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Friday 16 december 2022
Review: ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ is a big screen blast
By LINDSEY BAHR “Avatar” silliness, includ-
AP Film Writer ing the fact that the word
It is impossible to talk about “bro” is uttered about 8,000
“Avatar: The Way of Water” times, but there is some-
without sounding hyperbol- thing admirable about the
ic. But James Cameron’s straightforward dialogue
sequel is a truly dazzling and emotions at play, too.
cinematic experience that No one is snarking their way
will have you floating on a through this ordeal.
blockbuster high. “Never doubt James Cam-
No matter if you’ve spent eron” has become a bit
a second of your life in of a rallying cry lately, at
the past 13 years thinking least among those left on
about what’s happening Twitter. It’s all the more ex-
on Pandora or how Jake traordinary as the once-
Sully (Sam Worthington) mythical sequels had be-
and Neytiri (Zoe Saldaña) come a kind of joke in the
are getting on, assuming years since the first movie.
you remember their char- Even as “The Way of Wa-
acters’ names. “The Way ter” release date actu-
of Water” will make awe- ally approached the “who
struck believers out of even cares?” chorus intensified.
“Avatar” agnostics like me, This image released by 20th Century Studios shows Trinity Bliss, as Tuk, in a scene from “Avatar: Had anyone really thought
at least for three hours and The Way of Water.” twice about “Avatar”? But
12 minutes. The film isn’t just Associated Press Cameron knows his way
visually compelling, either, earnest exposition about led by Ronal (Kate Winslet) It is not even really devel- around a thrilling sequel,
it’s spiritually rich as well what’s been going on in and Tonowari (Cliff Curtis) oping characters. It just is, and the water for that mat-
a simple but penetrating the past decade. who reluctantly grant them and it’s serene. You imag- ter (and references his own
story about family and the He and Neytiri have three refuge and try to teach ine that anyone without his greatest hits in this film, too).
natural world that is galax- kids now, Neteyam (Jamie them how to live on the clout would have a hard But then people saw it and
ies better than the first. Flatters), Lo’ak (Britain Dal- water. time justifying something the tune changed. There
About that run time: Three ton), Tuk (Trinity Jo-Li Bliss) It’s worth noting that Cam- similar. is something comforting
hours and 12 minutes and an adopted teenage eron has not stuffed the film The action is there, too, of about the fact that we are
sounds excessive, but there daughter, Kiri (Sigourney with mind-numbing, wall- course, and it’s exciting capable of intense, collec-
is something decidedly Weaver), and they’re hap- to-wall action and need- because you’ve become tive cultural whiplash. That
decadent about really py living in the forest. “Hap- lessly complicated plot. invested in the family and “who cares?” can turn to
committing that much time piness is simple,” he says. There are long stretches of worried about the kids who uncynical amazement in
to a movie in a theater. “Who ever thought that movie where we’re simply are never where they’re an instant. Is that the magic
When the filmmaker is pur- a jughead like me could exploring the environment supposed to be and are of the movies? Of continu-
poseful with that time, as crack the code?” So, of with the characters, de- often in danger because ing to push the bounds of
Cameron is and many oth- course, it can’t last. The hu- lighting in the intricacies of it. And though we know the big screen experience?
ers have been before him, mans are on the hunt for of a reef or basking in the there are more sequels Of betting big on weird-
it’s a uniquely rewarding Jake, with a familiar antag- beauty of giant sea crea- coming, and one already sounding stories about gi-
experience. In other words, onist leading the charge. tures. Sometimes we’re just wrapped, this is not the ant blue environmental-
it’s not a big ask. And you’ll And soon his family is on the sitting in the water with Kiri kind of franchise where ists instead of superheroes
forget all about checking run, taking up home in an- who is also sitting in the wa- anyone is guaranteed every so often? Maybe it’s
the time from the first shot other part of Pandora, on ter. It is not advancing the to get a fake superhero just the magic of James
of Pandora and Jake’s the water with a new tribe action in any obvious way. death. Sure there is some Cameron.q
Eddie Murphy to receive Cecil B. DeMille award at Globes
NEW YORK (AP) — Eddie Carmichael hosting. On a Once” led in nominations
Murphy will receive the Ce- one-year deal with NBC, to the Globes announced
cil B. DeMille Award at the the Globes are attempt- Monday. “Abbott Elemen-
80th Golden Globes, the ing to make a comeback tary” topped TV nominees.
Hollywood Foreign Press after a Los Angeles Times Murphy has been nomi-
Association announced investigation in early 2021 nated for a Globe six times
Wednesday. The honorary found that the press asso- before, winning once, for
award for the comedian ciation then had no Black his performance in 2006’s
and actor adds to a broad- members and enumerated “Dreamgirls.” His most re-
cast that’s taking shape a long history of ethical in- cent nomination was for
after two years of scandal discretions. Many stars and best actor in a comedy or
and backlash tarnished studios said they would musical for 2019’s “Dolem-
the Globes. After taking boycott the show, and NBC ite is My Name.” Previous
the previous Globes off the canceled the 2022 broad- honorees for the Cecil B.
air, NBC will telecast the cast. The films “The Ban- DeMille Award include Tom
Honoree actor-comedian Eddie Murphy attends the WSJ. ceremony Tuesday, Jan. shees of Inisherin” and “Ev- Hanks, Oprah Winfrey and
Magazine 2019 Innovator Awards in New York on Nov. 6, 2019. 10, with comedian Jerrod erything Everywhere All at Meryl Streep.q
Associated Press