Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6
Saturday 18 November 2017
Special Guests Honored at the Hilton Aruba Resort
ORANJESTAD - Recently Manz-Smith, celebrating
the Aruba Tourism Author- more than 10 consecutive
ity had the great pleasure annual visits to Aruba!
of honoring a lovely couple Bruce and Kimberly are
who are loyal and friendly regular guests at the Hilton
visitors of Aruba at the Hil- Aruba Resort and they love
ton Aruba Resort as Distin- Aruba very much because
guished Visitors! of the safety, the beautiful
sunsets, friendly locals, vari-
The symbolic honorary title ety of food and the feeling
is presented in the name of home-away-from-home.
of the Minister of Tourism as The certificate was present-
a token of appreciation to ed by Ms. Emely Riddersta-
guests who visit Aruba for at representing the Aruba
10-to-19 consecutive years. Tourism Authority together
The honorees were Mr. with associates from the
Bruce and Mrs. Kimberly Hilton Aruba Resort.q