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a8    local
             Wednesday 19 February 2025

            Do you know about...?

            Aruban Cotton Tail, Aruba's Native Rabbit Species

            Aruba’s  native  rabbit,  the                                                          “greenwashing.”              threats they face.
            subspecies  Aruban  Cot-
            ton  Tail,  is  possibly  at  risk                                                     After  discussions  and  ne-  Silva  explained  that  they
            of  extinction.  In  an  effort                                                        gotiations,   both   parties  have  some  ideas  about
            to  save  this  endemic  spe-                                                          agreed  to  proceed  with  the threats based on obser-
            cies,  the  Aruba  Conserva-                                                           the collaboration, and ACF  vations  in  other  countries,
            tion  Foundation  (ACF)  has                                                           received  funding  for  three  but  she  emphasized  that
            launched a project to pro-                                                             years.  However,  this  is  a  human  activity—especially
            tect and collect more infor-                                                           project that ACF intends to  the use of UTVs and ATVs—
            mation  about  it.  Natasha                                                            continue for decades.        is  a  major  issue,  as  many
            Silva,  Chief  Conservation                                                                                         rabbits  are  found  run  over
            Officer  at  ACF,  explained                                                           Regarding the project and  on roads.
            in  an  interview  with  Aruba                                                         how the funding will be uti-
            Today  how  they  arrived  at                                                          lized, Silva explained that it  “With  this  in  mind,  we  be-
            this  project,  what  the  ob-                                                         will allow ACF to hire a ded-  lieve  we  must  conduct  a
            jectives are, and what they                                                            icated  ranger  for  the  proj-  project  where  we  collect
            hope to achieve with it.                                                               ect,  which  is  a  significant  all  essential  data  on  the
                                                                                                   development.                 population,  their  habitat,
            Silva explained that Aruba                                                                                          and from there, develop a
            has  its  own  rabbit,  a  sub-                                                        With  this  funding,  ACF  will  plan to restore the habitat
            species of the Eastern Cot-                               never  collaborated  with  a   also assess the rabbit pop-  they depend on,” she said.
            tontail.  The  Eastern  Cot-  “For  the  rabbit,  we  don’t  hotel chain or a local hotel   ulation,  as  current  obser-
            tontail species ranges from   know  how  many  remain,  before, so before agreeing     vations  indicate  a  drastic  Part of the project will also
            southern  Canada  to  Ven-   and  that  was  actually  the  to this partnership, they had   decline.  The  project  will  include  research  on  inva-
            ezuela and Colombia.         first question that led us to  multiple  discussions  and   include  an  educational  sive  species,  such  as  the
                                         realize  we  need  to  learn  conducted  research  to     aspect,  recognizing  that  impact  of  boas  on  rab-
            This   subspecies   inhabits   more  about  the  species,  evaluate  the  hotel's  com-  many people in Aruba are  bits and the effect of stray
            only two islands, Aruba and   whether  they  are  doing  mitment  to  sustainability,   unaware  of  the  existence  dogs and cats, which Silva
            Curaçao, and in Aruba, it is   okay  or  not.  We  believe  their progress in becoming   of the native rabbit—some-  highlighted  as  a  grow-
            known as the Aruban Cot-     they  are  at  risk  of  extinc-  more sustainable, and their   thing  ACF  acknowledges  ing  threat—possibly  even
            ton  Tail.  Its  scientific  name   tion  because  we  are  see-  future aspirations regarding   as  a  failure  on  their  part  greater  than  boas—be-
            also means "desert rabbit."   ing fewer of them, and we  sustainability  and  environ-  due  to  a  lack  of  sufficient  cause the number of stray
            The  subspecies  in  Aruba   are noticing that all threats  mental conservation.       public education.            dogs  and  cats  in  nature  is
            and Curaçao have a black     have  increased,  making                                                               increasing.
            patch on their neck, distin-  survival  in  Aruba  much  Based  on  criteria  set  by   Another  important  aspect
            guishing them from rabbits   more difficult,” she said.   ACF,  they  agreed  to  for-  is data collection, as there  “A plan will be developed
            in  other  countries,  making                             malize  this  collaboration.   is  currently  a  lack  of  infor-  on  how  to  manage  these
            them truly native to Aruba.  She  explained  that  a  year  One  of  the  criteria  was   mation.  The  foundation  threats. We are setting up a
                                         ago,  ACF  worked  on  its  that  the  partner  must  be   does  not  have  accurate  long-term  monitoring  plan
            Silva  continued  explaining   Conservation  Framework,  serious about sustainability,   knowledge  of  the  rabbit  to observe the rabbit popu-
            that in the past, they were   identifying  priorities  for  the  and  another  was  that  the   population size, where they  lation for a decade, to de-
            abundant  and  could  fre-   next  ten  years.  The  frame-  foundation did not want to   live,  what  habitat  they  re-  termine if it fluctuates, what
            quently  be  spotted  along   work  emphasized  that  pri-  be involved in any form of   quire,  and  what  specific  causes  the  fluctuations,  or
            the  roads,  but  now  there   ority  should  be  given  to                                                         if habitat restoration efforts
            are  fewer,  and  sometimes   native  species,  flora,  and                                                         lead to an increase in rab-
            only one may be seen in a    fauna.    The   foundation                                                             bit  populations  in  restored
            year within Arikok National   identified key species, and                                                           areas,” she stated.
            Park,  a  protected  area.   the rabbit was included on
            She  noted  that  there  are   the list.                                                                            Finally,  she  emphasized
            other  locations  on  the  is-                                                                                      that as part of this project,
            land where they are found,   This  project  is  a  collabora-                                                       educational  programs  will
            but  their  numbers  appear   tion  with  the  Riu  Interna-                                                        also  be  implemented  to
            to  be  significantly  lower   tional  hotel  chain,  which                                                         inform  the  general  public
            than  before.  This  decline   approached  ACF  over  a                                                             about  Aruba’s  native  rab-
            concerns  the  foundation,   year  ago  to  establish  a                                                            bit.
            as it is important to monitor   multi-year  project  with  the
            native biodiversity to deter-  foundation.                                                                           Picture credit: Aruba Birdlife
            mine  whether  they  are  at                                                                                               Conservation.
            risk of extinction.          Silva  noted  that  ACF  had
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