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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 16 december 2022

            House approves referendum to ‘decolonize’ Puerto Rico

            By  FARNOUSH  AMIRI  and                                                                                            Members  of  his  party,  in-
            DÁNICA COTO                                                                                                         cluding  Puerto  Rico  Resi-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    dent  Commissioner  Jen-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            niffer  González,  cheered
            U.S.  House  passed  a  bill                                                                                        the approval of the bill, al-
            Thursday  that  would  allow                                                                                        though reaction in the U.S.
            Puerto Rico to hold the first-                                                                                      territory was largely muted
            ever  binding  referendum                                                                                           and  tinged  with  frustration
            on  whether  to  become  a                                                                                          since  it  is  expected  to  be
            state  or  gain  some  sort  of                                                                                     voted down in the Senate.
            independence,  in  a  last-                                                                                         The  proposal  of  a  binding
            ditch effort that stands little                                                                                     referendum has exasperat-
            chance of passing the Sen-                                                                                          ed many on an island that
            ate.                                                                                                                already  has  held  seven
            The bill, which passed 233-                                                                                         nonbinding    referendums
            191  with  some  Republican                                                                                         on  its  political  status,  with
            support, would offer voters                                                                                         no  overwhelming  major-
            in the U.S. territory three op-                                                                                     ity  emerging.  The  last  ref-
            tions:  statehood,  indepen-                                                                                        erendum  was  held  in  No-
            dence  or  independence                                                                                             vember  2020,  with  53%  of
            with free association.                                                                                              votes  for  statehood  and
            “It is crucial to me that any                                                                                       47%  against,  with  only  a
            proposal  in  Congress  to                                                                                          little more than half of reg-
            decolonize Puerto Rico be    A woman waves the flag of Puerto Rico during a news conference on Puerto Rican statehood on   istered voters participating.
            informed and led by Puerto   Capitol Hill in Washington, March 2, 2021.                                             The  proposed  binding  ref-
            Ricans,” said Rep. Raúl Gri-                                                                       Associated Press   erendum would be the first
            jalva,  D-Ariz.,  chairman  of  negotiations  over  foreign  nation  that  our  nation  has  ty, traveled to Washington  time that Puerto Rico’s cur-
            the House Natural Resourc-   affairs,  U.S.  citizenship  and  always  championed,”  the  for the vote. He called it a  rent  status  as  a  U.S.  com-
            es Committee, which over-    use of the U.S. dollar.      Maryland Democrat said.      historic day and said the 3.2  monwealth is not included
            sees affairs in U.S. territories.  Majority Leader Steny Hoy-  After  passing  the  Demo-  million U.S. citizens who live  as an option, a blow to the
            The proposal would commit  er, who has worked on the  crat-controlled  House,  the  on the island lack equality,  main  opposition  Popular
            Congress to accept Puerto  issue throughout his career,  bill now goes to a split Sen-  do  not  have  fair  represen-  Democratic  Party,  which
            Rico into the United States  said it was “a long and tor-  ate where it faces a ticking  tation  in  the  federal  gov-  upholds the status quo.
            as  the  51st  state  if  voters  turous path” to get the pro-  clock before the end of the  ernment  and  cannot  vote  Pablo  José  Hernández  Ri-
            on  the  island  approved  it.  posal to the House floor.  year  and  Republican  law-  in general elections.       vera, an attorney in Puerto
            Voters  also  could  choose  “For far too long, the peo-  makers who have long op-     “This has not been an easy  Rico,  said  approval  of  the
            outright  independence  or  ple  of  Puerto  Rico  have  posed statehood.              fight. We still have work to  bill by the House would be
            independence  with  free  been excluded from the full  Puerto  Rico  Gov.  Pedro  do,” he said. “Our quest to  “inconsequential”  like  the
            association,  whose  terms  promise  of  American  de-    Pierluisi,  of  the  pro-state-  decolonize Puerto Rico is a  approval of previous bills in
            would be defined following  mocracy and self-determi-     hood New Progressive Par-    civil rights issue.”         1998 and 2010.q

             Hacker claims breach of FBI’s critical-infrastructure portal

             By FRANK BAJAK              base  of  InfraGard,  an  FBI-  The hacker posted samples  professionals, military, state  ers.  Krebs  first  reported  its
             AP Technology Writer        run outreach program that  they said were from the da-    and local law enforcement  theft on Tuesday.
             BOSTON  (AP)  —  A  hacker  shares sensitive information  tabase  to  an  online  forum  and  government  officials  The  hacker,  going  by  the
             who  reportedly  posed  as  on  national  security  and  popular with cybercriminals  involved  in  overseeing  the  username  USDoD  on  the
             the  CEO  of  a  financial  in-  cybersecurity  threats  with  last weekend and said they  safety  of  everything  from  BreachForums  site,  said
             stitution claims to have ob-  public officials and private  were asking $50,000 for the  the electrical grid and trans-  on  the  site  that  records  of
             tained access to the more  sector  actors  who  run  U.S.  entire database.           portation,  to  health  care,  only  47,000  of  the  forum’s
             than 80,000-member data-    critical infrastructure.     The  hacker  obtained  ac-   pipelines, nuclear reactors,  members’  —  slightly  more
                                                                      cess  to  InfraGard’s  online  the defense industry, dams  than half — include unique
                                                                      portal  by  posing  as  the  and  water  plants  and  fi-  emails.  The  hacker  also
                                                                      CEO  of  a  financial  institu-  nancial  services.  Founded  posted that the data con-
                                                                      tion, they told independent  in 1996, it is the FBI’s largest  tained neither Social Secu-
                                                                      cybersecurity     journalist  public-private  partnership,  rity  numbers  nor  dates  of
                                                                      Brian Krebs, who broke the  with  local  alliances  affili-  birth.  Although  fields  exist-
                                                                      story.  They  called  the  vet-  ated with all its field offices.  ed in the database for that
                                                                      ting process surprisingly lax.  It  regularly  shares  threat  information, InfraGard’s se-
                                                                      The  FBI  declined  to  com-  advisories from the FBI and  curity-conscious  users  had
                                                                      ment.  Krebs  reported  that  the  Department  of  Home-  left them blank.
                                                                      the agency told him it was  land  Security  and  serves  However,  the  hacker  told
                                                                      aware  of  a  potential  false  as  a  behind-closed-doors  Krebs  that  they  had  been
                                                                      account  and  was  looking  social media site for select  messaging InfraGard mem-
                                                                      into the matter.             insiders.                    bers, posing as the financial
                                                                      InfraGard’s  memberhip  is  The  database  has  the  institution’s  CEO,  to  try  to
                                                                      a  veritable  critical  infra-  names, affiliations and con-  obtain more personal data
            An FBI seal is seen on a wall on Aug. 10, 2022, in Omaha, Neb.  structure  Who’s  Who.  It  in-  tact information for tens of  that  could  be  criminally
                                                     Associated Press   cludes  business  leaders,  IT  thousands of InfraGard us-  weaponized.q
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