Page 11 - Binder1
P. 11
local Monday 30 January 2023
Members of AHATA enjoyed presentation
by renowned speaker Danny Bader
During general assembly
Bader, a renowned speak-
er from the United States to
do his unique presentation
on the topic of leadership
to the members present.
Danny Bader’s life was
transformed after he expe-
rienced death and came
back to life. Now he dedi-
cates his time to educate
people to invest in them-
selves, increase focus and
develop vision. His main
message was for a leader
to illuminate themselves
ORANJESTAD – AHATA had for members, as well as and lead with four ele-
its annual general assem- awareness campaigns to ments spelling LOVE: Loy-
bly at the Alhambra Ball- create more knowledge in alty, Optimism, Vision and
room with a special speak- the community regarding Empathy.
er to benefit its members. the tourism industry. A goal
In each general assem- for 2023 is to inspire more With this presentation,
bly, CEO and President of people to realize a career AHATA wants to support
AHATA, Tisa LaSorte informs in Aruba’s main industry. the personal development
members of the current of the leaders of differ- management of personnel. ployees in the workforce
state of affairs and activities Regularly, AHATA’s general ent businesses and to help of Aruba. AHATA continu-
of the association. assembly includes a speak- them navigate the business Membership of AHATA ously supports the progress
er to give a presentation on expectation that is con- consists of 145 varied com- of Aruba’s tourism indus-
This year, AHATA has dif- different topics. This time, stantly changing, as well panies, and the associa- try, economy and general
ferent workshops planned AHATA invited Mr. Danny as to reevaluate effective tion represents 11,568 em- wellbeing.q
Today: Special organ concert for children and adults by Gabriel Dessauer
ORANJESTAD – Today at Angeles on the choir music
4pm there is a special of Max Reger. In 2005, Des-
concert at the Protestant sauer played at the Spreck-
Church in the city center in els Organ Pavillion in San
Oranjestad: An hour of Ba- Diego. In 2010, he gave a
roque and Romantic music recital at St. Ingatius Loyola
presented by the famous in New York.
organist and composer,
Gabriel Dessauer on the fa- Since 1992, Dessauer con-
mous Flentrop organ. ducted events part of the
Rheingau Music Festival,
Gabriel Dessauer, organist called the organ tour, visit-
and director ing historical organs in the
Gabriel Dessauer (1955) region, from Rheingau to
is an organist, singer and the cathedrals in Worms,
academic. He was respon- Speyer, Wurzburg and Ful-
sible for the sacred music in da. part during the Wiesbad-
St. Bonifacious, a church in ener Bachwochen festival.
Wiesbaden between 1981 In 2014, Dessauer toured in
and 2021. He also directed the United States, present- The Protestant Church of
the choir of St. Bonifacious ing concerts in Washington Aruba is honored to have
until 2018. Gabriel is a world National Cathedral, in St. Gabriel Dessauer give a
renowned organ recitalist. Mary’s Cathedral in San beautiful concert in Oran-
He was organ professor at Francisco, California, and jestad, Aruba.
the faculty of the conserva- at the organ in Salt Lake Entrance for this concert
torium of music of Magnu- Tabernacle in Salt Lake is completely free. The
cia. In 1985, he founded the City. church is an open place for
gold of the German-English Dessauer gave recitals in Portland, maine and at the In November 2015, Des- prayer and worship, spe-
project, Reger-Chroir. He Europe and the United cathedral Our Lady of the sauer was the organist for a cially a place of worship for
participated in internation- States at the National Ca- Angels in Los Angeles. singing event organized by visitors, tourists, and citizens
al conferences and con- thedral in Washington and the Dioceses of Limburg in of Aruba.
gresses, especially regard- at St. Patrick’s Cathedral In 2004, he gave a lecture St. Bonifatius. A choir con-
ing the music of composer in New York. He interpret- during the National Con- sisting of 150 volunteers The church is located
Max Reger. ed the Kotzchmar organ vention of the American studied Gabriel Faure’s Re- on Whilheliminastraat 1,
at the Merrill Auditorium in Guild of Organists in Los quiem and presented their Oranjestad.q