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                    Friday 16 March 2018

            Kvk Taking Steps Towards the Formalization Of An Incubator

                                                                                                   hesitant about this. In case  provides  to  the  entrepre-
                                                                                                   they  would  participate,  neur needs to be kept into
                                                                                                   74%  would  like  to  see  this  consideration.  The  man-
                                                                                                   in  a  cross-sector  collabo-  agement style of the incu-
                                                                                                   ration.  To  contribute  and  bator  is  very  critical  for  its
                                                                                                   invest in an incubator, 48%  continuity and success. The
                                                                                                   are  willing  to  put  in  AWG  safety of the tenants, costs
                                                                                                   1000  per  month  while  28%  involved  and  the  concept
                                                                                                   consider this should be free  of  a  package  deal  under
                                                                                                   of  charge.  16%  would  be  one roof are also essential.
                                                                                                   willing to invest as much as  The  ACOC  is  very  satisfied
            ORANJESTAD – After a suc-    or years. It usually provides  ered.  66%  of  the  respon-  necessary to be part of an  with the response collected
            cessful  meeting  with  rep-  affordable  space,  shared  dents  have  indicated  that  incubator.  The  participa-  and  the  participation  dur-
            resentatives  of  the  public  offices and services, hand-  business guidance is impor-  tion to the survey consisted  ing  the  focus  group.  With
            sector  and  private  sector  on  management  training,  tant for them. Furthermore,  of  42%  female  and  58%  the  information  obtained
            in June 2017 regarding the  marketing  support  and,  guidance  and  advice  on  male.  All  the  age  groups  it will be possible to contin-
            formalization of an incuba-  sometimes, access to some  accounting  (59%)  and  le-    were  adequately  repre-     ue  in  the  right  direction  to
            tor, the Aruba Chamber of  form of financing.             gal  guidance  (58%)  are  sented  with  27%  between  make  a  commercial  incu-
            Commerce  and  Industry  The  survey  has  provided  also much appreciated. In  the  age  of  21-30,  28%  be-      bator for Aruba a reality.  q
            (ACOC)  conducted  a  sur-   interesting  information,  not  regards  of  the  building  fa-  tween 31-40, 25% between
            vey  addressed  to  the  en-  only  about  the  incubator  cilities 61% find important to  41-50  and  20%  above  51
            trepreneur and others who  but also more general out-     be able to pay rent space  years of age.
            are  interested  in  starting  a  comes.  The  sector  which  at a price lower compared  The survey also was the link
            business.                    stands out as the one pre-   to  the  market  price.  Inter-  towards extending an invi-
                                         ferred to start a business is  net  and  Wi-Fi  service  are  tation to people interested
            The  survey  together  with  services  and  consulting.  essential  as  indicated  by  in  participating  in  a  focus
            a  focus  group  session  was  43%  of  the  respondents  60%  of  the  respondents,  group  to  elaborate  further
            organized by the ACOC in  have  indicated  their  inter-  while  56%  of  the  group  on the topic. During this fo-
            collaboration  with  the  Uni-  est in starting in this sector.  sees a safe location to be  cus  group  session  several
            versity of Aruba. The target  The  sector  of  hospitality/  important as well. 73% be-  important aspects came to
            of the survey was to obtain a  F&B  follows  with  24%  and  lieve  that  administrative  light regarding the incuba-
            better view on the thoughts  marketing with 19%. It must  service should be included  tor and its goal. The diversi-
            of  the  entrepreneurs  in  re-  be  noted  that  the  respon-  and 44% said that ICT and  ty and quality of its tenants
            gards  to  an  incubator.  To  dents had the option to in-  helpdesk service should be  in  combination  with  the
            describe  what  an  incuba-  dicate more than one sec-    available for the tenants of  requirements  such  as  ex-
            tor is: a business incubator is  tor.                     the incubator.               clusivity, collaboration and
            in general terms a building  The  interest  to  be  part  of  Starting a business through  the availability of good ad-
            / facility established to nur-  an incubator is noticeable;  an incubator is considered  visors are paramount for its
            ture  young  (startup)  firms  however  certain  require-  by 31% of the respondents,  success. The rules and flex-
            during  their  early  months  ments  have  to  be  consid-  while  62%  indicate  to  be  ibility  that  the  incubator
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