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                 Tuesday 25 February 2020
            Italy tries to contain virus as isolated towns hunker down

            By  PAOLO  SANTALUCIA,                                                                                              infected. “It is likely that the
            GIADA ZAMPANO and                                                                                                   more we look, the more we
            NICOLE WINFIELD                                                                                                     will  find,”  Capua  said.  But
            Associated Press                                                                                                    she stressed that the major-
            CODOGNO,  Italy  (AP)  —                                                                                            ity  of  cases  likely  wouldn’t
            Police   manned     check-                                                                                          even  require  a  doctor’s
            points   around    quaran-                                                                                          visit  and  that  Italy’s  num-
            tined  towns  in  Italy’s  north                                                                                    bers  are  “very  analogous
            on  Monday  and  residents                                                                                          to what we will see in many
            stocked up on food as the                                                                                           other European countries.”
            country became the focal                                                                                            Civil  protection  officials  in-
            point of the outbreak in Eu-                                                                                        sisted  that  Italy  was  still  a
            rope and fears of its cross-                                                                                        safe  place  to  visit.  Veneto
            border spread.                                                                                                      regional  president  Luca
            Croatia,  Hungary  and  Ire-                                                                                        Zaia lamented that he nev-
            land advised against travel                                                                                         er imagined he would ever
            to the affected areas, and                                                                                          have  to  cancel  Venice’s
            Italians  traveling  abroad                                                                                         Carnival  —  another  eco-
            began to feel the effects of                                                                                        nomic  blow  to  the  famed
            a  crackdown:  A  bus  from                                                                                         lagoon  city  that  already
            Milan  was  barricaded  by                                                                                          saw tourism plummet after
            police in the French city of                                                                                        last year’s floods.
            Lyon  for  health  checks  for                                                                                      Italy,  however,  wasn’t  tak-
            several hours before being   Tourists,  some  of  them  wearing  sanitary  masks,  stand  next  to  the  Vittorio  Emanuele  Gallery  in   ing  chances  and  effec-
            deemed  to  be  virus-free   downtown Milan, Italy, Monday, Feb. 24, 2020.                         Associated Press  tively  sealed  off  a  dozen
            and sent on its way;Alitalia                                                                                        northern towns where more
            passengers arriving in Mau-  ready  had  serious  health   ing  region  of  Veneto.  Italy  ness  getting  enough  food  than 200 of the cases were
            ritius were threatened with  problems. The other six vic-  has the highest number of  in  the  house,  keeping  dis-  found.
            quarantine.                  tims,  also  with  pre-existing   cases  outside  Asia,  under-  tance  from  one  another  On  Monday,  police  wear-
            Civil  protection  officials  medical  conditions,  were   scoring  the  limits  of  Italy’s  and getting tested.   ing  face  masks  manned
            said  at  least  229  people  elderly.                    prevention  protocols,  the  “This wasn’t a very exciting  checkpoints   along   the
            have tested positive for the  The   majority   of   those   most stringent in Europe.   place  to  begin  with,”  said  road into Codogno, south-
            virus in Italy. State television  known to be infected with   Officials  still  hadn’t  pin-  Andrea Casalis, a 27-year-  east  of  Milan,  where  the
            on Monday night reported  COVID-19  hail  from  two       pointed the origin of Italy’s  old  from  Vo’Euganeo,  a  first  patient  to  test  positive
            the  seventh  death  of  an  main  clusters  —  some  10   outbreak  or  whether  the  town of 3,500 people at the  for  the  virus  was  hospital-
            infected  person  —  that  of  towns in Lombardy and an-  clusters  were  related.  With  epicenter  of  the  Veneto  ized last week.
            a 62-year-old man who al-    other area in the neighbor-  the numbers rising, authori-  cluster. “Since we can’t go  Residents  wearing  face
                                                                      ties were struggling to con-  to the bar, there’s no much  masks and gloves lined up
                                                                      tain  the  number  of  cases,  left to do.”               at Codogno’s supermarket
                                                                      which  by  Monday  had  Casalis  had  been  due  to  to  stock  up  on  food,  only
                                                                      spread to a half-dozen re-   start a new job in the food  to find out the market was
                                                                      gions  and  prompted  Aus-   sector  a  few  miles  out  of  still closed on orders of the
                                                                      tria  to  temporarily  halt  rail  town,  but  that  is  now  on  mayor. Later, groups of four
                                                                      traffic across its border with  hold  —  evidence  of  the  at a time were allowed into
                                                                      Italy.                       cascading  economic  ef-     the bakery in nearby Casa-
                                                                      “These    rapid   develop-   fect the outbreak is begin-  lpusterlengo, and one at a
                                                                      ments  over  the  weekend  ning to wreak on the north-    time into the pharmacy.
                                                                      have  shown  how  quickly  ern  powerhouse  of  Italy’s  Italian farm lobby Coldiretti
                                                                      this situation can change,”  economy.                     reported a 5%-10% increase
                                                                      EU  Health  Commissioner  “I try to stay optimistic, but  in  fresh  fruit  and  produce
                                                                      Stella  Kyriakides  said  in  the  perception  of  what’s  purchases  this  weekend
                                                                      Brussels. “We need to take  going  on  changes  subjec-   across the country, as Ital-
                                                                      this situation of course very  tively,” he said.          ians  stocked  up  fearing
                                                                      seriously,  but  we  must  not  While   Italian   authorities  possible future quarantines
                                                                      give in to panic, and, even  canceled soccer matches,  even in regions that hadn’t
                                                                      more  importantly,  to  disin-  Masses and closed schools,  registered any cases. Hand
                                                                      formation.”                  museums,  theaters  and  disinfectant      and    face
                                                                      On  Tuesday,  Kyriakides  will  even Venice’s famed Car-  masks were in short supply;
                                                                      meet  in  Rome  with  Italy’s  nival,  they  also  sought  to  in  Genoa  —  which  hasn’t
                                                                      health ministers, those from  calm fears by noting the vi-  had  any  cases  —  the  su-
                                                                      bordering countries — Aus-   rus’ low mortality rate.     permarket  shelves  were
                                                                      tria,  France,  Slovenia  and  Speaking   on   state-run  empty.
                                                                      Switzerland,  as  well  as  the  RAI  news,  virologist  Ilaria  Civil  protection  chief  An-
                                                                      ministers  from  Germany  Capua  of  the  University  of  gelo Borrelli acknowledged
                                                                      and Croatia.                 Florida  noted  that  Italy’s  that there were some sup-
                                                                      For   Italians   barricaded  high number of cases were  ply issues with the virus test
                                                                      in  the  dozen  small  towns  due  to  the  fact  that  Italy  kits, and Lombardy officials
                                                                      around the two main clus-    was “actively seeking them  announced  they  were  no
                                                                      ters  of  the  outbreak,  the  out.” More than 3,000 peo-  longer  automatically  test-
                                                                      outlook  for  the  next  two  ple  have  been  tested  for  ing people who had come
                                                                      weeks  appeared  bleak,  the virus, most of whom had  into  contact  with  infected
                                                                      with the only order of busi-  direct  contact  with  those  patients. q
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