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             Wednesday 6 december 2017
            Loyal Guests Honored at the Costa Linda Beach Resort

            EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had
            the great pleasure of honoring a very nice group of guests
            who are loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Costa
            Linda Beach Resort as Goodwill Ambassadors.

            The symbolic honorary title is presented in the name of the
            Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation to guests
            who visit Aruba for 20-to-34 consecutive years.
            The honorees were Mr. Frank and Mrs. Helene Malaspina
            of New York, and Mr. Brian and Mrs. Marcia Shaughnessy
            of Michigan, each couple celebrating more than 20 con-
            secutive annual visits to Aruba!
            These special guests are regular guests at the Costa Linda
            Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much because
            of  the  safety,  the  beautiful  sunsets,  friendly  locals,  vari-
            ety of food and the feeling of home-away-from-home.
            The certificate was presented by Ms. Darline S. de Cuba   Beach Resort.                              And  Brian  and  Marcia  share  the  follow-
            representing  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  together  with   Each couple took the time to share with us  ing:  “We  came  to  Aruba  in  1987  for  our
            General  Manager  Mr.  Luigi  Heredia,  Mrs.  Gloria  Janga,   why they love Aruba so much.          honeymoon – Aruba is our Honeymoon Is-
            Mrs. Miriam Rodriquez and Mrs. Lina form the Costa Linda   Frank and Helene tell us: “Our visit to Aru-  land! We loved the people, the beaches
                                                                      ba from New York in 1996 was “Love at first  and the town. We came back for our 10
                                                                      sight.” We immediately knew that the Cos-  year  anniversary  in  1997  –  WOW!  It  had
                                                                      ta Linda in Aruba would become our 2nd  changed! We purchase our condo at Cos-
                                                                      home.  The  Beauty  of  the  Island  and  the  ta Linda that year and have made Aruba
                                                                      Kindness of the people was something we  our “home away from home” from Michi-
                                                                      wanted to share with family and friends.   gan ever since.
                                                                      We have built so many wonderful memo-      We’ve made many dear friends and have
                                                                      ries  over  the  past  22  years  and  look  for-  brought friends and family with us for many
                                                                      ward to many more.”                        years. Cheers!”q

                         Paradise in the Caribbean

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