Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10
LOCAL Tuesday 7 February 2023
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are er materials, you give per- and John Colella from Pea-
back and we would like to mission to The Aruba Today body, Massachusetts.
portrait you! By inviting you Newspaper, Caribbean
to send us your favorite va- Speed Printers and any of They wrote to us saying;
cation picture while enjoy- its affiliated companies to “We have been visiting
ing our Happy Island. use said materials, as well Aruba since 2001, 22 years
as names, likeness, etc. for and 40 visits, it is truly our
Complete the sentence: promotional purposes with- second home and our Aru-
Aruba to me is ……. Send out compensation. ba family at the Divi All In-
your picture with that text clusive is the best. We love
(including your name and Last but not least: check the island, appreciate its
where you are from) to: out our website, Instagram beauty but it's the people and Facebook page! that make you want to re-
and we will publish your Thank you for supporting turn. Our Aruban family is
vacation memory. Isn’t our free newspaper, we welcoming and kind.
that a special way to keep strive to make you a happy
your best moments alive? reader every day again. We have met and made what Aruba means to you
Please do note: By submit- For today we received a wonderful friends over the Thank you for sending us this with us and our readers!q
ting photos, text or any oth- lovely message from Carol years.” wonderful message sharing
Aruba to me
For today we received a lovely message invites us to imagine the perfection of a
from Glenn and JoAnn Murphy from future heaven and to incline our ears to
Basking Ridge, New Jersey. the echoes of a past unblemished gar-
den (Eden).
They wrote to us saying; “Aruba is to
me... the Pearl of God's Creation. Its We first discovered Aruba's enchanting
white talcum powder beaches and its and jaw dropping beauty just after the
crystal clear waters reveal and unveil turn of the century. We later returned for
God's artistry as they shout of God's love our 25th wedding anniversary and have
of beauty. This unspoiled hidden gem been back every year since. Now as we
celebrate our 44th anniversary we still
find ourselves giggling with delight as we
frolic in her waters and stroll her pristine
beaches. It is here on this paradise-like is-
land that we set aside the stress of mod-
ern life. It is here in this magical place
that we renew and refresh our enduring
love for each other. It is here in this inde-
scribably delicious setting that we con-
nect with the God who imagined it all
and spoke it into existence.
Thank you God for Aruba, this gift of your
boundless and unfathomable love for us
Thank you for sending us this beautiful
message sharing what Aruba means to
you with us and our readers!q