Page 6 - RIU HOTEL
P. 6
LOCAL Thursday 7 december 2017
Special Guest Honored
at the Marriott
Aruba Resort
PALM BEACH - Recently the Duhadway, celebrating
Aruba Tourism Authority more than 10 consecutive
had the great pleasure of annual visits to Aruba!
honoring a very special Karen is a regular guest at
guest who is a loyal and the Marriott Aruba Resort
friendly visitor of Aruba at and she and her family
the Marriott Aruba Resort love Aruba very much
as a Distinguished Visitor. because of the safety, it’s
a peaceful friendly island
The symbolic honorary title with beautiful beaches,
is presented in the name and also a totally relaxing
of the Minister of Tourism island. The certificate was
as a token of appreciation presented by Ms. Emely
to guests who visit Aruba Ridderstaat of the Aruba
for 10-to-19 consecutive Tourism Authority, together
years. with associates from the
The honoree was Ms. Karen Marriott Aruba Resort.