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                  Tuesday 25 OcTOber 2022
            Test scores show historic COVID setbacks for kids across U.S.

            Continued from Front                                                                                                “long-standing  and  sys-
                                                                                                                                temic  shortcomings  of  our
            Those are the findings from                                                                                         education  system,”  said
            the  National  Assessment                                                                                           Alberto  Carvalho,  super-
            of  Educational  Progress  —                                                                                        intendent  of  Los  Angeles
            known  as  the  “nation’s  re-                                                                                      schools  and  a  member  of
            port card” — which tested                                                                                           the  National  Assessment
            hundreds  of  thousands  of                                                                                         Governing  Board,  which
            fourth  and  eighth  grad-                                                                                          sets the policies for the test.
            ers  across  the  country  this                                                                                     “While  the  pandemic  was
            year. It was the first time the                                                                                     a blow to schools and com-
            test  had  been  given  since                                                                                       munities,  we  cannot  use
            2019,  and  it’s  seen  as  the                                                                                     it  as  an  excuse,”  he  said.
            first  nationally  representa-                                                                                      “We have to stay commit-
            tive  study  of  the  pandem-                                                                                       ted  to  high  standards  and
            ic’s impact on learning.                                                                                            expectations   and    help
            “It is a serious wakeup call                                                                                        every child succeed.”
            for us all,” Peggy Carr, com-                                                                                       Other  recent  studies  have
            missioner  of  the  National                                                                                        found  that  students  who
            Center  for  Education  Sta-                                                                                        spent longer periods learn-
            tistics, a branch of the Edu-                                                                                       ing  online  suffered  greater
            cation  Department,  said                                                                                           setbacks. But the NAEP re-
            in  an  interview.  “In  NAEP,                                                                                      sults show no clear connec-
            when  we  experience  a  1-                                                                                         tion. Areas that returned to
            or  2-point  decline,  we’re                                                                                        the  classroom  quickly  still
            talking about it as a signifi-                                                                                      saw  significant  declines,
            cant impact on a student’s                                                                                          and  cities  —  which  were
            achievement. In math, we                                                                                            more  likely  to  stay  remote
            experienced  an  8-point                                                                                            longer — actually saw mild-
            decline  —  historic  for  this                                                                                     er  decreases  than  subur-
            assessment.”                                                                                                        ban  districts,  according  to
            Researchers  usually  think                                                                                         the results.
            of  a  10-point  gain  or  drop   Peggy Carr, Commissioner of the National Center for Education, speaks during an interview with   Los Angeles can claim one
            as  equivalent  to  roughly  a   The Associated Press about the National Assessment of Education Process, Friday, Oct. 21, 2022,   of  the  few  bright  spots  in
            year of learning.            in Washington.                                                        Associated Press   the results. The nation’s sec-
            It’s no surprise that children                                                                                      ond-largest  school  district
            are behind. The pandemic  meted by the largest mar-       School District. To help stu-  Most concerning, however,  saw  eighth-grade  reading
            upended every facet of life  gins  in  the  history  of  the  dents  recover,  the  school  are the gaps between stu-  scores increase by 9 points,
            and  left  millions  learning  NAEP test, which began in  system has beefed up sum-    dents.                       the  only  significant  uptick
            from  home  for  months  or  1969.                        mer school and added af-     Confirming what many had  in any district. For other dis-
            more.  The  results  released  Math  scores  were  worst  ter-school tutoring.         feared, racial inequities ap-  tricts,  it  was  a  feat  just  to
            Monday  reveal  the  depth  among      eighth   graders,  “I’m  not  concerned  that  pear to have widened dur-     hold even, as achieved by
            of those setbacks, and the  with  38%  earning  scores  they can’t or won’t recov-     ing the pandemic. In fourth  Dallas and Florida’s Hillsbor-
            size  of  the  challenge  fac-  deemed  “below  basic”  —  er,” Gordon said. “I’m con-  grade, Black and Hispanic  ough County.
