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a8    local
                   Friday 21 February 2025
            Aruba’s Sunset Parade was full of good vibes and unity

              The people of Aruba and even our love-    Bubali, then Do It Center and continuing
              ly visitors were able to enjoy a beautiful  at Boegoeroei, passing Misa Santa Anna,
              Sunset  Parade  wednesday  night,  which  Botica Santa Anna and fishing up at CMB
              was  full  of  good  vibes,  amazing  music  Noord.
              and a lot of beauty.
                                                        Sunset  Parade  started  with  Aruba  Tour-
              Along with the locals, who always bring  ism  Authority/Ban  Serio  together  with
              their  happy-go-lucky  personalities  and  Grupo  di  Asambeho,  followed  by  Chi-
              unique vibes to the parades, there were  chi’s  Group  &  Disco.  After  these  two,
              also many tourists waiting for the parade.  we saw Touch of Steel Band and Grupo
              It was absolutely beautiful to see our lo-  Loco, who were followed by Seroe Jan-
              cals and visitors socialize, share a piece  chi Group and the Lastlast with Youth Ex-
              of  Aruba’s  culture  and,  like  Simon  Top-  treme Band finishing up the parade.
              penberg  who  came  all  the  way  from
              Australia, enjoy our beautiful carnaval in  Locals and visitors alike were able to en-  Aruba to me
              harmony.                                  joy  a  continuation  of  Aruba’s  beautiful
                                                        carnaval  that  shows  the  colorful  hap-
              The  parade’s  route  was  the  same  as  piness  in  our  culture  that  Aruba  has  to
              usual, starting at Chengs, going through  share.q

                                                                                                   ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  as names, likeness, etc. for
                                                                                                   back and we would like to  promotional purposes with-
                                                                                                   portrait you! By inviting you  out compensation.
                                                                                                   to send us your favorite va-  Last but not least: check out
                                                                                                   cation picture while enjoying  our website, Instagram and
                                                                                                   our Happy Island.            Facebook page! Thank you
                                                                                                                                for supporting our free news-
                                                                                                   Complete  the  sentence:  paper, we strive to make you
                                                                                                   Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  a happy reader every day
                                                                                                   your  picture  with  that  text  again.
                                                                                                   (including  your  name  and  For  today  we  received  a
                                                                                                   where  you  are  from)  to:  lovely message from Simon
                                                                                          and  Toppenberg all the way from
                                                                                                   we will publish your vacation  Brisbane, Australia.
                                                                                                   memory. Isn’t that a special
                                                                                                   way to keep your best mo-    He wrote to us saying: “Aru-
                                                                                                   ments alive? Please do note:  ba to me is a little slice of
                                                                                                   By submitting photos, text or  paradise.  Beautiful  palces,
                                                                                                   any other materials, you give  beautiful people.”
                                                                                                   permission to The Aruba To-
                                                                                                   day Newspaper, Caribbean  Thank  you  for  sending  this
                                                                                                   Speed  Printers  and  any  of  wonderful message sharing
                                                                                                   its  affiliated  companies  to  what Aruba means to you
                                                                                                   use  said  materials,  as  well  with us and our readers!q
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