Page 7 - aruba-today-20230802
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 2 august 2023

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use

            (Oranjestad)—Though  ders have passed on to us  said  that  this  tea  can  also
            western  medicine  is  now  over the years.               be  drank  after  an  opera-
            widely  used  for  common                                 tion on the ovaries or uter-  arrowroot   powder   and  round on the island. Relat-
            illnesses  and  to  keep  our  Pineapple                  us.  This  gets  rid  of  irritation  make a “shalup” (porridge)  ed to potato and tomato,
            bodies healthy and happy,  Pineapple  has  more  uses  and inflammation.               for  stomach  pain  or  when  eggplants  are  good  to
            it  is  still  very  common  in  than  topping  it  on  your                           you’re  feeling  weak.  You  calm nerves. It can also be
            every  household  in  Aruba  Christmas  ham.  According  When the fruit is unripe and  can  make  it  with  milk  too,  used  to  lower  blood  pres-
            (and  around  the  world)  to  to elders, the skin of a pine-  green, this can be used to  but  it  is  advised  to  best  sure, by steeping its leaves
            have  staple  home  rem-     apple is great to use to re-  stimulate menstruation flow  use  just  water.  You  can  in  boiled  water  and  drink-
            edies  that  is  passed  on  fresh your body. Clean the  in  women.  This  also  stimu-  also add prunes for a bit of  ing  it.  You  can  also  make
            through  generations.  Here  skin  thoroughly  and  make  lates  the  passing  kidney  sweetness.  Arrowroot  sha-  eggplant juice to help puri-
            are  some  tips  that  our  el-  tea or warapa* with it. It is  stones. When ripe, the fruit  lup is also good to treat an  fy your blood. However, do
                                                                      can be used for poisoning  unhealthy  gut  or  for  diar-  make  sure  to  drink  slowly;
                                                                      in  the  gut  and  can  help  rhea.                       let it mix with your spit and
                                                                      treat  rheumatic  diseases,                               then swallow.
                                                                      like arthritis.              To make arrowroot shalup,
                                                                                                   boil a bit of water and add  Eggplant  kataplan*  can
                                                                      However,     breastfeeding  one  tablespoon  of  arrow-   also  be  used  to  treat  skin
                                                                      women  who  cannot  pro-     root  powder  and  stir  con-  tumors,   abscesses   and
                                                                      duce  much  milk  are  ad-   tinuously  until  you  reach  hemorrhoids. Eggplant kat-
                                                                      vised  not  to  consume  too  porridge consistency. If you  aplan can also be used ex-
                                                                      pineapple,  and  people  make  a  shalup  with  milk,  ternally to treat arthritis.
                                                                      with acid reflux are recom-  add  a  pinch  of  salt.  Raw
                                                                      mended  to  not  consume  arrowroot  powder  can  be  *warapa:  term  referring  to
                                                                      any pineapple at all.        used to powder babies.       a water and sugar solution,
                                                                                                                                a.k.a simple syrup.
                                                                      Arrowroot                    Eggplant/Aubergine           *kataplan:    porridge-like
                                                                      Arrowroot is native to tropi-  Eggplants,  or  aubergines,  mixture   used   externally
                                                                      cal  America  and  can  be  are  easy  to  find  in  super-  for  wounds  or  parts  of  the
                                                                      sold as a powder or whole.  markets  around  the  world  body  that  are  painful  or
                                                                      It is said that you can take  and can be grown all year  swollen. q

            Prohibited by law: leaving the island with

            seashells, white sand or corals

            (Oranjestad)—Often  times,  and  amount  of  sand  con-   give  nature  the  respect  it
            the customs department at  fiscated is very strange and  deserves by protecting our
            the airport intercepts many  it is suspected that our own  environment.  Stop  collect-
            tourists  leaving  the  island  locals  are  the  ones  selling  ing  seashells,  white  sand
            with  seashells,  white  sand  these to the tourists, which  and corals from our shores
            and/or corals as souvenirs.   is unacceptable.            and stop buying or accept-
                                         Upon  confiscation  at  the  ing  these  from  local  sellers
            Conforming  to  the  inter-  airport,  you  can  also  face  or companies.
            national  treaty  of  CITES  a  fine  that  they  have  to
            and  our  local  law  which  pay  before  leaving.  This  is  We want our future gener-
            protects  our  Flora  &  Fau-  surely  not  a  pleasant  ex-  ations and visitors to enjoy
            na,  it  is  absolutely  prohib-  perience for the tourist. This  the beauty of our beaches,
            ited  to  take  any  seashell,  also leads to a negative re-  shells  and  corals  in  a  sus-
            sand  and  coral  outside  action  which  can  put  our  tainable  way,  without  de-
            of  Aruba.  This  is  to  protect  tourism in a negative light.   stroying  or  disrupting  the
            our  environment.  The  high  Though we love to accom-    Aruban ecosystem. Help us
            number  of  seashells,  coral  modate our visitors, let’s all  protect what is ours! q
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