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44      HEALTH                                              AWEMainta                                   Diaranson, 4 October 2023

                                                      A Closer Look at Aging Skin

        Unveiling the Science Behind Wrinkles

       WRINKLES, those telltale signs of
       aging, are a subject of fascination for

       scientists  and a universal  concern
       for individuals. Imagine your face as
       a  vibrant  party  balloon:  plump,  firm,
       and glowing with health. But as time

       marches on, that balloon begins to lose
       its vigor. The skin loses its tautness, the
       structure sags, and the surface loses
       its luster, ultimately forming wrinkles.

       The  human  face is the  canvas where
       these wrinkles most prominently mani-
       fest. It serves as the battleground

       where various factors converge to
       create  these  visible marks  of aging.
       Firstly, intrinsic  changes take  place
       as skin becomes  thinner, weaker,                there’s  a subtle,  intricate pattern             that aged skin contains  more  senes-

       and less  elastic. Supporting compo-             on youthful skin that becomes more                cent  cells,  which  release  inflamma-
       nents like muscles, bones, and fat also          pronounced  with age. Known as the                tory chemicals linked to conditions
       diminish  with  age. Extrinsic  factors,         skin’s natural “microrelief,” it becomes          like high blood pressure, diabetes, and
       such as sun exposure, smoking, poor              more accentuated as the  skin loses               cancer. Researchers are investigating

       dietary choices, and pollution, further          thickness and elasticity. Skin ages, and          whether  wrinkled, senescent  cell-rich
       accelerate the  skin’s deterioration.            these patterns become more visible.               skin contributes to age-related cogni-
       Additionally, facial expressions  like                                                             tive decline.
       smiling, frowning, and laughing etch             Understanding the anatomy of wrin-

       lines on the skin, and as we age, these          kles  isn’t  straightforward. Under a             Wrinkles      predominantly       form     in
       lines become more permanent.                     microscope, wrinkled skin appears                 exposed  skin areas due to UV  ray
                                                        almost indistinguishable  from  smooth            damage from  sunlight.  Smoking is
       The journey of wrinkles begins in                skin. However, when isolated from                 another accelerant, reducing collagen

       our  twenties  when  the  first  fine  lines     surrounding tissues, wrinkles vanish.             and creating lines  around  the  mouth
       appear, often in the form of horizontal          Despite this, there are underlying                due to both toxic compounds in smoke
       lines  on the  forehead when we raise            biological  changes.  As  we age, fresh           and the physical act of smoking.
       our eyebrows. In our thirties,  crow’s           cell  supply to the  skin’s top layer,

       feet emerge around the eyes, a result            the  epidermis, diminishes,  making it            In essence, wrinkles are the culmina-
       not only of expressions but also of sun          thinner. Changes to collagen, elastin,            tion  of  complex  factors  affecting  the
       damage and squinting. Moving into                and substances like hyaluronic acid               skin. As we age, not only does the skin
       our forties and fifties, lines under the         in the underlying dermis reduce skin              change, but the underlying  tissues

       eyes and around the mouth become                 strength, elasticity, and moisture                also undergo transformation. Muscles
       more visible as they  deepen. Beyond             retention. Moreover, the bond between             weaken, fat pads shrink, bones resorb,
       our sixties, wrinkles can appear all             these  layers weakens, rendering the              and gravity takes its toll. It’s a multi-
       over the face, some more than 2mm                epidermis even more fragile.                      faceted process where everything that

       deep. Interestingly, some creases                                                                  keeps our skin firm  starts to deterio-
       aren’t solely due to facial expressions          Interestingly, some scientists specu-             rate. Understanding the science behind
       but can result from sleeping positions,          late that wrinkles might not only be a            wrinkles  sheds  light  on  the  complex
       with consistent pressure on the face             consequence  of aging but could  also             aging  process and the importance of

       inducing further lines.                          play a role in the aging process itself.          skincare and preventive measures  in
       On top of these age-induced creases,             This theory stems from the discovery              maintaining healthy, youthful skin.
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