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a26     condolencia
              Diabierna 13 OctOber 2017

                                                             Anuncio pa corant pa Diabierna 13/10/2017      The LORD is my shepherd;
                                                             “Señor ta mi wardador,                         I shall not want.
                                                             mi n’tin falta di nada;                        Psalm 23 vers. 1
             “Dios ta Amor…Y amor ta                         Den cunucu di yerba berde,
             Dios,                                           E ta ponemi sosega.                            With deep sorrow we announce the passing away
             Maske mi no ta na e mundo                       E ta hibami na awa tranquil,                   of:
             aki, tur dia                                    pa mi bolbe hanja forsa. Salmo 23:1,2,3.
             lo mi ta Banda di boso
             Curason, mi por                                 Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia
             stens di loke Señor ta haci.”                   fayecimento di:

             Salomo 33
             Cu profundo tristesa pero
             conforme cu voluntad di
             Dios, nos ta anuncia cu a fayese cristianamente:
                                                                                                                      Alida A. Stamper
                                                                                                                       Better known as: “Mama”
                                                                                                              She was the daughter of †Norma Muller and
                                                                                                                           †Andres Stamper
                      Graciela Ridderstap                                                                             Sunrise: October 13th, 1958
                     Miho conoci como “Chela of Dudu”                  Flora Maria Lacle                               Sunset: October 5th, 2017
                        *18-03-1928   † 09-10-2017                   Cariñosamente yama: “Chichi”
                                                                      * 16-10-1932   † 12-10-2017           Left to mourn are her:
             Na Nomber di:
             Yiunan:                                         Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar diamars 17 oktober   Daughters:
                    Elvira y Robert Maduro                   2017 pa 4or di atardi na Misa Santa Teresita
                    Elviro y Shirley Ridderstap              na San Nicolas y despues saliendo pa Santana    Virginia Maxwell and family (AUA & SXM)
                    Eddy y Maria Ridderstap                  Catolico na San Nicolas. Nos defunto stima lo ta    Melisa Mentore and family (AUA)
                    Nelson y Germania Ridderstap             reposa for di 2or di atardi na Misa.
                    Franklin y Leonilda Ridderstap                                                          Grandchildren: Ishandre, Nairobi, Amijah &
                                                             Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta   Melwin
             Nieto y Nietanan:                               extende nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di
             Aschwin y Glendeline   Edison y Debbie          e fayecida.
             Daniela                                         Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:   Aunts: Josefa Haddock and family
             Sherwin ( Hulanda)    Lydiamaria (Hulanda)                                      Leonilda Esey and family
             Franchesca y Esteban                                                                           Nephew: Joel Upia Frias and family (AUA)
             Delwin y Gislaine     Enrique y Josina
             Edgar y Dayenne       Lisette y Karim                                                          Cousins: Roberto Brown and family (AUA)
             Eldrick y Gelene      Charmaine y Gerrick                                                                 Sylvio Brown and family (AUA)
             Elviro Jr y Chrislaine   Chanella
             Elgin y Tatiana       Charissa y Archel
             Shermaine y Perry     Angelson (Hulanda)y Lisha                                                Stepfather: Carel Leslie

                                                                                                            Good friend: Louis Maxwell
             Bisanieto /a: Amylaine, Jondrick, J’drion, Ishaiëz,   “Señor ta mi wardador,
             Ismaël, Aschline, Owen, Cody, Zane, Ian.        mi’n tin falta di nada
                                                             Den cunucu di yerba                            She was related to: Stamper, Muller, Arrindell,
             Cuñanan:                                        berde e ta ponemi sosega.                      Brown, Fenton, Wilson
             Francisca Ras y Famia, Rubi Ridderstap y Famia  E ta hibami na awa trankil,
                                                             Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       Our sincere apologies should we have failed to
             Su iha:          Angela Croes                   Salmo: 23                                      mention anyone

             Su nuera:       Swienda Hengeveld                                                              The funeral will take place on monday 16
                                                               Clyde Orlando James                          october 2017 at 4:00 pm at Ad Patres Funeral
             Mescos como jui: Jela Ridderstap  Amiga:
             Delia Kelly                                               *22-01-1962 - †06-10-2017            Home and from there to the government Burial
                                                                                                            Ground in San Nicolas. The body will be laid
             Sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y primanan, Bisiñanan.  Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues   out from 2:00 pm at Ad Patres.

             Famia Ridderstap, Maduro, v/d Biezen, Geerman,                                                 Instead of wreaths and flower there will be a
             Garcia Santos, Brito, Quandus.
                                                                                                            donation box available for a good cause
             Ta invita tur famia, bisiña y conocirnan pa asisti na e
             acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar:                                                              We apologize that after the funeral we can’t
             Diabierna 13 di october 2017 di 2or pa 4or di atardi                                           receive condolences at home.
             Aurora Funeral Home después pa Santana Sabana
                                                                                                            Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral
             Adres pa condolencia: diahuebs 12 di october 2017 di                                           home extend their most sincere condolences to
             7.00pm -9.00pm na Aurora Funeral Home                                                          the family.
             Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos No por
             ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas. Nos kier a pidi nos                                      Condolences can be sent through our e-mail
             disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida un of otro                                       address or website
             nomber di famia.
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