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A26 OBITUARIO/U.s. news
Diahuebs 17 Maart 2022
“Den mi ansha mi a sklama na Señor
Señor a tendemi Y a sakami foi meseria
Señor ta cu mi, p’esei mi’n tin miedo di nada”.
Salmo 118
“Ik stel mijn vertrouwen op de Heer mijn God,
Want in zijn hand ligt heel mijn levenslot.
Hem heb ik lief, Zijn vrede woont in mij.
Ik zie naar Hem op en ik weet: Hij is steeds
Cu honda pena, pero conforme cu Santo
boluntad di Dios y despues di a ricibi e ultimo
sacramento nos ta anuncia cu a fayece:
Sr. Johannes Rudelof (Rudy) Frank
*19 - 7 - 1933 † 13 - 3 - 2022
Na nomber di su querida esposa : AP source: Pfizer seeking
Ans Frank-Kieftenbelt.
OK for 4th COVID dose
Yiunan stima :
Agda Frank, † Rudelof Frank (Duchi), for seniors
Rina Frank y † Sergio Frank.
Su nietonan y nieta :
Ranzino Laclé, Joshua Laclé y Priscilla Laclé.
Su bisanietanan:
Elise Laclé, Celeste Laclé y Adelaide Laclé.
Rumannan : - † Richardina van Steenis - Frank
y † Willem van Steenis
Yiu Carol van Steenis.
- Vivieno (Vi) Frank y †Tina Frank -
Yiunan: Vivi Frank y Richard (Ichi) Frank
- † Campbel (Campi) Frank
- Richard Frank y † Ine Frank -
Hengeveld / segunda esposa Carmen Frank - WASHINGTON (AP) — Drugmaker Pfizer
Mangroelal is expected to request authorization this week
Yiunan : Esther Frank, Michel Frank y Mireille for an additional COVID-19 booster dose for
Frank. seniors, according to a person familiar with
the matter.
Su miho amigo: † Leonard (Lenny) Berlinsky y
Astrid Berlinsky - Croes y yiunan. It would add a fourth dose to the regimen — cur-
rently a primary series of two shots, followed
Famianan: Franken, Bermudez (Aruba y months later by a booster dose — in an effort to
Venezuela), Bikker, Laclé, Kieftenbelt, Bergrok, provide maximum protection to the over-65 popu-
van Steenis, Jeandor, Kooistra, Werlerman, lation that has been hit hardest by the pandemic.
Eckmeyer, Mangroelal, Lopez, van The Food and Drug Administration and the Cen-
Leeuwaarden, Salampessy, Ruiz y na demas ters for Disease Control would have to approve the
famianan cu no a wordo menciona, nos disculpa request. The person who spoke about the upcom-
den e tempo di tristeza. ing Pfizer authorization request spoke on condition
of anonymity because the person wasn't authorized
Acto di entiero y oportunidad pa condolencia to speak on the record.
ta Diasabra 19 di maart 2022 di 12.30 pa 15.00 "We're continuing to collect and assess all available
na Misa San Franisco na Playa (O’stad), despues data and we're in continuous, open dialogue with
lo hiba nos defunto stima na su ultimo lugar di regulators and health authorities to help inform a
sosiego na Santana na Noord. COVID-19 vaccine strategy as the virus evolves,"
said Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts.