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A26    U.S. NEWS
                       Monday 20 July 2020
             As virus surges in some U.S. states, emergency rooms swamped

            By JAY REEVES                                                                                                       cases,  and  South  Africa
            Associated Press                                                                                                    —  with  more  than  350,000
            A  fast-rising  tide  of  new                                                                                       cases,  roughly  half  of  all
            coronavirus  cases  is  flood-                                                                                      confirmed  infections  in  Af-
            ing  emergency  rooms  in                                                                                           rica — entered the top five
            parts  of  the  United  States,                                                                                     this weekend.
            with some patients moved                                                                                            In the United States, where
            into  hallways  and  nurses                                                                                         infections  are  soaring  in
            working extra shifts to keep                                                                                        many  Sunbelt  states,  Me-
            up with the surge.                                                                                                  gan  Jehn,  associate  pro-
            Patients    struggling   to                                                                                         fessor  of  epidemiology  at
            breathe  are  being  placed                                                                                         Arizona  State  Universtiy  in
            on  ventilators  in  emergen-                                                                                       Tempe,  said  it's  important
            cy  wards  since  intensive                                                                                         to   monitor   emergency
            care  units  are  full,  officials                                                                                  room  visits  since  increases
            say, and the near-constant                                                                                          there  can  signal  that  the
            care  they  require  is  over-                                                                                      virus is spreading more rap-
            taxing workers who also are                                                                                         idly.  But it's difficult to get
            treating  more  typical  ER                                                                                         a complete picture of how
            cases  like  chest  pains,  in-                                                                                     emergency  rooms  are  far-
            fections, and fractures.                                                                                            ing  in  many  places.  In  Ari-
            In Texas, Dr. Alison Haddock                                                                                        zona, one of the few states
            of  the  Baylor  College  of                                                                                        that  reports  data  on  visits
            Medicine  said  the  current   In this July 16, 2020 file photo, Registered nurses Army Lt. Col. Oswaldo Martinez, left, and Maj.   to  the  emergency  room
            situation is worse than after   Andrew Wieher, right, with the Urban Augmentation Medical Task Force, work to setup a nurses   by  people  with  confirmed
            Hurricane  Harvey,  which    station inside a wing at United Memorial Medical Center, in Houston.                   or  suspected  COVID-19
            swamped  Houston  with                                                                             Associated Press  symptoms, numbers started
            floodwaters  in  2017.  The                                                                                         to  spike  in  early  June  and
            state reported a new daily  said nurse Mike Hastings.     tion  that  has  been  shown  of fatalities reported Satur-  peaked  earlier  this  month.
            record  for  virus  deaths  Fri-  "What's  really  frustrating  to  shorten  average  hospi-  day to 147.           More  than  2,000  people
            day and more than 10,000  from  my  side  of  it  is  when  talization  times  —  to  treat  Confirmed   coronavirus  went to an ER with corona-
            confirmed  cases  for  the  a  patient  comes  into  the  the  coronavirus  patients  cases  around  the  world  virus symptoms on a single
            fourth consecutive day.      emergency     department,  who  are  filling  up  beds.  In  have  surpassed  14  million,  day, July 7. On Friday, CO-
            "I've  never  seen  anything  and  is  not  really  having  response,  Gov.  Ron  De-  and  deaths  rose  above  VID-19-related  hospitaliza-
            like this COVID surge," said  symptoms  of  COVID,  but  Santis  announced  30,000  600,000,  according  to  a  tion figures for Arizona were
            Haddock, who has worked  they  feel  like  they  need  vials  of  the  drug  were  be-  tally  from  Johns  Hopkins  near  but  below  recent  re-
            in  emergency  rooms  since  that testing," said Hastings,  ing  shipped  to  the  state  University.  On  Saturday,  cords set after the state be-
            2007. "We're doing our best,  who works at an area hos-   —  enough  to  treat  about  the World Health Organiza-   came a national hot spot.
            but we're not an ICU."       pital and is president of the  5,000 patients.            tion,  which  also  tracks  the  Dr.  Robert  Hancock,  who
            Patients  are  waiting  "hours  Emergency Nurses Associa-  On  Saturday,  Florida  re-  virus, reported a single-day  works  at  multiple  hospitals
            and hours" to get admitted,  tion.  "Sometimes  we're  not  ported  more  than  10,200  record  of  new  infections  in  Texas  and  Oklahoma
            she said, and the least sick  able to test them because  new cases of the virus and  —  over  259,000  worldwide  and  serves  as  president  of
            people are lying in beds in  we  don't  have  enough  90 additional deaths, while  —  for  the  second  day  in  the Texas College of Emer-
            halls to make room for most  test  supplies,  so  we're  only  Missouri  recorded  a  pan-  a  row.  The  true  toll  of  the  gency   Physicians,   said
            seriously ill.               testing a certain set of pa-  demic-high 958 new cases  pandemic  is  thought  to  some  Texas  emergency
            Around Seattle, which was  tients."                       in one day. Arizona, which  be even higher, in part be-   rooms  are  facing  backups
            the  nation's  first  hot  spot  In  Florida,  another  state  conducts  periodic  reviews  cause  of  shortages  in  test-  of  patients  awaiting  ICU
            for  the  virus  that  causes  that is seeing surging case  of  death  certificates,  re-  ing  and  shortcomings  in  beds.  And  many  of  them
            COVID-19, a new wave of  numbers, hospitals say they  classified  106  deaths  as  data collection.                 are on ventilators, meaning
            patients  is  showing  up  at  are  in  desperate  need  of  having  been  from  COV-  The  United  States,  Bra-   they require more attention
            emergency  departments,  remdesivir  —  a  medica-        ID-19, bringing the number  zil  and  India  top  the  list  of  than other patients.q
            Applications taken for 1 day to replace Rep Lewis on ballot

                                              ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Georgia  Demo-     the city of Atlanta.                 face  Republican  Angela  Stanton-
                                              crats will gather Monday to decide  The  Democratic  Party  of  Georgia  King in November. Stanton-King is a
                                              a replacement on November's bal-     is  accepting  applications  for  the  reality  TV  personality  and  was  par-
                                              lot for U.S. Rep. John Lewis, who died  nomination  online  until  6:30  p.m.  doned earlier this year by President
                                              Friday after serving for more than 30  Sunday.                            Donald Trump for her role in a stolen
                                              years in Congress.                   A  special  seven-member  commit-    car ring, after serving six months of
                                              The  seat  will  remain  empty  until  tee  of  Democrats  -  including  At-  home confinement in 2007.
                                              Georgia  Gov.  Brian  Kemp  sched-   lanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms,  Lewis  won  more  than  84%  of  the
                                              ules a special election. The Repub-  2018 gubernatorial nominee Stacey  vote when he last faced a Republi-
                                              lican governor has given no indica-  Abrams  and  2014  gubernatorial  can opponent in the district in 2016.
            This  June  16,  2010  file  photo,  Rep.   tion  when  he  will  hold  an  election  nominee Jason Carter - will choose  State law allows the governor to call
            John  Lewis,  D-Ga.,  participates  in   with just over six months left in Lewis'  between three and five candidates  a special election to fill the seat as
            a ceremony to unveil two plaques
            recognizing  the  contributions  of   term.                            from the applicant pool.             long as he gives 30 days for candi-
            enslaved African Americans in the   State  law  allows  the  Democratic  The state party's executive commit-  dates to register and campaign. But
            construction  of  the  United  States  Party to replace Lewis on the ballot  tee will then meet Monday, choose  that would leave at most less than
            Capitol on Capitol Hill in Washing-  in the 5th Congressional District, but  a nominee and submit the name to  five months before the winner of the
            ton.                              the decision has to be made quickly  the  Georgia  Secretary  of  State  by  general election is sworn into office
                             Associated Press
                                              for the district that includes much of  4  p.m.  Monday.  The  nominee  will  in January.q
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