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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 29 June 2017
            White House reporter says                                                                                             dOCTOR ON dUTY
            he’s tired of being bullied                                                                                                  Dr. v. Ool
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 588 2226
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                         Dr. Every
            By DAVID BAUDER              about  the  CNN  story, and   Time Share Resale           TIME SHARES FOR SALE                  Tel. 584 1984
            AP Television Writer         she  expressed  frustration   Costa Linda Beach Resorts   Caribbean Palm Village         EMERGENCIA 911
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The  re-  with media coverage.        2 Br WK 22,23 room #2001     Week 7 $ 6,500.00
            porter who accused White     “If  we  make  the  slightest   2 Br WK 28,29 room #2008  Week 26 $ 2,000.00
            House       spokeswoman      mistake, the slightest word   Pool/Ocean View $7500 each   all are 2 bedroom all are
            Sarah  Huckabee  Sand-       is  off,  it  is  just  an  absolute   Call:(011-297-6301307)  Garden View
            ers  of  inflaming  the  pub-  tirade from a lot of people    email: or   POLICE          100
            lic against the media at a   in this room,” Sanders said.   ________________________________207592  Call: 609 775 3836  ORANJESTAD     527-3140
            press briefing says he did it   “But news outlets get to go   Time Share Resale        _________________________________207577  NOORD       527-3200
            because  he’s  tired  of  be-  on, day after day, and cite   Aruba Divi Phoenix        TIME SHARE FOR  SALE RENT    STA. CRUZ        527-2900
            ing bullied by the adminis-  unnamed sources, use sto-    1 Br Week 27 room #102       Divi Phoenix                 SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            tration.                     ries without sources.”       Ocean Front Villas $6500     1 br 1 1/2 baths tower suite   POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
            Brian  Karem,  an  editor  at   That’s where Karem broke   20 weeks remain on the      1205, wk 26 7/1 to 8, $4500   FIRE DEPT.      582-1108
            the  Washington-area  Sen-   in.                          contract,                    divi dutch Village three rm suite    HOSPITAL      527-4000
            tinel newspapers, became     “Come     on!”   he   said.   2 Br Week 27,28 room        unit 92 to 96, 2 1/2 baths wk 26,   DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            an  instant  symbol  in  the   “You’re  inflaming  every-  #861/862                    July 1 to 8 $5700            AMBULANCE        582-1234
            tense relationship between   body right here, right now   Ocean Front Villas $20K each  Mill Marriott resort 2 br suite   IMSAN        524-8833
            the  president  and  journal-  with those words.” He said   36 weeks remain on contract  unit 234 b/c wk 28 7/15 to 7/22   RED CROSS      582-2219
            ists  when  he  interrupted   that  Sanders  is  there  to   Call:(011-297-6301307)    $3900                       Women in Difficulties
            Sanders on Tuesday. Given    answer    questions   “and
            the  nation’s  wide  political   what  you  did  is  inflamma-  ________________________________207592  508 651 0016    PHARMACY
            divide, it took little search-  tory to people all over the   Time Share Resale        ________________________________207549  Oranjestad:
            ing  to  find  depictions  of   country who look at it and   Marriott Surf and Ocean Club  TIME SHARE FOR  SALE RENT  Sta. Cruz Tel. 585 8028
            him as either a hero or cry-  say, ‘See, once again, the      Gold season              Complete renovated           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
            ing baby on social media.    president’s right and every-  1 Br Ocean View $6000       Divi Dutch Village
            “There’s a time and a place   body else out here is fake   2 Br Ocean View $8500       wk 27, pool floor studio unit
            for everything and the time   media.’ And everybody in    2 Br Garden View$8000        13, all special  asessment pd,   INFORMATION   118
            has come to stand up and     this room is only trying to do   2 Br Ocean side $9000    $4200 week 26 divi Villa and   TAXI-TAS    587-5900
            be  counted,”  Karem  told   their job.”                  2 Br Ocean Front $16,000     golf unit 5509, 1 br 6/25 start   PROF. TAXI   588-0035
            The  Associated  Press  on   Sanders  said  that  “if  any-  3 Br Ocean View $16,500   $3900 and week 29 unit 5503,   TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                                                SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            Wednesday.  “I’m  tired  of   thing  has  been  inflamed,   Call:(011-297-6301307)     July 16 to 23 $3900 sale ,   A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            taking  it.  I  want  friendly   it’s  the  dishonesty  that  of-  rent $650                                   280-2828
            relationships,   but   those   ten  takes  place  by  the   ________________________________207592  CruIse shIP
            who  want  respect,  show    news media and I think it is   Time Share Resale          508 651 0016
            respect.  We  have  shown    outrageous  for  you  to  ac-  Free non exclusive Listings  ________________________________207549
            that  man  and  shown  the   cuse me of inflaming a sto-  Free appraisal report.       2 STORY VILLA
            administration  respect  for   ry when I was simply trying   rent, sell,Buy            3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
            six  months,  and  all  we’re   to respond to his question.”  31 years doing honest    rear patio, laundry room, 2 cars
            getting in return is a lack of   The White House has been   Business                   garage, 1 bedroom apartment,           June 29
            respect, derision and bully-  holding  fewer  on-camera   More Information:            landscaped, fully fenced build      Carnival splendor
            ing.”                        briefings  lately,  and  the   Call: 011-297-6301307)     up area 469m2 on 1484m2
            Karem,  56,  is  not  a  repre-  press has been pushing for   property land. $399,000.     Aruba Airport   524-2424
            sentative  of  the  large  na-  more. q                   ________________________________207592  For info: 297 733 1201   American Airlines 582-2700
            tional media organizations                                                          Avianca    588-0059
                                                                                                                                Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            repeatedly  described  as                                                              _________________________________207560  Jet Blue    588-2244
            “fake  news”  by  the  presi-                                                          FOR SALE                     Surinam       582-7896
            dent. Besides his editing, he                                                          Casa del Mar                 Venezolana    583-7674
            writes  for  Playboy,  where                                                           wk 1 +deed                   Aruba Foundation
            his  first-person  account                                                             2bedroom and 2 bath #1313    For those Visually Incapasitated
            of  the  confrontation  was                                                            Presidential / ocean view    Tel. 582-5051
            posted  late  Tuesday.  He                                                             $21,000                      AL-ANON group
            was jailed as a Texas televi-                                                          e-mail:    Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            sion reporter in 1990 for re-                                                          _________________________________206677
            fusing to identify sources in                                                                                       FUNDACIONS
            a crime story.                                                                                                      Respetami
            The  administration’s  own                                                                                          Tel. 582-4433
            anger  with  the  media  is                                                                                         Centro Diabetic Arubano
            close  to  the  surface,  with                                                                                      Tel. 524-8888
            the   president   tweeting
            Tuesday  about  a  CNN                                                                                              Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
            story  on  Russian  connec-
            tions  that  was  retracted                                                                                         QUOTA Club
            last week, and on Wednes-                                                                                           Tel. 525-2672
            day  about  The  New  York
            Times’  coverage  of  the                                                                                           Women in Difficulties
            stalled  health  bill.  Sanders                                                                                     Tel. 583-5400
            opened Tuesday’s briefing
            by  calling  on  a  reporter                                                                                        Bloodbank Aruba
            from the conservative Bre-                                                                                          Tel. 587-0002
            itbart  News,  who  asked
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