Page 17 - WEB OCT 28, 2015
P. 17

AWEMainta Diaranson, 28 Oktober 2015                                                                                                  13

Importancia di                                                                                               di energia so. Sigur no di peroleo
                                                                                                             cu ta bay sigui bira menos.

                                                                                                             Pa nos cu tin solo, biente y

energia renovabel                                                                                            awa na abundancia, e mihor
                                                                                                             alternativa ta pa sigui stimula
                                                                                                             uso intensivo di e fuentenan di

                                                                                                             energia di solo, biento y awa di

                                                                                                             lama y complementa esakinan

                                                                                                             cu energia di fuentenan manera

NO TIN niun factor cu ta influencia desaroyo Mientras gas natural y kool t’e dos fuentenan di                gas natural y petroleo.

economico y social mas cu e factor di energia. energia cu ta bay crece mas, e mehoracion den Ta p’e motibo aki Aruba a haci bon pa scoge

Cada dia esaki ta bira mas importante.           uso mas eficiente di energia, lo yuda reduci e algun aña pasa pa cambia nos fuente di energia

Energia ta haci mehoracion di calidad di bida demanda di energia y reduci e impacto riba gradualmente pa mas energia renovabel di

posibel, ta haci bida mas sigur y haci nos medio ambiente.E demanda pa mas energia fuentenan manera solo, biento y awa di lama,

trabou mas productivo.                           ta bay rekeri inversionnan enorme y lo rekeri segun Herde.

Economia di tur pais ta rekeri mas energia. pa usa tur fuente di energia cu ta disponibel.

Especialmente paisnan den desaroyo manera                                                      Ta p’e escogencia responsabel aki, cu Aruba a

Aruba. Mientras paisnan ta busca crecemento ARUBA                                              y ta sigui haya asina hopi sosten y elogio pa a

economico, e demanda pa energia tambe ta E meta ta pa yega na un combinacion di scoge pa Sostenibilidad riba tereno di energia

sigui crece. E unico forma pa na henter mundo      fuentenan di energia cu ta y pa depende menos di energia tradicional

nos logra satisface e necesidad di mas energia,    sostenible a largo di petroleo. Hopi pais no por ni yega n’e

ta dor di genera y suministra energia di           plazo. No por desicionnan aki, corda pa cuminsa actua. Pero

formanan mas eficiente, menos costoso              depende di pa nan mescos cu ta pa nos, tempo ta sigui cana

y cu menos daño na medio ambiente.                 un fuente y e presion ta bira mas fuerte.

E demanda pa energia na mundo
ta sigui subi te yega 30% mas den
e benidero 25 aña, segun lider di
fraccion di AVP, drs. Rene (Baba)


                                                        RETAIL BAR ASSOCIATE


                                                   This position is responsible for selling retail, beverage and
                                                   food items by using the highest standard of customer
                                                   service and by adhering to all standards and procedures of
                                                   the department and company at all times.

                                                   We offer:

                                                   A stable work environment
                                                   A competitive compensation and benefits package
                                                   Great opportunities for growth and learning different
                                                   aspects of the tourism business.

                                                   If you are a dynamic and responsible person who
                                                   has the following qualifications:
                                                   • Minimum E.P.B. HORECA or equivalent

                                                   • Retail sales and Bartending experience
                                                   • Basic Quickbooks and computer knowledge; Quickbooks
                                                   point of sales is a plus
                                                   • Speak and write English, Papiamento and Spanish; Dutch
                                                   is a plus
                                                   • Flexible to work holidays, weekends and shifts
                                                   • Good team player
                                                   • Strong Communication, customer relations and selling
                                                   • Must have reliable transportation
                                                   Please pass by to fill out an application form or apply

                                                     via mail, including C.V. plus picture no later than
                                                                      November 6, 2015 at

                                                   All offers are contingent upon passing a pre-employment substance abuse test.
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