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Heart-Centered Leadership

                                                                                       Thursday                    Foundation
                                                                                       March 12, 2020
                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                                                                                                                                                Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            WHO declares virus crisis a pandemic

            By  J.  KEATEN,  M.  CHENG  the stops. "We have called
            and J. LEICESTER             every  day  for  countries  to
            Associated Press             take urgent and aggressive
            GENEVA (AP) — Expressing  action.  We  have  rung  the
            alarm both about mounting  alarm bell loud and clear,"
            infections and inadequate  said Tedros Adhanom Ghe-
            government responses, the  breyesus, the WHO chief.
            World  Health  Organization  "All   countries   can   still
            declared Wednesday that  change  the  course  of  this
            the  global  coronavirus  cri-  pandemic.   If   countries
            sis is now a pandemic but  detect,  test,  treat,  isolate,
            added that it's not too late  trace  and  mobilize  their
            for countries to act.        people in the response," he
            By  reversing  course  and  said.  "We  are  deeply  con-
            using  the  charged  word  cerned  by  the  alarming
            "pandemic" that it had pre-  levels of spread and sever-
            viously  shied  away  from,  ity and by the alarming lev-
            the  U.N.  health  agency  els of inaction."              A man and a girl on a scooter are backdropped by a Lombardy region campaign advertising
            sought  to  shock  lethargic                              reading in Italian ‘ Coronavirus let’s stop it together ‘, at the Porta Nuova business district in Milan,
                                                                      Wednesday, March 11, 2020.
            countries into pulling out all       Continued on Page 2                                                                        Associated Press
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