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Na opinion di Parlamentario Alvin Molina di MEP: # Special
Mester sigui inverti den diferente — Call To Action Forum —
aspecto pa trece movimento back Discurso di hoben Kay Quandus
na San Nicolas di Aruba na Nacionnan Uni
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Siman pasa den un such as my support network or counselors, do
foro organisa na Nacionnan Uni na New York, not fulfill their roles effectively. They fail to
e dama hoben Kay Quandus di Aruba a tene un ensure that I receive assistance from essential
discurso den perfecto ingles pa e foro aki ded- resources like food banks, neglecting to even
ica na "Call to Action Forum". Aki DIARIO inquire about my well-being. This lack of
ta reproduci completamente e discurso di Kay attention and support leaves me feeling aban-
a duna na tur delegadonan. doned and isolated, compounding the difficul-
"Hi all, as you heard my name is Kay ties I already face as a person with develop-
Quandus, this is my first time in the USA and mental disabilities.
UN so I'm extra nervous. I'll be talking about Despite efforts to advocate for inclusivity
Autism and Mental Health. and equality, systemic bar-
At the age of 15, I riers continue to hinder the
received a diagnosis of full participation and well-
autism following a signifi- being of individuals like
cant crisis. The intensity of myself. It underscores the
this episode left me so pro- urgent need for compre-
foundly overwhelmed that I hensive support systems
experienced memory loss and policies that address
and regressed to function- the holistic needs of indi-
ing at the level of a 5-year- viduals with developmen-
old child for several tal disabilities, ensuring
months. equitable access to health-
This crisis marked the care, financial assistance,
beginning of my journey of and social support.
self-discovery. Not only did The report states that
I learn about my autism enforcing standards of uni-
diagnosis, but I also discov- versal design requires
ered that I was contending with numerous attention not only to physical infrastructure but
mental health conditions associated with it. also better access to assistive devices (e.g.,
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Pa trece desaroyo pariba di Finally having a label for my experiences noise-canceling headphones and weighted
brug y movimento di hende ta necesario pa inverti den allowed me to articulate and comprehend the vests for those with autism). Yet I was almost
diferente aspecto. Na opinion di Alvin Molina, Parla- neglect I endured during my childhood. kicked out of school because of my needs,
which were deemed in comparison to my neu-
Signs of my neurodivergence first emerged
mentario di MEP, e proyectonan grandi (macro) man- when I was just 3 years old. Unfortunately, rotypical peers as excessive.
era un hotel, un industria riba tereno di refineria y ag- these signs were disregarded, and I learned to Moreover, rather than receiving assistance
ricultura como un pilar economico nobo lo genera mas navigate life as best as I could with the limited and accommodations, I encountered resistance
entrada pa caha di pueblo y crea un “spin off” pa varios resources available to me. and hostility from school authorities. The
According to the WHO-UNICEF Global
threat of being expelled loomed over me sim-
negoshi. report of 2023, People with developmental ply because I required additional support to
E proyectonan mes por ehempel, un cancha deport- disabilities are more likely to have obesity, thrive in the educational environment.
It is because of my self-advocacy and the
ivo, embeyecemento, cultura, siguridad den trafico y diabetes, heart and respiratory diseases, and support from a number of teachers that today
mental health conditions. Reading about the
mantencion ta haci e infrastructura mas atractivo y ac- challenges faced by individuals with autism they are more accepting. This however, is not
cesibel. Mas miho e proyectonan macro y meso ta or- and the impact on mental health deeply res- the reality for all students.
These stressors have caused me to face new
ganiza, mas oportunidad tin pa actividadnan (economi- onates with my own journey. The struggles mental-health challenges as I am in constant
with social interactions, sensory sensitivities,
co) micro ta exitoso, entre otro, e negoshinan chikito y and communication difficulties were profound fear of being excluded from participating in
actividadnan social, cultural y deportivo den bario. aspects of my upbringing that I continue to classes. Once again, my support network
Pa logra un bon balans entre e posibel desaroyonan grapple with to this day. which consists of mental-health professionals
are unable to fully understand my situation and
As the report emphasizes, it's crucial that chil-
ta necesario pa profesionalnan guia e proceso basa riba dren and young people with developmental even tell me that it is "normal" for me to face
e deseo di pueblo. Pesey na April 2022, el a entrega un disabilities receive equal access to promotive, challenges in education. I wonder, do my neu-
mocion pa gobierno contrata un “economic developer/ preventive care, and rehabilitation interven- rotypical students truly face these many chal-
lenges? I highly doubt it.
city planner/nation builder/community designer” pa tions, just like other children. Unfortunately, While I appreciate the incremental improve-
my personal experience aligns with this con-
yuda cu e desaroyo pariba di brug for di Pos Chiquito cern. Growing up in an environment that ments in awareness and inclusivity in Aruba, it
te cu Sero Colorado. lacked understanding and support for my is crucial to acknowledge the persistent barri-
ers that individuals with developmental dis-
Un bon ehempel di un proyecto cu lo yuda haci centro unique needs led to a profound sense of isola- abilities continue to face in educational set-
tion and loneliness.
di San Nicolas mas atractivo t’e proyecto di nos Min- Now, as an adult, I still experience the effects tings. It underscores the ongoing need for
ister di Economia Geoffrey Wever. Hunto cu su cole- of this lack of support, particularly in my advocacy and systemic change to ensure equi-
ganan e minister lo ehecuta un plan pa embeyece e area financial situation. My disability benefit falls table access to education for all students,
regardless of their unique needs or abilities.
short of covering both my bills and food
di Arubus na San Nicolas y crea diferente actividad cu expenses, forcing me to make difficult choices My hope is that by acknowledging these
henter famia por gosa di dje, manera deporte, speeltuin and prioritize necessities. This financial strain challenges and advocating for change, we can
y “farmers market”. adds to the challenges I face in accessing prop- create a more compassionate and understand-
ing world for individuals with autism, both
er healthcare.
E ta spera tambe cu e plan aki lo yuda p’e exito di Furthermore, the individuals who are sup- children, and adults, to thrive and find the sup-
Promenade contagia e parti mas pariba di mainstreet. posed to guide me through these challenges, port they deserve.
Minister Wever a duna oido na mi peticion door di co-
labora cu e arkitecto local Raffy Kock cu ta un “city Telefonnan di DIARIO
planner” gradua na Universidad di Delft. Danki na nos
Minister di Economia pa yuda cu e desaroyo di centro 582-6747
di San Nicolas y pa duna oido na mi mocion.