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            Thursday 30 November 2017

            At a Celebratory Lunch at Blossoms:

            Playa Linda Provides Appreciation for Longtime Associates

            -Perla  Baptiste  receives  are Room Attendant Clara  adds up, as it should.
            highest honors for 30 years  Roga,    General   Cashier  I enjoy the details,” she says
            of dedicated service.        Marisa Bomba, Painter Ana  with a smile.
                                         Maria Hurtado, Accounting  Finance Director Ann Brink-
            PALM BEACH - Making the  Manager  Ramphiz  Croes  man and Accounting Man-
            most  of  a  Thanksgiving  and  Preventive  Mainte-       ager Ramphiz Croes agree
            spirit,  Playa  Linda  Beach  nance Helper Michael Bar-   that she has proven an in-
            Resort chose to honor val-   roso.                        valuable  asset  to  the  de-
            ued  resort  associates  who  Room  Attendant  Cata-      partment.
            marked  a  milestone  work  lina  Ramos,  Housekeeping  “Pearl  is  a  hardworking,
            anniversary this year.       Supervisor  Mildred  Croes  conscientious    employee
                                         and  Pool  Attendant  Ar-    who  is  consistently  accu-
            A  celebratory  lunch  at  nold  Parlan  reached  the  rate in her job.
            Blossoms  Restaurant  was  fifteen-year  milestone.  Lit-  We hope that that she will
            held  Thursday  among  15  erally  helping  to  keep  the  be  with  us  for  many  more
            honorees,  representing  a  resort  beautiful  for  twenty  years to come.”
            combined  experience  of  years  are  Room  Atten-        “The  thirty  years  has  gone
            225  years  working  within  dant  Evadne  Francis,  and  by  fast,  and  there  are
            the hospitality industry and  Grounds  Attendant  Jozef  deadlines  with  audits  and
            contributing to the success-  Tromp. For their twenty-five  a lot of rush, rush, but I en-
            ful evolution of Playa Linda  years of dedication, thanks  joy my work and the close
            as one of the top timeshare  also  went  to  IT  Manager  working relationship I have
            properties  on  Aruba.  Gen-  Ciro  Pimentel  and  Room  with my colleagues.
            eral  Manager  Peter  van  Attendant Sandra Jacobs.       …I  do  like  to  read  and  to
            Grinsven, together with Hu-  And topping the list of those  work  in  my  garden  also,
            man Resources Director Su-   who  have  helped  shape  and I will retire one day, but
            laika Kelly, showered praise  the Playa Lindais Accounts  not yet,” she jokes.
            on  the  longtime  employ-   Payable Clerk Pearl “Perla”  Each  year,  those  employ-
            ees,  who  were  the  guests  Baptiste, who marks an im-  ees  marking  a  milestone
            of honor at this very special  pressive thirty years with the  anniversary receive the tra-
            Thanksgiving  lunch.  Rec-   resort.                      ditional envelope, souvenir
            ognition  and  appreciation  During  Perla’s30-year  ten-  photo  and  plaque,  but  it
            was shared for all employ-   ure,  she  has  seen  the  ac-  is  the  annual  Thanksgiving
            ees celebrating a work an-   counting       department  lunch  that  helps  provide
            niversary.                   move  to  a  digital  environ-  an  extra,  well-deserved
            Marking  five  years  are  ment,  with  different  tools  “thank you” to the people
            Grounds  Attendant  Alde-    and innovations, but found  who make the Playa Linda
            mar Nuñez Patiño and Hu-     satisfaction in the simple art  Beach  Resort  one  of  the
            man Resources Director Su-   of  dealing  with  numbers.  island’s  favorite  timeshare
            laika Kelly.                 “I  like  it  when  it  all  comes  resorts.q
            With the resort for ten years  into place, and everything

            Need To Be Right

            ORANJESTAD - As we go on our daily lives, interactions with people is inevitably a part of
            daily activity. Do we catch ourselves when we tend to have this need to be right during
            a discussion? Maybe not.

            Being aware of this tendency can avoid conflict and misunderstanding. This need to be
            right is also a need for the other to be wrong. If we just take a moment to realize that our
            view point is according to our mental conditioning which spurs from our age, culture,
            tradition, belief system, family environment and country. And this goes the same for
            the other person. Just by being kind, this allowing for the other to have their view point
            heard is enough to make them feel welcome and open to what you also have to say.
            One doesn’t need to agree nor disagree but one may be able to just be open enough
            to see things from a different perspective. This avoids major conflicts which in our world
            history has spurned world wars and unnecessary human suffering between races and
            countries which go on till today.

            If one has to choose to be kind or to be right, rest assured to be kind is the peaceful and
            loving way to interact with others.q

              Suresh Mirchumal is a spiritual writer. “Well, you can categorize it like that, although I don’t call myself one. These thoughts come in effortlessly.”
              His aim is in a way to reach out to whoever gets inspired or has an eye opening event within them that may transcend their current state of
              consciousness. “Or let’s say current emotional state too. If one in a thousand benefits, that is already great.” Due to the current world state, lots
              of struggles and stresses, we seem to lose touch with that inner peace that we long for, Suresh explains. “I wish to ease that through these small
              articles or tidbits.” You will find his tidbits in Aruba Today from now on, mostly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
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