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U.S. NEWS Saturday 4 april 2020
In time of crisis, Trump-Pelosi relationship remains broken
Continued from Front Trump and Pelosi communi- said Thursday. “It’s not ca- coronavirus and is one of lifornia Democrat’s political
cated with — or at — each sual. It isn’t, ‘Let’s just chat.’ several lawmakers who survival skills and believed
“Relationships are the be- other via Twitter, television It’s about what is the pur- have isolated themselves. she was a transactional po-
ginning of everything. Trust and intermediaries the pose, what is the urgency, According to a new poll by litician with whom he could
in one another is key to other side could tolerate. does it require the time of The Associated Press-NORC deal.
cooperation,” said John M. Chief among them has the speaker and the pre- Center for Public Affairs Re- Instead, Pelosi became
Bridgeland, who held go- been Treasury Secretary sident, both of whom are search, 44% of Americans his most visible antagonist,
vernment posts under Presi- Steven Mnuchin, who ne- very busy people.” approve of how Trump is creating viral images when
dents George W. Bush and gotiated the three rescue The speaker also an- handling the coronavi- she mockingly clapped for
Barack Obama. bills passed so far. When nounced the formation of rus outbreak, mirroring his him during his 2019 State
The relationship between Trump signed the package a bipartisan House select overall approval rating. of the Union address and
Trump and Pelosi, never at the White House, he did- committee on the corona- And fewer Americans, 38%, when she strode out of the
warm, appears beyond re- n’t invite Pelosi or any other virus crisis. Trump lashed out approve of the federal go- West Wing after another
pair after the Republican Democrats to join him. at the panel as a “witch vernment’s job of handling tense meeting clad in a de-
president’s impeachment, Pelosi and Mnuchin worked hunt” and said it would ul- the virus’ spread throug- signer coat and sunglasses.
according to allies of both out the stimulus by speaking timately help “build up” his hout the country, compa- His demand for federal mo-
leaders. Even the COVID-19 dozens of times by phone poll numbers. red with larger shares ap- ney for a border wall with
pandemic, which has re- and in the speaker’s Capi- “I want to remind everyone proving of how their state Mexico, and Pelosi’s refusal
written the rules of daily tol office overlooking the here in our nation’s capital, and local governments are to agree, led to the longest
American life and threa- Mall. Going forward, new especially in Congress, that doing (57% and 54%, res- government shutdown in
tens people’s health and White House chief of staff this is not the time for poli- pectively). history.
employment, has done no- Mark Meadows, a former tics, endless partisan investi- Just 31% of Americans ap- Trump ultimately backed
thing to thaw the ice bet- congressman who has a gations,” Trump said during prove of how leaders in down, and the govern-
ween the two. relationship with Pelosi, is the White House coronavi- Congress are addressing ment reopened.
Last month, as Washington expected to be another rus task force briefing. the coronavirus, while 41% Their feud exploded last
crafted the most expensive leading conduit. Pelosi During the pandemic is a disapprove. It wasn’t al- year when Pelosi over-
stimulus package in U.S. his- has played down her lack time when Americans may ways this bitter between came her initial reluct-
tory, Trump and Pelosi eyed of communication with have less tolerance for the Trump and Pelosi. ance and authorized an
each other warily from op- Trump. usual partisan bickering or After the Democrats cap- impeachment inquiry into
posite ends of Pennsylva- “Whatever communicati- brinkmanship. tured the House in Novem- Trump’s attempts to pressu-
nia Avenue, the president ons we need to move for- “There’s no space for poli- ber 2018, Trump cheered re Ukraine into investigating
leaving it to others to nego- ward, that will be happe- tics,” said Democratic Rep. for Pelosi to retake the the family of a Democratic
tiate a $2.2 trillion econo- ning whether I talk to the Ben McAdams of Utah, speakership, telling aides political foe, former Vice
mic relief package. president or not,” Pelosi who is recovering from the that he respected the Ca- President Joe Biden.q
Coronavirus survivor: ‘In my blood, there may be answers’
By LAURAN NEERGAARD numerous other infections safest ones on the street,”
and MARSHALL RITZEL before modern medicine said Dr. Rebecca Haley of
Associated Press came along. Why? When Bloodworks Northwest in
NEW YORK (AP) — Tiffany infection strikes, the body Seattle, which is working to
Pinckney remembers the starts making proteins identify donors. "We would
fear when COVID-19 stole called antibodies spe- not be making a dent in
her breath. So when she cially designed to target their antibody supply for
recovered, the New York that germ. Those antibod- themselves."
City mother became one ies float in survivors’ blood Last week, the Food and
of the country’s first survi- — specifically plasma, Drug Administration told
vors to donate her blood the yellowish liquid part of hospitals how to seek
to help treat other seriously blood — for months, even case-by-case emergency
ill patients. years. permission to use conva-
“It is definitely overwhelm- When new diseases erupt lescent plasma, and Hous-
ing to know that in my Tiffany Pinckney poses for a portrait in the Harlem neighborhood and scientists are scram- ton Methodist Hospital and
blood, there may be an- of New York on April 1, 2020. After a period of quarantine at bling for vaccines or drugs, Mount Sinai jumped at the
home separated from her children, she has recovered from
swers,” Pinckney told The COVID-19. Pinckney became one of the nations first donors of it's “a stopgap measure chance.
Associated Press. "convalescent plasma." Doctors around the world are dusting that we can put into place And a desperate public
Doctors around the world off a century-old treatment for infections: Infusions of blood quickly,” said Dr. Jeffrey responded, with families
are dusting off a century- plasma teeming with immune molecules that helped survivors Henderson of Washington taking to social media to
old treatment for infec- beat the new coronavirus. University School of Medi- plead on behalf of sick
tions: Infusions of blood (AP Photo/Marshall Ritzell) cine in St. Louis, who is loved ones and people
plasma teeming with im- to follow.“There’s a tre- to help their fellow human helping to develop a na- recovering asking how
mune molecules that mendous call to action,” beings.” tionwide study. they could donate. Ac-
helped survivors beat the said Dr. David Reich, presi- As treatments get un- This “is not a cure per se, cording to Michigan State
new coronavirus. There’s dent of New York’s Mount derway, “we just hope it but rather it is a way to University, more than 1,000
no proof it will work. But Sinai Hospital, which de- works," he said. reduce the severity of ill- people signed up with the
former patients in Houston clared Pinckney recov- What the history books call ness,” Henderson said. National COVID-19 Con-
and New York were early ered and raced to collect “convalescent serum” was Doctors don’t know how valescent Plasma Project
donors, and now hospi- her blood. “People feel most famously used during long survivors' antibodies alone. Dozens of hospitals
tals and blood centers are very helpless in the face of the 1918 flu pandemic, against COVID-19 will per- formed that group to spur
getting ready for poten- this disease. And this is one and also against measles, sist. plasma donation and re-
tially hundreds of survivors thing that people can do bacterial pneumonia and But for now, “they're the search. q