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pasco B7
                                                                                                                                                                                        Diahuebs 24 December 2015

Aruba un Pasco yena cu bendicion

a pa cada un di nos haci nos maximo esfuerso den
a ta ora nos ta haci tur loke ta na nos alcance pa
imo potencial. Ricibi e mensahe aki como muestra
rtamento di Enseñanza ta gradici bo y ta spera cu
i bo trabou. For di awor caba nos ta desea bo y bo
y exito pa realisa e metanan den e aña nos dilanti,
partamento di Enseñansa Aruba.

                                                      We wish you a

                               2016and an inspiring

                                                                                             Cooperation is the keystone to success.

                   Curaçao | Bonaire | Aruba | St. Maarten                                                                               We are very happy to celebrate the
                                                                                                                                      holidays 2015 here in Aruba! On behalf
                                                                                                                                      of ESPACIO AZUL team, I wish you the

                                                                                                                                        best for 2016, hoping for a year full
                                                                                                                                        of opportunities to share ideas and


 the Ateliers ‘89
and a super 2016
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