Page 28 - MIN ECEM_Neat
P. 28
LOCAL Monday 12 June 2017
The Ritz-Carlton proudly introduced its Global Partnership
with Trey Ratcliff for‘80 Stays Around the World’
-Leading Travel Photogra-
pher Invited Fans to Par-
ticipate in an Unforgettable
Photo Tour.
Ritz-Carlton Hotel Com-
pany, L.L.C. announced
their brand’s partnership
with leading photographer
and influencer, Trey Rat-
cliff, whose awe-inspiring
photo tour across the Unit-
ed States in the summer of
2015 in addition to previ-
ous tours in the Caribbean,
Southeast Asia, and the
Middle East have continu-
ously captured the imagi-
nation of his global audi-
properties and fans to join cards, trips and VIP expe- cliff who aligns with these
in this unparalleled experi- riences, the journey pro- ideals,” said Lisa Holladay,
ence at no cost. vided endless moments Global Brand Leader and
For digital followers, Rat- of wonder and delight for Vice President, The Ritz-
cliff hosted Facebook Live fans. “The Ritz-Carlton is fo- Carlton. “Following the
broadcasts from the photo cused on encouraging ar- successes of the U.S. leg
walks, behind-the-scenes tistic and personal expres- of the tour, we very much
moments, and interactions sion through travel, and look forward to seeing how
with well-known guests or
local personalities through-
out his journey. During
each broadcast, Trey has
accepting live questions
from the viewing audi-
ence as he discussed art,
creativity, and inspiration.
Ratcliff shows are always
fun, special and unpredict-
ence. Back in January, to participate in his journey able. During the tour, fans
Trey Ratcliff experienced and be inspired by one of around the world had the
The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba the world’s preeminent opportunity to receive ex-
and shared his adventures photographers, whose citing insider offers cour-
through photography. Rat- photos have been collec- tesy of The Ritz-Carlton and we’re delighted to partner Trey’s tour around Europe
cliff shares The Ritz-Carlton tively viewed over 140 bil- other partners. With gift with an artist like Trey Rat- unfolds this spring.”
commitment to inspire lion times. Between April The Asia-Pacific leg of the
travel and was able to and June, Ratcliff had jour- tour is slated to begin in ei-
showcase, to his audience, neyed from Lisbon to Mos- ther late 2017 or 2018.
many unique sites of Aruba cow, touring some of the For more information about
such as the natural pool. greatest and most beauti- the European Photo Tour
Ratcliff documented his ful cities on the European and locations, visit 80stays.
journey throughout several continent. Supported by or ritzcarl-
cities across Europe, stay- The Ritz-Carlton, his team
ing in a number of The Ritz- did spent four days in each To visually follow the tour,
Carlton properties along city with an agenda filled search hashtags #80Stays
the way. “80 Stays Around with photo walking tours and #RCMemories and fol-
the World” has been an and photography work- low @TreyRatcliffsocial me-
entirely unique experience shops, allowing guests of dia channels or @RitzCarl-
for guests and fans wishing participating Ritz-Carlton tonon Twitter.q