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Wednesday 13 september 2017
November 16 - 17 at the Hilton Aruba Resort:
‘Sustainability in Motion’ the Theme of Green Aruba 2017
PALM BEACH – Organizers actually doing things in a
of Green Aruba recently more sustainable manner.
announced details of the
8th edition of the Green Conferences on sustain-
Aruba Conference (GA- ability often center them-
VIII), which will be held at selves around the Why of
the Hilton Aruba Caribbe- sustainability (concern ori-
an Resort on the 16th and ented), or the What (inno-
17th of November 2017. vation oriented). GAVIII dis-
This year’s theme is “Sus- tinguishes itself from other
tainability in Motion”, which conferences by also focus-
captures the focus on what ing on the How of sustain-
it takes to move from talk- ability (best practices of
ing about sustainability to Aruba and other nations).
Since 2010, Green Aruba 1989, is the leading asso-
has served as an excep- ciation of electric utilities
tional platform to deliver and industry partners in the
premium informational ex- Caribbean with currently
perience on how to reach 106 members. It focuses
full sustainability, through on electric utility advo-
best practices and innova- cacy, growth and sustain-
tions. Most importantly, this ability in the Caribbean
conference has made it region, Central and South
possible for other countries, Americas. Together, Green
institutions and experts Aruba and CARILEC will
from all over the world to enable more opportunities
share valuable information, for the conference partici-
knowledge, experiences pants to engage in moving
and best practices. sustainability forward by
In the context of creating providing valuable insights
sustainable partnerships, into how the evolution of
this year the Green Aruba the electric utility sector will
will host the conference in affect us all.
collaboration with CAR- Visit
ILEC. CARILEC, founded in for more information. q