Page 23 - MIN SOC SEPT 25, 2015
P. 23

DIABIERNA 25 SEPTEMBER 2015                                      DIARIO                                                          PAGINA 35

                                Sumamente contento cu resultado di Telethon anual

YMCA ta gradici tur “YMCA celebrities” y comunidad di

                                Aruba pa nan bunita contribucion

ORANJESTAD (AAN):               YMCA por sigui ofrece su         incluyendo personalidadnan
E organizacion local di         programanan social durante       for di e ambientenan
YMCA a organiza su di cinco     henter aña.                      comercial, social y artistico
Telethon anual diahuebs                                          di Aruba, cu a haci donacion
pasa y ta anuncia cu nan ta      E “meta” ta tur aña pa yega     di nan tempo pa yama nan
sumamente contento cu e         na 100 mil Florin. E aña aki     red di amigonan, famia y
bunita donacionnan cu nan       e donacionnan mayoria tabata     contactonan di negoshi,
a ricibi for di negoshinan y    na “pledges” cu amigonan di      motiva motivando nan pa haci
comunidad en general. For       YMCA a haci via di telefon pa    un contribucion.
di algun cen pa algun mil       cual awo YMCA ta cuminsa
Florin, tur donacion ta worde   cu e fase di coleccion.              Recientemente YMCA a
ricibi cu brasa habri pa asina                                   añadi un programa mas na su
                                  E aña aki atrobe a conta cu e  pakete, unda cu nan ta manda
                                famoso “YMCA celebrities”,

Let your passion for discovery become a career.                                                 un hoben pa un training          exterior. Poniendo enfasis
                                                                                                den exterior pa fomenta          riba balornan y normanan di
         Unearth the lesser seen. Expose the hidden gems to help                                habilidadnan di liderazgo,       YMCA.
          our guests discover. Explore, uncover, share, inspire at                              Nathalie Harms, kende ta
                                                                                                dirigi e organizacion, a              Harms a splica cu den
                              Renaissance Hotels.                                               splica.                          e siguiente lunanan e
                                                                                                                                 programanan di YMCA ta
              Renaissance Aruba Resort & Casino has the following positions available:            E hoben ta bolbe y ta trece    sigui manera tur aña, cu un
                                                                                                ideanan nobo pa programanan      evento di clausura di aña y
          Delighted to Serve Agent                                                              social inovativo, por ehempel    shownan pa mayornan di
                                                                                                cu ta envolve deporte, pa asina  muchanan cu ta participa na
                                               Required skills:                                 sigui amplia e progamanan        programanan di YMCA pa
        Trilingual (English and Spanish mandatory). Clear and pleasant voice with a smile.      di YMCA cu tin un impacto        nan wak kico nan yiunan a
      Room Service/Food & Beverage, Front Desk/bellsta /Navigator, and Housekeeping &           social.                          siña.
        Engineering knowledge. Ability to manage situations under stress. Time Flexibility.                                      Na 2015 YMCA a organiza
        Ability to integrate into work teams. Positive Attitude. Ability to work with system         E entrenamento ta pues      un convencion tambe na mei
       such as GuestWare, Micros and Opera. Cordial, pleasant. Good telephone etiquette.        beneficioso tanto pa e hoben     y nan ta hopi orguyoso cu e
                                                                                                mes como pa e personanan         resultado di esaki y lo tin’e
                                  Experience working under supervision.                         cu ta haci di uzo di YMCA.       tambe riba nan programa pa
                                                                                                E programa aki ta sigui na       2016.
                           Overall responsibilities & function description:                     2016.                            YMCA ta gradici tur e
            Provide external and internal clients HIGH QUALITY service and attention,                                            celebridadnan, comunidad
      exceeding their expectations while applying Renaissance Resort & Casino’s policies and      YMCA ta sigui inverti den      di Aruba y amigonan fiel di
       procedures. Provide and maintain sincere courteous and knowledgeable service to all      nan desaroyo como lider y        YMCA pa nan entusiasmo,
      Renaissance guests projecting warmth through a friendly and enthusiastic attitude and     ta duna mas tools y hunto        cooperacion y nan
      performing in a manner that says “welcome” to each and every guest & service request      cu YMCA Internacional ta         donacionnan.
                                                                                                sigui manda e hobennan aki
                                                you encounter.                                  cursonan avansa riba tereno
                                                                                                di deporte y liderazgo den
                                                We o er you:
      We o er you a career in one of Aruba’s largest and best performing tourist resort, while

               our combination of pay and bene ts are amongst the best on the island.

                           Please send your application to the attention of:
                                      Human Resources Department,

                                  email :
                              L.G. Smith Boulevard 82, Oranjestad, Aruba.
                             Telephone 297-583 6000 or Fax 297-523 6337
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