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BUSINESS Thursday 14 sepTember 2017
iPhone X puts exclamation point on Apple’s pricing strategy
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE that are so well designed
BARBARA ORTUTAY they can’t fathom living
AP Technology Writers without them.
CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) — Apple CEO Tim Cook left lit-
Apple has made a luxury tle doubt in the company’s
iPhone that punctuates confidence in the iPhone
its technological swagger X (pronounced “ten”),
with a high-priced excla- whose name references
mation point. And that ex- the decade that’s passed
clamation point appears to since company co-found-
be a sign of things to come. er Steve Jobs first pulled
The long-anticipated out an iPhone that sold for
iPhone X unveiled Tuesday $499.
will sell for $999, double Cook attempted to frame
what the original iPhone the iPhone X as a similar
cost a decade ago and breakthrough, hailing it as
more than any other com- “the biggest leap forward”
peting device on the mar- since the original iPhone.
ket. That’s very much in But the original iPhone rev-
line with Apple’s long-term olutionized society by put-
positioning of itself as a pur- ting connected hand-held
veyor of pricey aspirational computers and apps into
gadgets. the hands of millions of ordi-
But it’s also a clear sign that The new iPhone 8 Plus is displayed in the showroom after the new product announcement at the nary people. The iPhone X
Apple is ramping up that Steve Jobs Theater on the new Apple campus on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2017, in Cupertino, Calif. mostly promises to do what
strategy by continuing to (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) earlier smartphones have
push its prices higher, even themselves ran faster and Apple will start selling an in- tively cost $50 and $30 done, only better.
though improvements it’s acquired new powers. ternet-connected speaker, more than their immediate But rival phones — many of
bringing to its products are On Tuesday, for instance, the HomePod, priced at predecessors, the iPhone 7 them from Samsung — al-
often incremental or deriv- Apple also introduced a TV $349, nearly twice as much and 7 Plus. ready offer similar displays,
ative. Among other things, streaming box that will sell as Amazon’s market-lead- PAYING MORE FOR SOME- facial recognition, aug-
that runs contrary to de- for $179, far more than simi- ing Echo speaker. WHAT MORE mented reality and wireless
cades in which high-tech lar devices, and a smart- Apple is also raising the The premium pricing strat- charging, if often in cruder
device prices have fallen watch with its own cellular price of its runner-up egy reflects Apple’s long- forms that mostly haven’t
over time, often dramati- connection that will cost phones, the iPhone 8 and held belief that consumers won over large numbers of
cally, even as the gadgets almost $400. In December, 8 Plus, which will respec- will pay more for products phone users.q
Target stocks up on staff, raising holiday hiring 40 percent
line orders at its warehous- cereal, paper towels and others, have not yet dis-
es. thousands of other items. closed their plans.
Having the extra staff “will Both Target and Walmart Joel Bines, co-head of retail
make shopping at Target are trying to hold their practice and a managing
even easier and more fun own against, director at consulting firm
during one of the busiest which is encroaching on AlixPartners, says Target’s
times of the year,” said multiple fronts. The Seattle- holiday hiring strategy in-
Janna Potts, the compa- based company’s acquisi- dicates how hiring related
ny’s chief stores officer. tion of Whole Foods Market to online services is mov-
Online orders have soared puts it in direct competition ing to the stores. Getting
since the Minneapolis- with the grocery operations help with online orders or
based company strength- of Target and Walmart and picking up those items at
ened its digital business provides hundreds of new a store has been a “pretty
and increased the speed locations from which to de- lousy experience” at many
of deliveries. Target said liver goods to customers. retailers, he said.
last month that online sales Target is one of the first ma- “This holiday season is go-
This photo shows the logo on a Target store in Upper Saint Clair, jumped 32 percent during jor retailers to publicly an- ing to be a tipping point,”
Pa. Target said it plans to hire about 100,000 workers for the 2017 the second quarter. Rival nounce its holiday hiring he said. “They are going to
holiday season, up from the 70,000 it hired a year ago.
(AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) Walmart also reported a figures. Amazon, Macy’s, turn it into a competitive
By A. D’INNOCENZIO stores during its busiest surge in online orders as and J.C. Penney, among advantage.”q
JOSEPH PISANI time, up 40 percent from well.
AP Retail Writers last year. Target had announced
NEW YORK (AP) — Target Target said Wednesday earlier this year that it was
is stocking its stores and that the seasonal hires, an spending $7 billion in capi-
warehouses with even increase from the 70,000 tal investments over the
more extra staff this holiday people it hired for the holi- next few years including
shopping season, hoping days last year, will stock remodeling stores, opening
to win customers with easy- shelves or fulfill online or- more small stores in urban
to-find goods and fast ser- ders that customers pick up areas and expanding its
vice. in stores. The retailer also e-commerce operations.
It’s hiring 100,000 people to plans to hire 4,500 people Last week, Target had said
work at its more than 1,800 to help pack and ship on- it would slash prices on