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P. 13                                                                                              DIABIERNA 26 NOVEMBER 2021| 15


         Online Learning

                             With A

       Classroom Feel”

       THE pandemic and associated lockdowns have been                         International School of Aruba (ISA) is excited to provide
       challenging for all sectors, forcing organizations to                   another option.
       rethink practices, day-to-day operations, technical
       infrastructure and internal policies. While some of these               In collaboration with International School Services, a
       changes have been temporary, many have also remained                    nonprofit that manages 24 schools around the world,
       in-place providing businesses with more efficient ways of               ISA is proud to announce the launch of ISAonline,
       operating and better supporting the individual needs of                 “Experiential Online Learning With A Classroom Feel.”
       their customers.                                                        ISAonline is a new type of school that embraces the
                                                                               whole child. Students participate in online classes, 1:1
       In the education sector this has been no different. Some                tutoring, independent inquiry and passion based projects
       schools have embraced this period of development                        that are personalized to the individual. With a focus on
       and used it to reevaluate how emerging technologies,                    developing global minded, connected, and innovative
       personalized learning, and wellbeing practices can be                   learners, ISAonline is a refreshing alternative for
       leveraged to provide a new type of schooling model for                  families across Aruba.
       students. If the pandemic has highlighted anything, it’s
       that students can learn and thrive from anywhere, not                   On an average day at ISAonline students interact with
       just in a brick and mortar school.                                      their teacher and peers in a variety of modes and engage
                                                                               in learning experiences that are customized to the
       Student success in online environments can be attributed  individual. As well-being is prioritized, school typically
       to a range of different factors that are unique to the                  kicks off with an energizing yoga session combined with
       medium. Some prefer less distractions, others the small                 mindfulness journaling. This sets the tone for the day
       group collaborations, some the 1:1 time with their                      and prepares students for their first session on real world
       teacher; the personalization can be endless. Many also                  Mathematics that values collaboration, independent
       thrive with a more flexible schedule that allows them                   inquiry and 1:1 interaction with their teacher.
       to decide when and where to complete the work. This                     Next, students meet with their Book Club to read and
       combined with a passion based program gives them more                   discuss historical fiction that is tied to the development
       opportunity to pursue their interests and share them as                 of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
       part of the greater learning journey. It’s no surprise that             This discussion leads directly into their passion project
       many families have now identified the benefits of online                where students use the design thinking process to create
       learning and are searching for a best fit for their children.  authentic solutions to the many challenges posed by
       Unfortunately most of the virtual schools in operation                  the SDGs. The design process at ISAonline includes
       are US based, traditional, and leverage a schedule that                 empathy interviews, project scoping, content harvesting,
       is not friendly for other timezones. Thankfully, the                    data analysis, and futures thinking and is focused on
                                                                               the development of real world products and solutions.
                                                                               Finally, the day wraps up with 1:1 meets with the
                                                                               teacher or peers for reflection and next steps.

                                                                               ISAonline believes every learner is unique and that
                                                                               their education should be too. At ISAonline, all students
                                                                               have the opportunity to succeed. Currently, ISAonline is
                                                                               accepting students between the ages of eight and twelve
                                                                               located in Aruba for the January 2022 learning cohort. In
                                                                               August 2022, they hope to expand the program for eight
                                                                               to fourteen year olds. Further information and ways to
                                                                               contact the Program Coordinator, Theresa Montenarello,
                                                                               can be found on their website at
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