Page 18 - solo
P. 18
Pagina 18 Diamars 3 Maart 2015
Pagina Jan de Ruijter.....
Duurzaam en sustainable zijn de kroonjuwelen University of Regensburg tells that the Romans While war and fear plagued Europe, climate
in het beleid van de regering Mike Eman. Een eventually ran into an enemy even they could conditions were however ideal in Central
goede reden om die zaken eens wat nader not vanquish: “Over the long-term there was America, and civilizations there blossomed
te onderzoeken. Vaste columnist voor Solo di one opponent that became so strong that even (22:00). At the 22:30 mark we see the Nazca
Pueblo, Jan de Ruijter meldt elke maandag the Romans could not conquer it, and that was Lines (before they were ruined by Greenpeace).
in deze nieuwe rubriek wat experts en climate change.” By 900 AD, natural climate change struck the
wetenschappers schrijven in de De Dagelijkse After the passage of time, solar activity Central American region again as prolonged
Standaard (DDS) over de waarheden, became weaker and the Gulf current delivered droughts ground down the once mighty Latin
onwaarheden, fabeltjes en fantasma’s van less heat.” This, the documentary says, led American cultures (22:45). What was behind
de begrippen duurzaam en sustainable. Voor to a “clear [natural] cooling (9:00)“. Already in the sudden change? At the 23:20 mark the
commentaar: Part 2 of the documentary we see that climate documentary again points at the sun.
temperature changes of 2°C over a matter of
MIKE EMAN MAG MET RICHARD decades were nothing unusual – and were all Responsible was solar activity.
BRANSON MEE DE RUIMTE IN, owing to natural factors that scientists today
KLIMAATVERANDERINGEN ZIJN refuse to acknowledge are in play. Medieval Warm Period by the sun
DOOR CO2 !! (deel 2) Cold…fall of Roman Empire At the 24.15 mark the sun is at a maximum
activity (800 AD). It radiates especially strong
Verleden week publiceerde ik het eerste deel As the cooler temperatures began to take over and the blue planet gradually begins to heat
van de nieuwe documentaire during the Roman period, catastrophic colds up.
‘de Geschiedenis van Klimaatverandering’ took hold and crop failures led to starvation.
dat over de klimaatgeschiedenis tot aan het Rome was under pressure to supply food to its Mike Eman met een one-way
Romijnse Rijk ging (476 n.Chr.). Duidelijk was remote territories and outposts. ticket de ruimte in
dat klimaatsveranderingen altijd natuurlijk To illustrate the degree hardship, scientists
verliepen en zelfs vaak binnen enkele decennia analyzed the bones of a north German De vaste lezers van deze column in Solo
heel dramatisch konden zijn. Warme periodes teenager uncovered from the swamps(10:10). di Pueblo lezen in elke aflevering steeds
gingen gepaard met regen en welvaart, in DNA analysis of the arm and leg bones showed weer dat opwarming van de aarde, en
koude periodes zagen we droogte, mislukte severe malnutrition. Twelve of the child’s 14 klimaatsveranderingen volkomen natuurlijk
oogsten, massamigratie en politieke en sociale years were spent in a state of “severe hunger”. zijn en bijzonder gecompliceerd in elkaar
instabiliteit. As had happened many times over the course zitten. In ieder geval heeft het veel en veel
of history, mass migrations occurred as cold meer met zonne-bestraling te maken dan met
Het warme Romeinse Rijk led to crop failures. CO2-uitstoot. En al het duurzame energie
Just before the end of the Roman Empire in geleuter is verbonden aan de kletspraatjes
De extreem koude periode van 1200 v.Chr. 476 AD., these migrations were facilitated as over CO2-uitstoot.
duurde honderden jaren tot er in 350 v.Chr. natural borders and barriers such as large Mike Eman behoort tot de kring van Grote
weer meer neerslag kwam in het Midden- rivers and marshes (moerassen) froze over Oplichters van Al Gore, Richard Branson, Jan
Oosten en Noord-Afrika wat daar een paradijs and allowed people easily walk across them Peter Balkenende en Ed Nijpels. En daarom
van oogsten bracht en tot de opkomst van het (11:40). For example in the year 406 AD, 90,000 moeten we Mike Eman meesturen in de Virgin
Romeinse rijk leidde. Germanic tribes people crossed a Frozen Galactic waarmee Richard Branson binnenkort
100 jaar v.Chr. ging de temperatuur op aarde Rhine river and into Roman territory (11:58) in vanuit New Mexico het space toerisme gaat
weer goed omhoog; het werd 2°C warmer a single day. Bit by bit the Roman Empire was beginnen......... met een enkele reis de ruimte
dan 100 jaar voor die tijd en dat is een dubbele invaded before collapsing ushering in the post in.
stijging vergeleken met de stijging die we vanaf Roman dark ages.
1990 hebben meegemaakt en veroorzaakte De hele AVP mag meevliegen...... het
sterke economische groei. llopango eerste testvliegtuig van Branson knalde
At the 4:30 mark the documentary tells us uitelkaar.
that glaciers in the Alps melted and allowed This dark period was made worse further by Wordt vervolgd
the Romans to expand their empire all the way the mega-eruption of llopango in El Salvador
to Scotland. The warm period also took hold (13:02), which led to written records of
globally, says the documentary, and was not a extreme cold and darkness in the year 536
regional phenomena. The documentary shows AD. Scientists believe the eruption ejected 84
at the 5:40 mark how the Chinese Empire cubic kilometers of ash into the atmosphere,
blossomed at around 200 BC. All thanks to the destroying everything within a 1000 km radius
sun. and darkening the skies over Europe and even
Surprisingly at the 8:38 mark, the documentary China. Ash from the llopango eruption is even
tells viewers something that has long been seen in ice cores from Antarctica (15:55). The
taboo: material reached into the stratosphere and
caused an “18-month long climate anomaly
Every climate change is controlled of cold and darkness“. Millions of people of
from outer space. people died as a result.
As fear gripped the planet and nature regained
It depends on the earth’s orbit around the sun, the upper hand, the conditions became ideal
the tilt of its axis and on the predominant solar for religions to thrive, warning of the wrath of
activity. And finally at the 8:24 mark German God and offering the hope of salvation (20:00).
researcher Gunther Hischfelder of the
Rise of Central American