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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 6 noveMber 2017
            26 killed in church attack in Texas mass shooting

                                                                                                   act,” and promised “more
                                                                                                   details”  from  the  state’s
                                                                                                   Department of Public Safe-
                                                                                                   ty soon.
                                                                                                   Sutherland  Springs  is  in  a
                                                                                                   rural area where communi-
                                                                                                   ties are small and tight-knit.
                                                                                                   The  area  is  known  for  its
                                                                                                   annual  peanut  festival  in
                                                                                                   Floresville, which was most
                                                                                                   recently held last month.
                                                                                                   “We’re  shocked.  Shocked
                                                                                                   and  dismayed,”  said  state
                                                                                                   Sen.  Judith  Zaffirini,  a  Lar-
                                                                                                   edo  Democrat  whose  dis-
                                                                                                   trict  includes  Sutherland
                                                                                                   “It’s  especially  shocking
                                                                                                   when  it’s  such  a  small,  se-
                                                                                                   rene  area.  These  rural  ar-
             Law  enforcement  officials works  at  the  scene  of  a  fatal  shooting  at  the  First  Baptist  Church  in   eas,  they  are  so  beautiful
             Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017.                                   and so loving.”
                                                     (Nick Wagner/Austin American-Statesman via AP)  Zaffirini said she had called
                    Continued from Front  body’s going to be affect-  that he was monitoring the  several  county  and  local
                                         ed  and  everybody  knows    situation.                   officials but not been able
            Sherri  Pomeroy  wrote  in  a  someone who’s affected,”   Texas  Gov.  Greg  Abbott  to  get  through  and  didn’t
            text message to the AP that  she said.                    called the shooting an “evil  have any firm details. q
            she and her husband were  Regina  Rodriguez  arrived
            out of town in two different  at the church a couple of
            states when the attack oc-   hours  after  the  shooting
            curred.                      and walked up to the po-
            “We  lost  our  14  year  old  lice barricade. She hugged
            daughter today and many  a person she was with. She
            friends,”  she  wrote.  “Nei-  had  been  at  an  amuse-
            ther  of  us  have  made  it  ment park with her children
            back into town yet to per-   when  she  heard  of  the
            sonally  see  the  devasta-  shooting.
            tion.  I  am  at  the  charlotte  She said her father, 51-year-
            airport  trying  to  get  home  old  Richard  Rodriguez,  at-
            as soon as i can.”           tends  the  church  every
            The  wounded  were  taken  Sunday,  and  she  hadn’t
            to hospitals.                been  able  to  reach  him.
            Video  on  KSAT  television  She  said  she  feared  the
            showed  first  responders  worst.
            taking a stretcher from the  Nick  Uhlig,  34,  is  a  church
            church to a waiting AirLife  member  who  didn’t  go
            helicopter.  Eight  victims  Sunday  morning  because
            were taken by medical he-    he  was  out  late  Saturday
            licopter to the Brooke Army  night.
            Medical  Center,  the  mili-  He  said  his  cousins  were
            tary hospital said.          at  the  church  and  that
            Megan  Posey,  a  spokes-    his family was told at least
            woman  for  Connally  Me-    one  of  them,  a  woman
            morial  Medical  Center,  with  three  children  and
            which  is  in  Floresville  and  pregnant  with  another,  is
            about  10  miles  from  the  among  the  dead.  He  said
            church, said “multiple” vic-  he  hadn’t  heard  specific
            tims  were  being  treated  news about the other.
            for  gunshot  wounds.  She  “We  just  gathered  to  bury
            declined to give a specific  their grandfather on Thurs-
            number but said it was less  day,”  he  said.  “This  is  the
            than a dozen.                only  church  here.  We
            Alena  Berlanga,  a  Flores-  have  Bible  study,  men’s
            ville resident who was mon-  Bible  study,  vacation  Bible
            itoring the chaos on a po-   school.”
            lice  scanner  and  in  Face-  “Somebody  went  in  and
            book  community  groups,  started  shooting,”  he  said,
            said  everyone  knows  ev-   shaking  his  head  and  tak-
            eryone in the sparsely pop-  ing a long drag of his ciga-
            ulated county.               rette.
            “This  is  horrific  for  our  tiny  President  Donald  Trump
            little  tight-knit  town,”  said  tweeted   from   Japan,
            Alena  Berlanga.  “Every-    where is his on an Asian trip,
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