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                                                                                                           local Thursday 9 February 2023

            Minister Endy Croes and Prime Minister Everlyn Wever-Croes

            receive visit from Dutch university

            (Oranjestad)—On      Janu-   differences  between  The
            ary 23rd, The Prime Minister  Netherlands and the Dutch
            Wever-Croes  and  Minister  Caribbean within the Dutch
            Croes  recived  a  visit  from  Kingdom. The Minor course
            a  group  of  34  university  emphasizes the relationship
            students who made a aca-     between the islands in the
            demic trip to Aruba.         Dutch  Kingdom,  The  Neth-
                                         erlands  and  The  European
            This  visit  involves  students  Union.
            from the law, public admin-
            istration and integral safety  The  students  posed  differ-
            science  programs  at  the  ent  questions  to  the  Prime
            Haagse  Hogeschool  Uni-     Minister and Minister Croes
            versity  in  The  Netherlands.  about education on Aruba
            The students are also doing  and  how  this  can  be  im-
            a  Minor  course  related  to  proved.  All  questions  were
            Kingdom relations.           answered and the students
            This  visit  to  Aruba  is  a  part  seemed  satisfied  with  their
            of that Minor. The purpose  visit.  Minister  Croes  wishes
            of this is for the students to  the  students  all  the  best
            explore  the  similarities  and  with their studies.q

                                                                      The second season of Caribbean

                                                                      Coast Guard documentary premieres

                                                                      February 12              Th

                                                                      amounts  of  drug  cargo  know  which  agents  were  also stars in the show. It was
                                                                      at  sea,  but  this  also  invites  involved.  Even  though  we  mentioned  to  Aruba  To-
                                                                      risks for the guards, as they  deal  with  criminals,  we  day  that  filming  started  in
                                                                      might  put  themselves  and  treat  them  humanely.  We  2020 during the pandemic,
                                                                      their  families  in  dangerous  leave the rest to the judge  which  stretched  out  the
                                                                      positions  when  confronted  or  the  Public  Ministery  to  filming schedule of the first
                                                                      with  people  in  organized  make  their  own  verdict  season up to  last year: “It
                                                                      crime.  Clement  ensures  based on evidence and re-       was  a  filming  process  that
            (Oranjestad)—The  islands  season  premiered  back        that  consent  has  been  cords of the investigation,”  lasted about 2 years to get
            of  Aruba,  Curacao  and  in  2020,  and  that  they      asked  from  the  guards  Clement finalized.              to where we are right now
            St.  Maarten  have  all  been  have  been  working  with   who  participated  in  the                               with  production,”  Dam-
            chosen  by  National  Geo-   producer  Remco  Garcia      show prior to shooting. The  Additionally,  one  of  the  mers said.
            graphic  to  create  the  se-  from  Goya  Productions  for   islands  are  very  small  too,  show’s  cast  members  is  Dammer  also  expressed
            ries  ‘Kustwacht  Caribisch  3  years  now.  Garcia  was   and  many  people  know  someone  Aruba  is  already  that  this  was  a  once  in  a
            Gebied’ (Caribbean Coast  the one who petitioned for      the majority of the cast.    familiar  with,  due  to  the  lifetime experience for her,
            Guard),  where  the  day  to  the  docu-series  about  the   “Whenever  we  intercept  fact  that  this  person  is  a  seeing as she is an athlete
            day life of the coast guard  coast  guard  for  National   high  risk  situations  where  renowned  athlete  in  the  and “it’s not every day that
            team is showcased.           Geographic,  which  the      firearms  are  involved,  we  sport  of  bowling  on  the  is-  people make a documen-
                                         network expressed their in-  always  make  sure  to  cov-  land.  Abigail  Dammers,  tary about your job, which
            On  Monday  night,  the  first  terest in as well.        er  the  guards’  faces,  so  who is the quartermaster at  will  be  shown  around  the
            few  episodes  of  the  new  Before  shooting,  they  had   that  the  criminals  can’t  the Coast Guard of Aruba,  world.  When  they  ap-
            season  were  broadcasted  to  go  over  the  pros  and                                                             proached  me,  I  initially
            to  the  press  and  invitees  cons,  because  they  think                                                          didn’t  want  to  do  it,  but
            at the Caribbean Cinemas  it’s important that the pub-                                                              I  became  curious  about
            Theater  in  Aruba.  This  sea-  lic  get  an  insight  in  what                                                    how it would go, and it was
            son  once  again  explores  their duty entails, what the                                                            a  great  experience  after
            the missions of the Caribbe-  challenges  look  like  and                                                           all,” she finalized.
            an coast guard around the  how  they  handle  captives                                                              The second season of ‘Kust-
            Aruban,  Curacao,  Bonaire  and suspects.                                                                           wacht Caribisch Gebied is
            and  Sint  Maarten  waters,  “I think the docu-series pro-                                                          made  up  of  8  episodes,
            which  often  involve  angst  vides  great  insight  about                                                          and  will  be  premiering  on
            and danger in the preven-    that, and it’s become suc-                                                             February  12th  in  The  Neth-
            tion  of  drug  and  human  cessful  too.  That’s  why  we                                                          erlands.  Those  interested
            trafficking, or in other emer-  film  a  new  season,  which                                                        in  watching  the  series
            gency cases.                 we  decided  to  premiere                                                              can also find a link on the
            Shalick  Clement,  spokes-   in Aruba so the locals can                                                             show’s  social  media  plat-
            person  for  the  Caribbean  see  what  the  job  entails,”                                                         form. This season will focus
            Coast  Guard  show,  sig-    Clement stated.                                                                        on  Aruba,  as  the  first  sea-
            naled  in  an  interview  with  It is no secret that the coast                                                      son  featured  the  Curacao
            Aruba  Today  that  the  first  guard  confiscates  huge                                                            coast guard.q
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