaper. You can see that
in our Honored Guest-publications,
specials like on Valentine’s Day
and on other occasions. Through-
out the year you are always wel-
come to send us your vacation
picture(s) together with complet-
ing the sentence: Aruba to me
is …….. (Email: Linda.Reijnders@
For today’s newspaper we re-
ceived a great picture from Barb
Warren, North Ogden, Utah, USA.
She wrote to us: “Aruba To Me Is ….
Wandering wildlife encountered
on our way to the wonderful
beaches and crystal clear sea!” q
Hugs and a great review for Dragonfly from Mike and Kimmie
PALM BEACH - ``Yum, yum, awe-
some, an amazing restaurant and we
adore the staff,’’were the comments
from Mike and Kimmie from Virginia,
USA, after they had dinner at Drag-
onfly restaurant in the Arawak Gar-
den. Their very nice comments were
gratefully received, but they treated
the staff to warm hugs as well, which
was extra great. The plumber and
receptionist are on the island for the
first time, loving every single minute
away from their hectic lives back
home. They walked by the Arawak
Garden, located across from the Bar-
celó Resort on the high-rise strip after
having had a few drinks elsewhere,
and decided to dine at Dragonfly,
the new restaurant in the Garden.
The Phad Thai, California Roll, the
Chicken Wonton and the Sautéed
Shrimps they ordered were `awe-
some’ and they provoked the other
wonderful comments and hugs af-
terwards. Dragonfly restaurant love
you too, Mike and Kimmie!q