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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 16 Februari 2022

                          Turkey’s flag flies high as Erdogan’s Dubai trip marks reset

            (AP)  —  Turkey’s  red  flag  illu-  Expo  site    to  celebrate  Turkish  cul-
            minated buildings in the United  ture and history at the World’s Fair.
            Arab Emirates and flew high in a  Visitors at Expo were given Turkey’s
            ceremony in Dubai on Tuesday as  red and white crescent-and-star flag
            President Recep Tayyip Erdogan  to wave as Erdogan toured Turkey’s
            spent a second day in the once ad-  pavilion following a Turkish musical
            versarial  country  mending  rela-  performance  under  the  fair’s  main
            tions and deepening commercial  dome. Standing before a select audi-
            ties.                               ence,  Erdogan  praised  the  UAE  for
                                                being the first Arab country to host
            The  new  page  in  UAE-Turkey  rela-  the World’s Fair.
            tions  points  to  a  wider  reset  in  re-
            gional  strategies  following  a  decade  It’s a stark pivot from only a year or
            of  strained  ties  and  proxy  wars  that  so  ago,  when  it  was  anyone’s  guess
            played  out  between  the  two  coun-  whether  Turkey  would  even  have  a
            tries.  Turkey’s  support  for  Islamists  presence  at  Dubai’s  Expo.  As  rela-
            during  Arab  Spring  protests  roiled  tions soured, prominent officials and
            Abu Dhabi’s leadership, which views  government  supporters  from  both
            the Muslim Brotherhood and its off-  sides traded jabs and insults over so-
            shoots  as  an  existential  threat  to  its  cial media and in state-aligned press
            style of autocratic hereditary rule. So  outlets.
            deep was their animosity that Ankara                                    back  last  year  of  an  unprecedented  the form of more Gulf Arab tourists.
            suspects the UAE backed a network  Now,  these  same  social  media  ac-  and largely unsuccessful embargo of  Dubai’s low-cost carrier flydubai an-
            behind the failed coup targeting Er-  counts  are  tweeting  under  hashtags  Qatar over its support for Islamists in  nouncing  Tuesday  it  would  expand
            dogan in 2016.                      hailing the renewed ties, sharing vid-  the region and its ties with Iran. Qa-  the  number  of  flights  to  Istanbul
                                                eos of Emiratis speaking Turkish and  tar  was  supported  by  Turkey,  which  from seven to 12 per week.
            In other signs of a political shift, Er-  championing a performance in Turk-  beefed  up  its  troop  presence  in  the
            dogan has plans to visit Saudi Arabia  ish  by  the  Emirates’  most  famous  country. Like Iran, Turkey rushed to  Speaking  to  investors  and  business
            sometime  in  February  following  a  singer Hussain al-Jasmi at the piano.  support the tiny but wealthy gas-rich  people  in  Abu  Dhabi,  Erdogan  said
            deep strain in ties and will welcome  The  world’s  tallest  tower,  Dubai’s  Gulf Arab state with essential imports  Turkey  and  the  UAE  had  a  “com-
            Israel’s president next month.      Burj Khalifa, lit up in the colors of the  in the first days of the economic and  mon  will”  to  increase  trade  and  in-
            The  pomp  and  Turkish  flag-waving  Turkish flag to mark Erdogan’s visit  political boycott.              vestments,  following  the  signing  of
            cavalry  that  greeted  Erdogan  a  day  while  commuters  on  Dubai’s  main  The  rebuilding  of  ties  with  Turkey  13 agreements Monday. Erdogan said
            earlier for his meeting with Abu Dha-  highway drove under a sign praising  signals  a  wider  UAE  strategy  to  use  the UAE was Turkey’s top trade part-
            bi Crown Prince and de facto leader,  the bilateral ties.               economic  cooperation,  and  its  oil  ner in the Gulf.
            Sheikh  Mohammed  bin  Zayed  Al  Senior  Emirati  diplomat  and  advi-  wealth, as a main tool to recalibrate
            Nahyan,  continued  on  in  Dubai,  sor, Anwar Gargash, noted on Twitter  its  foreign  policy  posture,  particu-  The UAE had agreed in January to a
            which  positions  itself  as  the  UAE’s  that the warm reception Erdogan has  larly in the face of continued tensions  currency swap deal of nearly $5 bil-
            globally alluring tourism and finance  received is a result of the “fruits of the  with  Iran  and  a  new  administration  lion  to  boost  Turkey’s  depleted  for-
            hub.                                hard work undertaken by the UAE to  in  Washington  seeking  to  re-enter  eign  exchange  reserves.  During  the
                                                promote  an  agenda  of  stability  and  nuclear talks.                 Abu  Dhabi  crown  prince’s  break-
            Erdogan was greeted by Dubai ruler  prosperity.”                                                            through visit to Turkey last fall, Emi-
            and  UAE  Prime  Minister  Sheikh                                       For Erdogan, it comes as Turkey faces  rati officials said the UAE would set
            Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum  The reset in ties was undertaken by  an  economic  crisis  and  a  depreciat-  aside  $10  billion  for  investment  in
            at  the  emirate’s  multibillion-dollar  the UAE following  a Saudi-led roll-  ing  currency.  Help  could  come  in  Turkey.

