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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 17 OcTOber 2023

            Settlement over Trump family separations at the border limits future

            separations for 8 years

            By REBECCA SANTANA and                                                                                              years.  They  include  if  the
            ELLIOT SPAGAT                                                                                                       child is being abused or the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    parent committed a much
            SAN  DIEGO  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            more  serious  crime  than
            federal government would                                                                                            crossing the border illegally.
            be  barred  from  immigra-                                                                                          President  Joe  Biden  issued
            tion  policies  that  separate                                                                                      an  executive  order  on
            parents  from  children  for                                                                                        his  first  day  in  office  to  re-
            eight  years  under  a  pro-                                                                                        unite  families.  According
            posed court settlement an-                                                                                          to  figures  released  by  the
            nounced Monday that also                                                                                            Department  of  Homeland
            provides families that were                                                                                         Security  in  February,  3,881
            split  under  the  Trump  ad-                                                                                       children  were  separated
            ministration with temporary                                                                                         from  their  families  from
            legal status and short-term                                                                                         2017 to 2021. About 74% of
            housing aid.                                                                                                        those  have  been  reunited
            The settlement between the                                                                                          with their families: 2,176 be-
            Biden  administration  and                                                                                          fore a Biden administration
            the  American  Civil  Liber-                                                                                        task force was created and
            ties Union, if approved by a                                                                                        689 afterward. Hundreds of
            judge, would at least tem-                                                                                          families  sued  the  federal
            porarily  prohibit  the  type                                                                                       government,  seeking  both
            of  "zero-tolerance"  policy   Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas speaks at a news conference on Wednesday,   monetary  damages  and
            on  illegal  immigration  un-  May 10, 2023.                                                       Associated Press   policy changes.
            der which former President                                                                                          In  2021,  the  government
            Donald  Trump  separated  year's election.                parents.  Facing  strong  op-  on  any  future  attempts  to  was  discussing  a  possible
            thousands of families at the  His  administration  separat-  position,  Trump  eventually  separate  families  as  a  de-  payment  of  hundreds  of
            border with Mexico.          ed children from their par-  reversed  course  in  2018,  terrent to illegal immigration  thousands of dollars to each
            "It is our intent to do what-  ents or guardians they were  days  before  U.S.  District  was crucial.              parent and child separated
            ever we can to make sure  traveling with as it moved to  Judge Dana Sabraw in San  "This settlement means that  under  Trump's  policies  but
            that the cruelty of the past  criminally prosecute people  Diego  halted  the  practice  babies  and  toddlers  will  fi-  talks  stalled  on  that  point.
            is not repeated in the future.  for illegally crossing the bor-  and  ordered  immediate  nally  get  to  see  their  par-  But  the  proposed  settle-
            We  set  forth  procedures  der. The children, who could  reunification  in  the  lawsuit  ents  after  years  apart  and  ment provides key benefits
            through    this   settlement  not be held in criminal cus-  brought by the ACLU.       that these suffering families  including  authorization  for
            agreement  to  advance  tody,  were  transferred  to  During  a  CNN  town  hall  in  will have an opportunity to  parents  of  separated  chil-
            that  effort,"  Homeland  Se-  the  Department  of  Health  May,  Trump  was  noncom-  seek lawful status," he said.  dren to come to the U.S. un-
            curity  Secretary  Alejandro  and  Human  Services  and  mittal on whether he would  "Nothing  can  make  these  der humanitarian parole for
            Mayorkas  told  The  Associ-  then  typically  sent  to  live  again  separate  families  if  families whole again but this  three years and work in the
            ated Press.                  with a sponsor, often a rela-  elected. "When you say to  is at least a start."        United  States.  The  families
            Trump,  the  front-runner  for  tive or someone else with a  a  family  that  if  you  come  Under  the  settlement,  it  receive housing aid for up
            the Republican presidential  family connection.           we're  going  to  break  you  would  still  be  possible  to  to a year and medical and
            nomination, hasn't ruled out  Faulty   tracking   systems  up,  they  don't  come,"  he  separate   children   from  behavioral  health  benefits
            reviving  the  highly  contro-  caused  many  to  be  apart  said when pressed.        parents  or  guardians,  but  designed to address some
            versial  tactic  at  the  south-  for  an  extended  time  or  Lee  Gelernt,  lead  counsel  under limited scenarios, as  of  the  trauma  associated
            ern  border  if  he  wins  next  never  reunited  with  their  for the ACLU, said the ban  has been the case for many  with the separations.q

            The Supreme Court orders makers of gun

            parts to comply with rules on ghost guns

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  ing from a federal judge in  a  credit  card  —  no  back-
            Supreme Court on Monday  Texas  that  exempted  the  ground  check  required,"
            ordered  two  internet  sell-  two companies, Blackhawk  Solicitor  General  Elizabeth
            ers of gun parts to comply  Manufacturing  Group  and  Prelogar,  the  administra-
            with a Biden administration  Defense  Distributed,  from  tion's  top  Supreme  Court
            regulation  aimed  at  ghost  having to abide by the reg-  lawyer, wrote.
            guns, firearms that are diffi-  ulation of ghost gun kits.  The regulation changed the
            cult to trace because they  Other  makers  of  gun  parts  definition  of  a  firearm  un-  The U.S. Supreme Court is seen, Oct. 5, 2023, in Washington.
            lack serial numbers.         also had been seeking simi-  der  federal  law  to  include                                       Associated Press
            The  court  had  intervened  lar court orders, the admin-  unfinished  parts,  like  the  checks before a sale — as  or by 3D printers.
            once before, by a 5-4 vote  istration  told  the  Supreme  frame of a handgun or the  they  do  with  other  com-   The regulation will be in ef-
            in August, to keep the regu-  Court in a filing.          receiver  of  a  long  gun,  so  mercially  made  firearms.  fect  while  the  administra-
            lation in effect after it had  "Absent  relief  from  this  they can be tracked more  The  requirement  applies  tion  appeals  the  judge's
            been invalidated by a low-   Court,  therefore,  untrace-  easily. Those parts must be  regardless  of  how  the  fire-  ruling to the 5th U.S. Circuit
            er court. No justice dissent-  able ghost guns will remain  licensed and include serial  arm was made, meaning it  Court  of  Appeals  in  New
            ed publicly from Monday's  widely  available  to  any-    numbers.    Manufacturers  includes  ghost  guns  made  Orleans  —  and  potentially
            order, which followed a rul-  one  with  a  computer  and  must  also  run  background  from individual parts or kits  the Supreme Court.q
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