            ing schools as they help stu-  a cutoff that measures, for  cerned  that  the  country  students  saw  bigger  de-  Testing   critics   caution
            dents catch up.              example, whether students  won’t stay focused on get-     creases  than  white  stu-   against  putting  too  much
            Education         Secretary  can find the third angle of  ting kids caught up.”        dents,  widening  gaps  that  stock  in  exams  like  NAEP,
            Miguel Cardona said it’s a  a  triangle  if  they’re  given  Baltimore has added small-  have  persisted  for  dec-  but  there’s  no  doubt  that
            sign  that  schools  need  to  the other two. That’s worse  group  tutoring  and  ex-  ades.                        the  skills  it  aims  to  meas-
            redouble their efforts, using  than  2019,  when  31%  of  panded  summer  learning  Inequities  were  also  re-    ure  are  critical.  Students
            billions of dollars that Con-  eighth  graders  scored  be-  programs  to  help  students  flected  in  a  growing  gap  who  take  longer  to  mas-
            gress gave schools to help  low that level.               catch  up,  said  Sonja  San-  between  higher  and  low-  ter reading are more likely
            students recover.            No part of the country was  telises,  chief  executive  of-  er  performing  students.  In  to drop out and end up in
            “Let  me  be  very  clear:  exempt.  Every  region  saw  ficer of Baltimore City Pub-  math  and  reading,  scores  the  criminal  justice  system,
            these  results  are  not  ac-  test  scores  slide,  and  eve-  lic  Schools.  Classrooms  in  fell most sharply among the  research  has  found.  And
            ceptable,” Cardona said.     ry  state  saw  declines  in  at  the  district  were  shuttered  lowest performing students,  eighth  grade  is  seen  as  a
            The  NAEP  test  is  typically  least one subject.        much  of  the  2020-2021  creating a widening chasm  pivotal  time  to  develop
            given  every  two  years.  It  Several  major  districts  saw  school year.            between  struggling  stu-    skills for math, science and
            was  taken  between  Janu-   test  scores  fall  by  more  “School   does   matter,”  dents  and  the  rest  of  their  technology careers.
            ary  and  March  by  a  sam-  than  10  points.  Cleveland  Santelises  said.  “You  can’t  peers.                  For  Carr,  the  results  raise
            ple  of  students  in  every  saw the largest single drop,  keep kids out of schools for  Surveys done as part of this  new questions about what
            state, along with 26 of the  falling  16  points  in  fourth-  two  years  and  not  see  an  year’s  test  illustrate  the  di-  will  happen  to  students
            nation’s  largest  school  dis-  grade  reading,  along  with  impact.”                vide.                        who  appear  to  be  far  be-
            tricts.  Scores  had  been  a 15-point decline in fourth-  The  results  show  a  reversal  When schools shifted to re-  hind in attaining those skills.
            stalling  even  before  the  grade math. Baltimore and  of progress on math scores,  mote  learning,  higher  per-  “We  want  our  students  to
            pandemic, but the new re-    Tennessee’s Shelby County  which had made big gains  forming  students  were  far  be  prepared  globally  for
            sults  show  decreases  on  a  also  saw  precipitous  de-  since  the  1990s.  Reading,  more likely to have reliable  STEM careers, science and
            scale not seen before.       clines.                      by contrast, had changed  access  to  quiet  spaces,  technology  and  engineer-
            In  both  math  and  read-   “This  is  more  confirmation  little in recent decades, so  computers  and  help  from  ing,” she said. “This puts all
            ing,  students  scored  lower  that  the  pandemic  hit  us  even  this  year’s  relatively  their  teachers,  the  survey  of that at risk. We have to
            than  those  tested  in  2019.  really  hard,”  said  Eric  Gor-  small decreases put the av-  found.               do a reset. This is a very seri-
            But  while  reading  scores  don, chief executive for the  erages back to where they  The results make clear that  ous issue, and it’s not going
            dipped, math scores plum-    Cleveland     Metropolitan  were in 1992.                 schools  must  address  the  to go away on its own.”q
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