                                 Some troops near Ukraine leaving; dialogue to go on

            (AP) — Russian President  West  tensions  in  decades,  nied  having  such  plans,  de-  Speaking  after  meeting  with  eryone knows that very well,”
            Vladimir Putin said Tues-    Washington and its European  manding  that  the  West  keep  German  Chancellor  Olaf  Putin  retorted  that  Moscow
            day he welcomed a securi-    allies remained cautious, say-  Ukraine and other ex-Soviet  Scholz,  Putin  said  the  West  will not be assuaged by such
            ty dialogue with the West  ing they want to see evidence  nations  out  of  the  alliance,  agreed  to  discuss  a  ban  on  assurances.
            as  his  military  reported  of a Russian pullback.       halt  weapons  deployments  missile  deployment  to  Eu-
            pulling  back  some  of  its                              near  Russian  borders,  and  rope, restrictions on military  He went on to argue NATO
            troops  near  Ukraine  —  The  U.S.  and  NATO  have  roll back forces from Eastern  drills  and  other  confidence-  expansion  violates  the  prin-
            signals  that  may  indicate  warned  that  over  130,000  Europe.                     building  measures  —  issues  ciple  of  the  indivisibility  of
            the Kremlin has opted for  Russian  forces  massed  near                               that Moscow had put on the  security  enshrined  in  inter-
            a diplomatic path for now  Ukraine could invade at any  The  U.S.  and  its  allies  have  table years ago.         national documents.
            despite  Western  fears  of  time,  and  they  sent  troops  roundly  rejected  the  de-                            Scholz  also  said  diplomatic
            an  imminent  Russian  in-   and military supplies to shore  mands,  but  offered  Russia  He  said  Russia  is  open  to  options  are  “far  from  ex-
            vasion of its neighbor.      up NATO members in East-     to engage in talks on ways to  discuss  “some  of  those  ele-  hausted,” and praised the an-
                                         ern  Europe.  Russia  has  de-  bolster security in Europe.  ments,”  but  added  that  it  nouncement of a troop with-
            Putin  said  he  doesn’t  want                                                         would only do that “in com-  drawal  as  a  “good  signal,”
            war  and  would  rely  on  ne-                                                         plex with the main issues that  adding: “We hope that more
            gotiations  as  he  presses  his                                                       are of primary importance for  will follow.”
            demand for the West to halt                                                            us.”
            Ukraine’s bid to join NATO.                                                                                         The  Russian  Defense  Min-
            At  the  same  time,  he  didn’t                                                       Asked if there could be a war  istry released images of tanks
            commit to a full pullback of                                                           in  Europe,  Putin  said  Rus-  and  howitzers  rolling  onto
            troops,  saying  Russia’s  next                                                        sia  doesn’t  want  it  but  said  railway  platforms  and  more
            moves  in  the  standoff  will                                                         Ukraine’s bid to join NATO  tanks  rolling  across  snowy
            depend on how the situation                                                            posed a major security threat  fields.  It  did  not  disclose
            evolves.                                                                               to his country.              where  or  when  the  images
                                                                                                                                were  taken,  or  where  the
            While the overtures soothed                                                            While  Scholz  reiterated  that  vehicles  were  headed,  other
            global markets that have been                                                          NATO’s eastward expansion  than “to places of permanent
            on edge amid the worst East-                                                           “is not on the agenda -- ev-  deployment.”
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