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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Saturday 3 September 2022
            California may add wine, liquor bottles to recycling program

            By DON THOMPSON                                                                                                     state’s recycling fund start-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing in 2024, along with an-
            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)                                                                                           nual  costs  topping  $6  mil-
            —  California  would  add                                                                                           lion, projects the California
            wine  and  distilled  spirits                                                                                       Department  of  Resources
            containers  to  its  struggling                                                                                     Recycling  and  Recovery,
            recycling  program,  while                                                                                          generally known as CalRe-
            giving  beverage  dealers                                                                                           cycle.
            another  option  to  collect                                                                                        Newsom’s    administration
            empty  bottles  and  cans,                                                                                          has  proposed  grants  for
            under  a  measure  lawmak-                                                                                          automated  recycling  ma-
            ers  approved  Wednesday.                                                                                           chines,  also  known  as  re-
            But critics say the bill would                                                                                      verse  vending  machines,
            also  give  hundreds  of  mil-                                                                                      at  high  schools,  colleges
            lions  of  dollars  to  corpora-                                                                                    and  retailers,  and  state-
            tions  they  say  don’t  need                                                                                       funded  mobile  recycling
            the incentives.                                                                                                     programs  in  rural  areas
            It’s  “a  huge  opportunity”                                                                                        and other places with few
            to  divert  hundreds  of  ad-                                                                                       recycling  options.  It  also
            ditional tons of waste from                                                                                         has  proposed  temporar-
            landfills,  said  Democratic                                                                                        ily  doubling  the  refunds
            Assemblyman      Phil   Ting,                                                                                       to  encourage  recycling
            who  carried  the  bill  in  the                                                                                    and  give  back  a  portion
            Assembly. “This bill will be a   Bottles of Apocalypse Now Red Blend wine stand on a tasting bar counter at the Francis Ford   of nearly $600 million in un-
            huge leap.”                  Coppola Winery on May 21, 2020, in Geyserville, Calif.                Associated Press   claimed  deposits,  but  that
            In  addition,  dealers  could                                                                                       double refund is not in the
            form  a  cooperative  orga-  The  measure  cleared  the  a  nickel  each  time  they  those  containers,  accord-   current  proposal.  Consum-
            nization to collect the con-  Assembly 54-0 and the Sen-  buy  a  12-ounce  (355-mil-  ing to the National Confer-  er  Watchdog,  Container
            tainers  as  an  alternative  ate 38-0. It will have an ef-  liliter) bottle or can, and a  ence of State Legislatures.  Recycling Institute and The
            to  the  current  law  that  re-  fective date of July 1, 2024,  dime for containers over 24  Adam  Smith,  Distilled  Spir-  Story  of  Stuff  Project  ob-
            quires  stores  to  take  back  if Gov. Gavin Newsom signs  ounces (709 milliliters).  its  Council  of  the  United  jected that Atkins’ proposal
            the empties, under the pro-  the bill into law.           They’re  supposed  to  get  States’  vice  president  of  contains too much pork for
            posal  by  Senate  President  The  bill  doesn’t  spell  out  that money back by return-  state government relations,  corporations, costing near-
            pro Tempore Toni Atkins.     how     the    cooperative  ing  the  bottles  and  cans,  praised the bill’s passage in  ly $400 million over the next
            Fewer  people  have  been  would  work,  but  would  an  incentive  so  the  con-      a statement.                 five years for market devel-
            able to claim their deposit  require  dealers  to  submit  tainers  don’t  go  into  land-  “The spirits industry believes  opment and quality incen-
            refunds  in  recent  years  as  their  plan  to  state  regula-  fills  but  can  be  recycled  that  sustainable  environ-  tives that the groups argue
            many  neighborhood  recy-    tors  for  approval.  It  would  into new products.The pro-  mental  practices  are  criti-  aren’t needed.
            cling  centers  closed.  The  also  increase  the  penalty  posal  would  include  a  25-  cal  to  the  continued  pro-  Of that, $300 million would
            advocacy     group    Con-   for  violating  the  law  from  cent deposit and refund for  duction of the high-quality  go to glass container mak-
            sumer  Watchdog  has  said  the current $1,000 to $5,000  wine and distilled spirits sold  spirits  that  consumers  en-  ers  including  E&J  Gallo
            many  grocery  stores  have  per day and for intentional  in a box, bag or pouch.      joy,” he said.               Winery’s  Gallo  Glass  Com-
            been refusing to take back  violations  from  $5,000  to  Hawaii,  Iowa,  Maine  and  Adding  wine  and  spirits  pany,  the  nation’s  largest
            empties  in-store  as  re-   $10,000 per day.             Vermont already have de-     would bring nearly $18 mil-  glass container plant, they
            quired.                      California  consumers  pay  posit  programs  including  lion  more  annually  to  the  said.q

            EU: US electric vehicle tax credit

            reduces buyers’ choices

            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  A  new  passed last month as a way  continent.
            U.S.  tax  credit  aimed  at  to incentivize domestic bat-  The  European  Commission
            encouraging Americans to  tery  and  electric  vehicle  said  parts  of  the  law  can
            buy  electric  vehicles  may  production.  But  manufac-  help  fight  climate  change
            backfire  and  limit  choices  turers in Europe and South  by  accelerating  the  tran-
            for  consumers  because  Korea, which sell millions of  sition  away  from  fossil  fu-
            of  concerns  it’s  weighed  vehicles  in  the  U.S.,  have  els  but  the  EU’s  executive
            against  European  Union  threatened  to  lodge  legal  branch said it is concerned
            manufacturers,    the   EU  complaints  with  the  World  by  the  “potential  discrimi-
            trade chief said Thursday.   Trade Organization.          natory  nature  of  electric
            Valdis  Dombrovskis  held  The law includes a tax cred-   vehicle  tax  credit  provi-  An electric vehicle charges at a shopping center in Emeryville,
            a  virtual  meeting  with  his  it of up to $7,500 that could  sion.”                  Calif., Aug. 10, 2022.
            American       counterpart  be used to defray the cost  “While  the  EU  aims  to  co-                                          Associated Press
            Katherine  Tai  to  address  a  of  purchasing  an  electric  operate  closely  with  the  ing  the  call  that  “that  dis-  of US consumers when they
            wide range of trade issues,  vehicle.  But  to  qualify  for  US in climate action, green  criminating   against   EU  wish  to  buy  electric  vehi-
            including the tax credit pro-  the  full  credit,  the  electric  measures  should  not  be  manufacturers  makes  it  cles.”
            vision.                      vehicle  must  contain  a  designed  in  a  discrimina-   much  more  difficult  for  The  EU  Commission  said
            Democrats  included  the  battery built in North Amer-    tory,   WTO-incompatible  them  to  contribute  to  the  both  sides  agreed  to  con-
            credit  in  the  climate  and  ica with 40% of the metals  way,” it said.              electrification of vehicles in  tinue  discussions  on  the
            health  care  policy  law  mined  or  recycled  on  the  Dombrovskis  recalled  dur-   the US, reduces the choice  topic.q
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