Page 14 - Aruba Bank Juli 2 2021
P. 14
a26 obituario/u.s. news
Diabierna 2 Juli 2021
17 hurt as illegal fireworks cache explodes in
Los Angeles
Pasobra B’a salba mi di morto, Bo a warda mi pia
pa mi N’ kai, pa mi por kana den presencia di Dios,
den lus ku ta bida pa hende.
Salmo 56:13
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
(AP) — A cache of home- ing taken to ambulances. However, “improvised explo-
made fireworks exploded as Fireworks are illegal to sell or sives” also were found that were
it was being destroyed by a possess in Los Angeles and in too dangerous to move, the
bomb squad, flipping and unincorporated areas of the chief said. He described them as
damaging cars, smashing county. But “every year, we see 40 home-made devices the size
Anoralit Angelina Roos windows in homes and injur- the devastation and destruction” of Coca-Cola cans with simple
Mihor conoci como: “Nora” ing 17 people, including po- from them, Terazas said. fuses and 200 smaller but simi-
*15-01-1948 - †25-06-2021 lice officers, authorities said. lar devices.
Authorities said the blast il-
Na nomber di su: It could take days to determine lustrated the dangers of under- The material was taken to a “to-
Mama: Jacoba Douglas-Verhoeks why the material exploded in- ground pyrotechnic sales. In tal containment vehicle,” Moore
side an iron containment vessel March, a massive fireworks ex- said. The multi-ton semi-trac-
Yiunan: on a tractor-trailer Wednesday plosion at a home in Ontario, tor trailer rig has a spherical
Ronald y Jeanine Roos- Filiciana night, tearing the rig apart in east of Los Angeles, left two iron chamber that is designed to
Rachelle Roos
what was supposed to be a safe people dead and caused at least safely detonate explosives.
Nietonan: operation to handle explosives $3.2 million in damage.
Arlette Roos y famia, Ronald Roos jr., Rowald Roos, that were too unstable to re- Less than 10 pounds of material
Rodwyn Roos, Ryan Roos y manera nieta Chianti move from a South Los Angeles The explosion came after po- was placed in the chamber, far
Colina neighborhood where tons of il- lice had spent the day disposing less than its safety rating, Moore
legal fireworks were discovered. of about 3,000 to 5,000 pounds said.
Bisanietonan: Jaron, Sequansio, K’Ciana y manera of commercial-grade fireworks
bisa nieta Chrislaine y Allysee Kock “Clearly, protocols were fol- that were found in the home “This vessel should have been
Rumannan: lowed and pursued. But some- following an early-morning tip. able to dispose of that material,”
Arturo y Ramona Verhoeks-Burgos y famia thing happened in that con- Police found some of them on a he said. But instead there was
Ingrid y Carlos Bislip Douglas y famia tainment vessel that should not patio in cartons stacked 8 to 10 a “total, catastrophic failure of
David John (Johnny) Douglas have happened, and we don’t feet high, Moore said. that containment vehicle.”
Frank y Nancy Douglas y famia know why,” Police Chief Mi-
Percy y Hetty Douglas y famia chel Moore said. “But we intend A resident, Arturo Cejas, 27, As a safety measure, police had
Roy Douglas y famia to find out why.” was arrested on suspicion of knocked on doors before the
Linda Douglas y famia
Mike Douglas y famia possessing a destructive device, blast to evacuate homes on both
Rudy Douglas y famia Homes, cars and a laundromat but he also may face charges of sides of the street where the
Dorothy Douglas y famia had windows shattered. One car child endangerment because his truck was parked. But firefight-
Yvonne y Hubert Silva-Roos y famia had its side plowed in and was 10-year-old brother was in the ers later found people in some
Sigfried y Carmen Roos y famia knocked on its side by the force home, Moore said. of the homes, Terrazas said.
Cynthia Roos y famia of the blast, which was heard
two blocks away. It wasn’t immediately known Despite shattered windows, Ter-
Sobrinonan: Percy Solagnier y famia, Hubert
Solagnier y famia, Bryan Solagnier y Sylvie Eman, whether Cejas had an attorney razas said the explosion seemed
Cristina Douglas y famia, David y Daniela Douglas, The blast shortly after 7:30 p.m. who could speak on his behalf. to have caused mainly superfi-
Arturito y Lucianette Verhoeks, Samantha Silva y sent nine police officers and a cial damage to homes, and gas
famia, Ryan Silva y famia, Bryan Maduro y famia, federal Bureau of Alcohol, To- The bomb squad was called be- and water lines were intact.
Gregory Maduro y famia, Shawn Bislick y famia, bacco, Firearms and Explosives cause the large volume of explo-
Jean-Pierre Roos y famia, Genaro Roos y famia officer to the hospital with mi- sives at the home posed an “im- A response team consisting
nor injuries, Fire Chief Ralph minent and real danger” to the of members from around the
Iha: Hubert Solagnier- Rita Escudero- Ghislaine M. Terrazas said. community, Moore said. country would be arriving in
Lampe- Marcela Ardila
town to examine the site and
Ex coleganan di Hospital, bisiñanan Youtube video thumbnail The fireworks cartons were walk through it for an investiga-
Six civilians, ranging from 51 to marked “Made in China.” The tion that could take several days,
Su yiu sin dolor: Nina Brito 85 years old, were taken to the police chief said they were Moore said. The chief also said
hospital, three with minor and bought out of state in order to the blast may have thrown de-
Famia nan: Roos- Douglas-Verhoeks-Solagnier- three with moderate injuries, sell them in the neighborhood bris and possibly dangerous ma-
Bislip- Filiciana- Colina- Kock- Martinez- Cepeda- and one person was examined at for use on the Fourth of July. terial some distance.
Eman- Ángel- Calero- López-Posada-Díaz- Ardila- de
Cuba-Tromp- Scheper- Escudero-Roys-Webb- the scene but wasn’t transport-
Gamara- Schwengle- Krosendijk- Visser- Brokke- ed, fire officials said. Moore said three box trucks and People who spot something sus-
Boerman- Aponte- Marin- Angela- Fingal- Oduber- a 53-foot trailer were brought picious in their yards shouldn’t
Silva-Maduro- Loefstop News reports showed several in to load up the fireworks and touch it but should call police,
women and men on gurneys be- move them to a safe location. he said.
Oportunidad pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home,
diabierna 2 juli 2021 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.
Ta invita pa e acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar
diasabra 3 di juli 2021 na Aurora Funeral Home di
9’or pa 11’or di mainta despues saliendo pa
Santana Protestant na Playa.